yuuuu u uuuu uuyuyuyuyuuuuyuyuyuyuyuuyuuyuyuyuy y y y yuyuyuyuyuyuyu uuyuyuy
..ii.ii ii ,C i iSS, ii ,C il ii
: l l l Ssll lS li iill i llsS Sl S:
...:.lsC l l sss ll lsss l lS l lS l sss Sl....:..
:........: p o l yester cant be streched :...:
..part a: black and white............................................,.....:
: ::.: : : polyesters premiere pack. whoa. werd. this pack is going to rock... ...:
: greets: dw, hellfire, extriate, dreuss, trahma, illvybe, riptide, ...:
: mud, social, illusionx, sulphur, demon, sb, jp, napalm, mr. mister, :
: z0diac2 emberman, discyple, thcl1, bc, mmouse and acolyte! UND THE.: : : ::...:
: I. Table of contents tk1296a.asc :
: a :: polyester logo newskewl : :
: b :: international warez crew newskewl :DD:N : c :: polyester logo newskewl :..:
: d :: affinity logo my personal favorite newskewl :.::
: e :: polyester logo newskewl ..::
:.......................................................................: :DD:N : : ...:..: ... .. . :..:.:..: . ... . . . . .... : :..:: :..:
: welcome to tks colly: ascii! okay okay, i know i left out a fewv my pals
: in the greetings, but i am amnesiac, and i cant remember their names, soo
: ..you want to know about the elitest ascii artist around? you want to know
: some of the stuff that the fbi doesnt know about me? well, read on.. and
: if you play this ascii file backwards a few times, maybe you will hear the
: hidden message!
: lately, ive been getting many requests. i dont know if its what all as-
: cii artists encounter, or if its just because im speshl? ascii is just a
: thing i do in spare time@! i started this ascii business three weeks ago
: in a one bedroom apartment. and now look at me! im making thousands of
: at home, and YOU can too!
: requirements: you have to be good at ascii
: shit! where did everyone go!? its not like im requesting their lives...
: or maybe they just suck at ascii. maybe i should get off of this subject,
: before i get flamed.
: ah, anyways, i would like to thank these NONliving devices.
: computer: after all, where would i be? if there wasnt a computer, i would
: have committed suicide already. :
: oh shit, im running out of things to greet. OH NO. this is BAD.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..............................................................................: :........................................ end of the lousy documentation .... ::.: : :: ::.. HBKay ansi i run a group, can i have ops? :: : flair taura how do i start a group? :: :... flair os2warez is this an os/2 shareware channel? :: : .. timothy roach give me back my channel, or i will deop you! :: :.: tKpoly i made a big anis! but it was shit! :: :.:..: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: famous scene quotations@?!@@ ::: : :DD: : :. ,sSSs,,sns,si ,s ,sSSs,,sSSss ,sSSs,sSis, :.:. MMN i Ss i i S si
: : ii ii Mii Ss iii :iSs, Ss, Lii LL
:..: iiSiLi iLi isiiLiSSiLLii iciiS S
::.: LLtk!LLi iiLLLi li, ii ,
:::::::::ascii a :: polyester logo above :::::::::::::::: newskewl:::::::: ::.:
::.. ,s c s
::.: ss4ssss, ss, ,sS
::.. Sss sPPPsss, : SSss.SsKKKKm Ss,
: .. s , . sss.smmm S,s,SS
:.: ss Sessssms ---------
:..: inte r Ma warezmmmmmmmm 1s9 96
::.. -- ----msM ss Sem e.s-----
: ,sMkS e mmmmmmmmmms,
: .. ,SmsCCs s ss TKs sssss
:.: , s,SS .. iiii s
: :D S, s ss iwc international warez crew ,ss
::...::::ascii b :: atlantis ::::::::::::::: above :::::: newskewl:::::::: : :..:
:.:. pOlyesters literature view version 1.0 professional
:::D SSS,s
: :. ,mSSs,S,sSs, ,b
:.:. ,SSSSSSSSs,ssSSSSss, b,S ,ss
:::: S S SS,bSs
:..: Sb,,, ,
:..: mm,S, mms, Ssmm
::.. SS b,SsSSSs, S,
:::::::::ascii c :: polyester :::::::::::::: above :::::: newskewl:::::::: :..: :
::.: ,qQSG ,gQ,g,,gQg, , ,gQ ,gQ Qg,
::.. ,gQkkkkSSSSS
:..: sssss TKSSSsSS,sS
::.. mmmmmmm ,s, ss mmmmm
::.. sssssssss affinity s s sssssSSSssSSs,ssS
::...::::ascii d :: affinity ::::::::::::::: above :::::: newskewl:::::::: :..: :
::.: ,s s,S - stayin alive!
: : sssSSSSSSSSSS,S Sg,,gQQg,SS,sSlllSS
:..: mm sSSllSSlssssl SSlllSSsSSS
::.. ,s SSSlSSl,sssSl,SSSSSSSllSS
:.: ,sSSssssSlSlsl sSSSlllSS
:..: SSsssssSSSSSSlls
:.: SSlSSSSSSSlllSSss Ss
:..: s, SSlSSSSSlllSSsSs s,
::.. s,s Ss,SSSllSSsSSTK,s s
::...::::ascii e :: polyester w/ disco ::: above :::::: newskewl:::::::: :.: : : :..: finally. its over. i know that youre happy, and that youre glad : ::.: you have some extra tylenol in the cubboard. again, thanks to every- : ::.: one for the support that they gave me. : ::...: : :.: tK polyester productions : : ...: : :.: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Polyester Illustrated Copyright C 1996. : This is line one hundred fifty eight.
This is line one hundred fifty nine.