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Phobia PLF art division presents the may art package 1997
News of may 1997
April was a great month for the group to gather and now our
crew is strong and produces greater art then ever. But we
still can get better and thats why we need more ansi pic
artists for the comming packs.
Our ascii division made a great lost this month. MSO left us
for the leadership in oOPS!ascii. THAT ONE SUCKED MSO!!!@
But our ansi division is getting even stronger just as I bym
am drawing like heaven whould break and all the phobia artists more beautifull than ever, now in the light of our new light
designer raider aka. yeti :
Darkwing has joined and is starting stronger than I thought
with a great x2000 and lemming pic.
I also whould like to thank ZeusII and Wierdo for jointing up
this pack too be the best pack in poffelipoff history.
Some words from flexor
This month has been a great month!!
We have nice guest/joint ansis in this package by good ansi
artists. Me and BYM has been very active too i guess , we
did 1 joint together and BYM has also been a great help in
touchups on my ansi pictures.
But even if we are the BEST :, we still need more artists
just as BYM said!
Oh btw.. BEWARE ... i heard that Prodigys new record will be
out this month MAY, hope that the rumors are TRUE! BUY! BUY!
Over and out...
Members of plf art division
flexor founder/ansi
splash founder/ansi
big yellow man coordinator/plf vice president/ansi
puppiluppan plf president/ansi
lord spatter ansi
krazie ansi
catonica ansi
oddball ansi
helix ascii
hexagon ascii
dezeit ascii
human vox ascii
darkwing ansi
mr q vga
litium vga
stinger vga
zavior vga
mooseart vga
* emails and abbrevations in 0597info.ans *
information: big yellow man, flexor
layout: big yellow man
light design: raider
phobia - plf art division may 1997
News of may 1997
April was a great month for the group to gather and now our
crew is strong and produces greater art then ever. But we
still can get better and thats why we need more ansi pic
artists for the comming packs.
Our ascii division made a great lost this month. MSO left us
for the leadership in oOPS!ascii. THAT ONE SUCKED MSO!!!@
But our ansi division is getting even stronger just as I bym
am drawing like heaven whould break and all the phobia artists more beautifull than ever, now in the light of our new light
designer raider aka. yeti :
Darkwing has joined and is starting stronger than I thought
with a great x2000 and lemming pic.
I also whould like to thank ZeusII and Wierdo for jointing up
this pack too be the best pack in poffelipoff history.
Some words from flexor
This month has been a great month!!
We have nice guest/joint ansis in this package by good ansi
artists. Me and BYM has been very active too i guess , we
did 1 joint together and BYM has also been a great help in
touchups on my ansi pictures.
But even if we are the BEST :, we still need more artists
just as BYM said!
Oh btw.. BEWARE ... i heard that Prodigys new record will be
out this month MAY, hope that the rumors are TRUE! BUY! BUY!
Over and out...
Members of plf art division
flexor founder/ansi
splash founder/ansi
big yellow man coordinator/plf vice president/ansi
puppiluppan plf president/ansi
lord spatter ansi
krazie ansi
catonica ansi
oddball ansi
helix ascii
hexagon ascii
dezeit ascii
human vox ascii
darkwing ansi
mr q vga
litium vga
stinger vga
zavior vga
mooseart vga
* emails and abbrevations in 0597info.ans *
information: big yellow man, flexor
layout: big yellow man
light design: raider
phobia - plf art division may 1997
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