i have to make this quick cause the deadline
has arrived... this is my neato colly....
if you want one of these fine pieces of art, :huhert:
email me at hysteric@industryone.net, i make them
free of charge...
,aP ,sPs.
:.,. ,aSs , SsPSsaPSs,aPSsP Ss,.
::. , , ,a, , ,:
::i ,b ::
::i b sS aS i::
::i h s sd d a, i::
::: y ,s , b ,s i::
::,aa. , SSSSs. i::
s s,b s,a ,aa.,ab.,a. :
.dSsssssss a ss s ss.ds
,. it says insanity... .,
cut here
greetz to no one...
here is your ascii for insanity.... color it if you want....
,s,aSSsSSsSSsPSsP ssSSsPSsPSsPs,sx.
d ,b b,
s a b
s sS ,sa. b
, ., s b.d h
,s ssS,a@ SS yd
,a, sss,a b,
cut here
greetz, all the dudes in purg, ect.....i guess...
ascii for catharsis, name of ascii nocturnal desire....
,s ,SsSsSSsPsS ,sSSsS ,s s
b., s.
, b
s. b . s S
,s d@ , ,
.,ass .d
cut here
greetz, all the dudes in purg, ect.....i guess...
ascii for phobiuh, name of the ascii is fluph.....
,s ,sSSs ,sSs ,sSSsS Ss.sPSsPSsSSs,sPs.,sSSs ,s
b., ,
.sss . .a s h
,s s ,b .sy
, s ,sS s s b ,d
, s,s. b s d ,s
,s dssSb d @s .s
aaas a aaaa ,s .d
cut here
greetz, all the dudes in purg, ect.....i guess...
ascii for atombomb, name of ascii is the outpost......
,s s s d
b d , ,
cut here
greetz, all the dudes in purg, ect.....i guess...
ascii for someone in ascii...i fergot...it says blank... kinda sucks...ah well
, d
.aS .sh
,s y
b. , s ,ss
cut here
greetz, all the dudes in purg, ect.....i guess...
ascii for someone ...i fergot...it says cap... kinda sucks...ah well