this image contains text
t e m p u s h e l l f i r e
As seen on irc..
Justas seen
the fist of god.
..coma is a frynge distrobution site..
Sea Of Black
i think not.
Well thats the like end of my colly.. sorry for some
of the like shit work in there, but i didnt have much
chance to use my wonderful imagination on logos like
a.. hehe.. ah well.. catch me on irc.
Tempus Hellfire / Tryptonic IRC Nick.
Oasis 96.
t e m p u s h e l l f i r e
As seen on irc..
Justas seen
the fist of god.
..coma is a frynge distrobution site..
Sea Of Black
i think not.
Well thats the like end of my colly.. sorry for some
of the like shit work in there, but i didnt have much
chance to use my wonderful imagination on logos like
a.. hehe.. ah well.. catch me on irc.
Tempus Hellfire / Tryptonic IRC Nick.
Oasis 96.
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