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Not this time kid. No flashy logo up top, no flashy statements..
this is the beginning of the end for noname.
Who wouldve thought, when 13 months ago.... myself and Polymorph
got together after the death of oasis, and formed Noname.. that it would become
what it is now? Not me, I had high hopes, and dreams for something big. But
never did i think it would come this far. But now, here we are, 10 months, and
10 packs later.. wondering where all the time went.
If you look back at the first Noname compilation.. I believe 9 artists
participated.. we were hot shit after that pack, people started frothing at
the mouth and asking for more.. I was so excited to release the pack, that i
even put an app generator in, when we were an invite only group. Now, theres
been people come and gone.. and 27 were left standing as of Noname 9. The
excitement left me.. the pressure got to me, and so explains the fate of the
ever-present Noname Brand Ascii. I dont regret a damned minute of it.
Noname made Trank sweat. And after the big merger, Noname remained for
5 more months, including this one.. to make Remorse sweat. Dont get me wrong
when I say this.. because Trank and Remorse made our collective balls sweat to,
the thing is.. * NO ONE * expected Noname to be this big, and to leave this hugea mark on the PC ascii scene.. we gained the respect we deserved, and the
quality of the releases just got better, as did ALL of the artists. Im proud
when i see people saying noname -- the best group ever and i wanted to join
so much, and now its dead. Well, I apologize for that.. I apologize for not
giving those people who wanted to be a part of noname the chance. So, Nonames
10th compilation gives you that chance.. it features art from almost everyone onascii, and all those who liked what we did for the last 10 months. To those ofyou who didnt participate in this pack.. Im sorry you had to miss the chance.
Im not going to release a member list this month. Simply because weve
released more then enough member lists. Noname had the most highly skilled new
schoolers in the world today, and our old school wasnt to shabby either.. yet
it still left much to be desired. This pack is to say good-bye, not to show
off, or disrespect anyone.. were here to pay our respects to the ascii scene,
and to thank you the people for treating us so well during our stay.
Thank you.
After the release of this pack, Noname is dead.. and will be merging
into Serial!a. Why?.. because Sargon is worthy of keeping the competition
between Remorse 1981 and Noname alive, even though the name is different.. The
legend lives on in Serial!a.. and hey, whats an ascii scene without burning
competition? not a whole lot. There are only a few things i can hope to see
from this.. yet the only relevant one is that those from Noname keep releasing
through Serial, in the name of the Noname Pimpedia.
And so.. to the end of an epic we come. Thanks again, to all of you..
and to the those who were Noname Brand Ascii: I never couldve done this
without you guys, thanks for your support, and ascii. And in the future, I
dont wish you good luck, I wish you good skill.. because the ascii scene is
not about luck, its about skill.. skill is what gets you where you want to go,
and will never do you wrong. Later.
noname greets the following in all respect, rmrs1981. serial ascii, aphro!a,
oops!a, and odelay ascii. Also, to Nonames SS, theProdigy, Discyple,
Savage Dragon -- whom deserves MUCH respect, because he was a huge part
of Noname being founded.. and for doing the first Noname logo ever --
to bad, He was one of the three Founders, and Noname leaves with the
same founders.. nuff respect Ian. Also to Spinsane, c4nnibas, MeggaHz,
Necromancer, OmicroN, Whodini. To all those who never thought we could
do it.. we did. To all those who were a part of Noname, live long and
prosper in the ways of ascii. And special greets fly to Polymorph, from Cain.. because your my boy, and you always will be, word. To all whom
participated in making Noname 10 something to remember.. lets never
forget it.
This should suffice, you know who you are when i say Thank You. Dontget mad, because you werent greeted, because Noname has one final greet: To
everyone, and ANYONE who even thought about Noname Brand Ascii, I thank you..
because your thoughts, or whatever went on in your heads.. has made Noname what
it is, be proud of that.
Ill see you all on the KwestSide.
-* cain / founder 1 of Noname Brand Ascii.
Wow. I cant add much to this touching speach. So I add a little
something for my homeboy... Thank you Cain. You made me famous ?...
-* polypropz/morph / founder 2 of Noname Brand Ascii.
this is the beginning of the end for noname.
Who wouldve thought, when 13 months ago.... myself and Polymorph
got together after the death of oasis, and formed Noname.. that it would become
what it is now? Not me, I had high hopes, and dreams for something big. But
never did i think it would come this far. But now, here we are, 10 months, and
10 packs later.. wondering where all the time went.
If you look back at the first Noname compilation.. I believe 9 artists
participated.. we were hot shit after that pack, people started frothing at
the mouth and asking for more.. I was so excited to release the pack, that i
even put an app generator in, when we were an invite only group. Now, theres
been people come and gone.. and 27 were left standing as of Noname 9. The
excitement left me.. the pressure got to me, and so explains the fate of the
ever-present Noname Brand Ascii. I dont regret a damned minute of it.
Noname made Trank sweat. And after the big merger, Noname remained for
5 more months, including this one.. to make Remorse sweat. Dont get me wrong
when I say this.. because Trank and Remorse made our collective balls sweat to,
the thing is.. * NO ONE * expected Noname to be this big, and to leave this hugea mark on the PC ascii scene.. we gained the respect we deserved, and the
quality of the releases just got better, as did ALL of the artists. Im proud
when i see people saying noname -- the best group ever and i wanted to join
so much, and now its dead. Well, I apologize for that.. I apologize for not
giving those people who wanted to be a part of noname the chance. So, Nonames
10th compilation gives you that chance.. it features art from almost everyone onascii, and all those who liked what we did for the last 10 months. To those ofyou who didnt participate in this pack.. Im sorry you had to miss the chance.
Im not going to release a member list this month. Simply because weve
released more then enough member lists. Noname had the most highly skilled new
schoolers in the world today, and our old school wasnt to shabby either.. yet
it still left much to be desired. This pack is to say good-bye, not to show
off, or disrespect anyone.. were here to pay our respects to the ascii scene,
and to thank you the people for treating us so well during our stay.
Thank you.
After the release of this pack, Noname is dead.. and will be merging
into Serial!a. Why?.. because Sargon is worthy of keeping the competition
between Remorse 1981 and Noname alive, even though the name is different.. The
legend lives on in Serial!a.. and hey, whats an ascii scene without burning
competition? not a whole lot. There are only a few things i can hope to see
from this.. yet the only relevant one is that those from Noname keep releasing
through Serial, in the name of the Noname Pimpedia.
And so.. to the end of an epic we come. Thanks again, to all of you..
and to the those who were Noname Brand Ascii: I never couldve done this
without you guys, thanks for your support, and ascii. And in the future, I
dont wish you good luck, I wish you good skill.. because the ascii scene is
not about luck, its about skill.. skill is what gets you where you want to go,
and will never do you wrong. Later.
noname greets the following in all respect, rmrs1981. serial ascii, aphro!a,
oops!a, and odelay ascii. Also, to Nonames SS, theProdigy, Discyple,
Savage Dragon -- whom deserves MUCH respect, because he was a huge part
of Noname being founded.. and for doing the first Noname logo ever --
to bad, He was one of the three Founders, and Noname leaves with the
same founders.. nuff respect Ian. Also to Spinsane, c4nnibas, MeggaHz,
Necromancer, OmicroN, Whodini. To all those who never thought we could
do it.. we did. To all those who were a part of Noname, live long and
prosper in the ways of ascii. And special greets fly to Polymorph, from Cain.. because your my boy, and you always will be, word. To all whom
participated in making Noname 10 something to remember.. lets never
forget it.
This should suffice, you know who you are when i say Thank You. Dontget mad, because you werent greeted, because Noname has one final greet: To
everyone, and ANYONE who even thought about Noname Brand Ascii, I thank you..
because your thoughts, or whatever went on in your heads.. has made Noname what
it is, be proud of that.
Ill see you all on the KwestSide.
-* cain / founder 1 of Noname Brand Ascii.
Wow. I cant add much to this touching speach. So I add a little
something for my homeboy... Thank you Cain. You made me famous ?...
-* polypropz/morph / founder 2 of Noname Brand Ascii.
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