this image contains text
. .,gSS.gS.
P.:::::.d .
,7,dSb.ii.d ,dQ.
b.:::::::,, , ,gS:::S.
b:iii,d d.:: ,.
. d.di, ,gSSS
,S, . P Q dP
,b, @. ,gl l ::::::.S
,a,.Q , iiiii d l:::,g,:::::.S Qb,. b.lll
:iii Sd ,g.Ya. l
lllll SQb.b:.Sg,
lTTTT. .s::.S,,ii.b.*,
bd QSSb,b.b.l
.d. .
Y, dv?!disembodied.voices?!dv
scroll down
hmm.. ok.. stuffs been going pretty weird for me lately.. this is all the
shit i got done this month.. cause im really out of it.. umm.. im not really
gonna do free reqs for a little while cause id rather not be doing shit at
all .. but if you feel like paying me... ill do you a nice logo.. and ill
put my soul into it.. jesus.. shit sucks lately... umm.. this isnt even
really complete.. it doesnt have a background.. it was meant to be a joint
with black jack but that didnt work out.. so whatever : and if your on
my req list ill try to get yr shit done.. sorry im so slow
oh yeah.. one greet... cathy g. - i love you
. .,gSS.gS.
P.:::::.d .
,7,dSb.ii.d ,dQ.
b.:::::::,, , ,gS:::S.
b:iii,d d.:: ,.
. d.di, ,gSSS
,S, . P Q dP
,b, @. ,gl l ::::::.S
,a,.Q , iiiii d l:::,g,:::::.S Qb,. b.lll
:iii Sd ,g.Ya. l
lllll SQb.b:.Sg,
lTTTT. .s::.S,,ii.b.*,
bd QSSb,b.b.l
.d. .
Y, dv?!disembodied.voices?!dv
scroll down
hmm.. ok.. stuffs been going pretty weird for me lately.. this is all the
shit i got done this month.. cause im really out of it.. umm.. im not really
gonna do free reqs for a little while cause id rather not be doing shit at
all .. but if you feel like paying me... ill do you a nice logo.. and ill
put my soul into it.. jesus.. shit sucks lately... umm.. this isnt even
really complete.. it doesnt have a background.. it was meant to be a joint
with black jack but that didnt work out.. so whatever : and if your on
my req list ill try to get yr shit done.. sorry im so slow
oh yeah.. one greet... cathy g. - i love you
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