Splatter King by blIndman
Splatter King by blIndman
bindmn presents a motion prductin
youll never know youll never know
what is lurking who he is
behind the until you look
shadows of into those
the dark killer eyes
youll never know youll never know
when to look what has happend
around until to you before
it will be you are lying dead
too late on the cold
black pavement
youll never know
what to do youll never know
when he appears when the
before you in splatter king
that cold will appear
damp street and rip your
guts out
youll never know
/bm 95
splatter king -/- og syndicate memberboard
Prezident - Serial killer,
CoPrezident - Cribee,
Cosysops- Zombie,Zeppy,
Artist- Blindman