this image contains text
- bryan jones -
There is a kid
I know him well
Hes on my board
And thats jsut swell
He just calls
To plays games drakesville forever!
Never posts
And that makes him lame
His name is bryan
And he dont know shit
He has really smelly
Arm pits
He tried to hack me
All day and night what a dumbass, tied to use i forgot my
Couldnt get in password, help
Shit was locked up tight
Right now he works
At Subway hehehehehhehe
And just gets paid
Minimum wage
Hes in a band
Called Piss off pretty bad band
He smells so bad
It makes me cough
Actually bryan
Is kinda cool
Even though
He is a fool
Once he had
A pretty cool van
But now its probably his van got impounded
A Frying pan
NoFX moist,damp
There is a kid
I know him well
Hes on my board
And thats jsut swell
He just calls
To plays games drakesville forever!
Never posts
And that makes him lame
His name is bryan
And he dont know shit
He has really smelly
Arm pits
He tried to hack me
All day and night what a dumbass, tied to use i forgot my
Couldnt get in password, help
Shit was locked up tight
Right now he works
At Subway hehehehehhehe
And just gets paid
Minimum wage
Hes in a band
Called Piss off pretty bad band
He smells so bad
It makes me cough
Actually bryan
Is kinda cool
Even though
He is a fool
Once he had
A pretty cool van
But now its probably his van got impounded
A Frying pan
NoFX moist,damp
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