this image contains text
release inpho!
name: OVT-0496.ZIP...........................01/04/96 :release datedmy
nrelease: 8th...................................Count Drakula :packager
ovt inpho!
ovation! is a art only group, it has its origins in triloxy and still
is a sub-label of tly, yet ovt is almost a independant group.
any kind of graph-artists are welcome in ovation ans,asc,vga,rip,lit
the lit artists, must be able to enhance their lit with some fine ansi
work. you can apply at the triloxy apply hq! starting artists are also
welcome and well be glad to help them develop their skills.
well try to release a pack every 2 months, i know ...ive skipped quite
a lot of packs in tly, but that was due to personal problems, it wont
happen again...i hope :
requests nfo!
Some info on how to request artwork. As we have quite a lot foreign
artists, Ive worked out some sort of structure to keep it possible
to run the group, For every country there is coordination Hq, where
a request ppe is installed. On that board you can request ansis from
all artists living in that certain country. So in belgium you can
only request belgian artwork. If you want art from a foreign member
youll have to make an ld-call, because for some artists its just
impossible to call ld...
a list of where to request art is included further in this file.
CD. Count Drakula....coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Belgium....
SF. Speed Freak......coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Belgium....
XS. Excess...........coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Argentinia.
LOC Locutus..........coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Swiss......
SR. Skull Razor......coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Netherlands
if you want a staff function you can always ask me, but believe me,
its hard work.
the triloxy member list may indicate other coordinators, but these are
the real ones :
abrv. handle skills contributions this pack
BJ Bail Jumper.........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
CD. Count Drakula.......ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......12/oo/oo/oo/oo.
CR. Cigaro..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
CS. Cyclops.............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/o3/oo/oo.
DD. Diamond Darrel......ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......o7/o9/oo/oo/oo.
GN. Gavilon.............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
HC. Hacker..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......o2/o4/oo/oo/oo.
HC. Herr Cichlid........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
LOC Locutus.............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
PC. Pyroclasm...........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......o2/oo/oo/oo/oo.
PS. Psych0..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/o2/oo/oo/oo.
RAV Raver...............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
SF. Speed Freak.........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/o4/oo/oo/oo.
SPH Sphere..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
SR. Skull Razor.........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/o3/oo/oo/oo.
TO. The Oppressor.......ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
WL. Warlock.............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
WAV Wave................ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
XS. Excess..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......o2/o1/oo/oo/oo.
ToT Total...............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......27/23/o3/oo/oo
new................... inactive.................. final warning
in alphabetical order
abrv. handle boardname/inet-address/...
BJ. Bail Jumper.........bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
CD. Count Drakula.......bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
CR. Cigaro..............bbs....Smoke...........Sysop.....+54 1 4852915
bbs....Cool............Requester.+54 1 8664987
CS. Cyclops.............bbs....The Outpost.....Requester +32 3 8872628
DD. Diamond Darrel......bbs....Cool............Requester.+54 1 8664987
GN. Gavilon.............bbs....Cool............Requester.+54 1 8664987
HC. Hacker..............bbs....Promised lands..Cosys.....+32 50 624639
bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
HC. Herr Cichlid........bbs.............................................
LOC Locutus.............bbs....Neutral Zone....Sysop.....+41 32 41886o
PC. Pyroclasm...........bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
RAV Raver...............bbs....Neutral Zone....Requester.+41 32 41886o
SF. Speed Freak.........bbs....Sacred Grounds..Sysop.....+32 11 273ooo
SPH Sphere..............bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
SR. Skull Razor.........bbs....The Outpost.....Sysop.....+31 3451164o2
TO. The Oppressor.......bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
WL. Warlock.............bbs....Mental disaster.Sysop.....+54 1 8664987
bbs....Cool............Requester.+54 1 8664987
WAV Wave................bbs....Neutral Zone....Sysop.....+41 32 41886o
XS. Excess..............bbs....Cool............Sysop.....+54 1 8664987
in alphabetical order
acid, ice, integrity dead?, phat, fuel, cow, cow-net users, bdp, xpa
and all other cool art-groups!
in no particular order
the end!
release inpho!
name: OVT-0496.ZIP...........................01/04/96 :release datedmy
nrelease: 8th...................................Count Drakula :packager
ovt inpho!
ovation! is a art only group, it has its origins in triloxy and still
is a sub-label of tly, yet ovt is almost a independant group.
any kind of graph-artists are welcome in ovation ans,asc,vga,rip,lit
the lit artists, must be able to enhance their lit with some fine ansi
work. you can apply at the triloxy apply hq! starting artists are also
welcome and well be glad to help them develop their skills.
well try to release a pack every 2 months, i know ...ive skipped quite
a lot of packs in tly, but that was due to personal problems, it wont
happen again...i hope :
requests nfo!
Some info on how to request artwork. As we have quite a lot foreign
artists, Ive worked out some sort of structure to keep it possible
to run the group, For every country there is coordination Hq, where
a request ppe is installed. On that board you can request ansis from
all artists living in that certain country. So in belgium you can
only request belgian artwork. If you want art from a foreign member
youll have to make an ld-call, because for some artists its just
impossible to call ld...
a list of where to request art is included further in this file.
CD. Count Drakula....coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Belgium....
SF. Speed Freak......coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Belgium....
XS. Excess...........coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Argentinia.
LOC Locutus..........coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Swiss......
SR. Skull Razor......coordinator/packager/recruiter/founder.Netherlands
if you want a staff function you can always ask me, but believe me,
its hard work.
the triloxy member list may indicate other coordinators, but these are
the real ones :
abrv. handle skills contributions this pack
BJ Bail Jumper.........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
CD. Count Drakula.......ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......12/oo/oo/oo/oo.
CR. Cigaro..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
CS. Cyclops.............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/o3/oo/oo.
DD. Diamond Darrel......ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......o7/o9/oo/oo/oo.
GN. Gavilon.............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
HC. Hacker..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......o2/o4/oo/oo/oo.
HC. Herr Cichlid........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
LOC Locutus.............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
PC. Pyroclasm...........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......o2/oo/oo/oo/oo.
PS. Psych0..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/o2/oo/oo/oo.
RAV Raver...............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
SF. Speed Freak.........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/o4/oo/oo/oo.
SPH Sphere..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
SR. Skull Razor.........ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/o3/oo/oo/oo.
TO. The Oppressor.......ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
WL. Warlock.............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
WAV Wave................ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......oo/oo/oo/oo/oo.
XS. Excess..............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......o2/o1/oo/oo/oo.
ToT Total...............ansi/ascii/vga/rip/lit.......27/23/o3/oo/oo
new................... inactive.................. final warning
in alphabetical order
abrv. handle boardname/inet-address/...
BJ. Bail Jumper.........bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
CD. Count Drakula.......bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
CR. Cigaro..............bbs....Smoke...........Sysop.....+54 1 4852915
bbs....Cool............Requester.+54 1 8664987
CS. Cyclops.............bbs....The Outpost.....Requester +32 3 8872628
DD. Diamond Darrel......bbs....Cool............Requester.+54 1 8664987
GN. Gavilon.............bbs....Cool............Requester.+54 1 8664987
HC. Hacker..............bbs....Promised lands..Cosys.....+32 50 624639
bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
HC. Herr Cichlid........bbs.............................................
LOC Locutus.............bbs....Neutral Zone....Sysop.....+41 32 41886o
PC. Pyroclasm...........bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
RAV Raver...............bbs....Neutral Zone....Requester.+41 32 41886o
SF. Speed Freak.........bbs....Sacred Grounds..Sysop.....+32 11 273ooo
SPH Sphere..............bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
SR. Skull Razor.........bbs....The Outpost.....Sysop.....+31 3451164o2
TO. The Oppressor.......bbs....Sacred Grounds..Requester.+32 11 273ooo
WL. Warlock.............bbs....Mental disaster.Sysop.....+54 1 8664987
bbs....Cool............Requester.+54 1 8664987
WAV Wave................bbs....Neutral Zone....Sysop.....+41 32 41886o
XS. Excess..............bbs....Cool............Sysop.....+54 1 8664987
in alphabetical order
acid, ice, integrity dead?, phat, fuel, cow, cow-net users, bdp, xpa
and all other cool art-groups!
in no particular order
the end!
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