this image contains text
MIST1020 contribAting artists: occupies a rarefied echelon of glitch production, like a tree
that drops apparently effortless scrambled fruit at peak ripeness.
Better a 1bitwonder than a 1 hit wonder. The visual artist Nick Seriatum
Williams works in other styles, but in monochrome pixelart he f l i e s .
A Flamingo Cups work isnt a style, but a mood.
Axl is a Parisian artist who works in many styles but who has recently
stumbled upon the Commodore 64s PETSCII aesthetic and is currently feverishly
working every angle of it, machine-generated and bespoke.
Artist, gamer, scientist... not necessarily in that order, BhaalSpawn is
principally a graphite pencil artist, drawing for employers and smaller
clients, but outside of the day job, has a love of science, sci-fi, fantasy and
computer games. When relaxing, like most people she wants to avoid work, but...
still has a love of art.
etsy.com/uk/shop/YavinPaints / @BhaalSpawn
Mike Blippypixel Rose is a digital artist whose tastes veer toward the
vintage in electronic music and visuals, dabbling in low-poly 3D modeling,
LED pixelart, and teletext as well as work in the distinctive palette of the
BBC Micro.
Brad Bonemouse Morris has clearly kept his pen sharp in the many long years
since contributing to Dream Factory and Cthulus high school newspaper.
A more focused student of the Commodore 64 aesthetic you will not find.
buzzclik made a splash invading Twitter with @PETSCIIbots, but that is only
the first stage of his nefarious scheme for world domination.
twitter.com/buzzclik / petscii.tumblr.com
A few years following the release of the final Mist Classic artpack collection,
c00k13m0n5t3r was born. The generational gap might well be nigh
insurmountable, had we not the mutual love of quality pixelart. Its timeless!
CoaXCable is getting a little more comfortable with lending us guest
appearances, letting his festive freak flag fly.
David Chunkytext Walford undertakes various programming and creative projects
in the teletext / Digitizer sphere and helps to organize its community.
The Elk is a character who we have crossed paths with several times under
several different guises, but he is difficult to put your finger on for long.
FarrellLego prefers a broader canvas for his brick mosaics, engaging all
manner of nerdy subjects against grey studded backings... hoping against hope
that he doesnt, again, run out of pieces!
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Facts about Hunderpanzer: 2 kids. Only 1 wife. Went from full-blown game
addict in 2019 to full-time game developer in 2020. Crazy about 80s Cars,
Magic: The Gathering Cards, and rock climbing Crags.
Until being accidentally invoked by a Mistigram posting, long-lost Mistigris
Classic alumnus Hungry Eye formerly reNM8r had been entirely out of touch
with us since 1995 -- but it turns out has spent all of the time since
feverishly exercising the right side of his brain playing MUX RPGs and
illustrating friends characters.
Illarterate is a multimedia artist from Wigan, UK. Despite attempts to
modernise, he will forever be known as That Guy That Does Teletext Art. But
whoever said thats a bad thing?
twitter.com/illarterate / teletextart.tumblr.com
danfarrimond.co.uk / portfolio.illarterate.co.uk
Taking inspiration from the basic medium of ASCII art, Joni nscii Caparas
treats the characters as design elements on a black canvas, in a fashion
similar to, but fundamentally different from, artscene ASCII practice.
Basically, from their base in Berlin theyve reinvented the artform from first
instagram.com/joninscii / jonicaparas.com
Kazunari Kalcha Naito represents the tip of an iceberg we know little of and
understand still less of -- Japans ShiftJIS parallel textmode art scene. His
works are informed by his interests in 70s prog rock, jazz, and fine art.
The idea was so great it was inevitable that it would spontaneously emerge in
different contexts: Kurogao is another visionary straddling the related but
very different worlds of ASCII art and emoji typography, blending both into
single-panel vignettes.
LegoColin uses a plethora of programs to prepare images for physical
incarnation in the ultimate pixelart composition: assembled using Lego bricks.
LittleBitSpace experiments with ASCII art, now turning it into a line art
medium, now dabbling with the use of negative space, superimposed for effect
against high resolution backgrounds.
Marco Retrobits Varesio doesnt solely occupy himself with projects
pertaining to the Sinclair Spectrum legacy of vintage computing -- to
demonstrate his breadth, hes also branched out into teletext.
retrobits.altervista.org / retrobits.itch.io
You wont see any of Mavriks creative work in this archive, but theres a very
good chance that the collection will have passed through his graciously-offered
web hosting at mistigris.org en route to you, picking up from his historical
facilitator role greasing the gears of Mists KiTSCHNet echomail network from
its home at Daemons Gate BBS.
Melodia doesnt need an artgroup, she is an artgroup. One more case of the
parade continuing after the band stopped playing, courtesy of the bottomless
music in her head she kept on keeping on -- and indeed, has never stopped. We
are humbled by her continuing association with us, as to her, all we have to
offer is drag factor!
Migmoog brings an animators demented sensibilities to the realm of pixelart.
Minediru is a purveyor of simple pixelart works on typically nerdy themes,
sometimes cleverly mashed up, always satisfying.
The man, the myth... Mythical Man handily satisfies both categories. Long
known for his prowess on the euphonium, visual art is a relatively recent
development to which he has applied himself ardently.
euphoniousmyth.tumblr.com / instagram.com/themythicalman
Nikki is a queer woman who loves retro games, technological tat ... and arty
arty crafty stuff! She has taken up the arcane art of teletext, which we are
authorized to share with you.
Just Another Geek from Costa Rica, N1njaF1reman just who put out that fire
anyway? got into ANSI art by accident after finding out through a line of
work living in the terminal that the BBS scene still lives, enjoying the
good challenge of ANSIs restricted color count and low resolution. Larger
subjects may lie ahead!
Part of a peculiar current of untapped anxious ANSI art energy charging new
talents on the periphery of the digital underground, this time around Odd got
zapped with the voltage.
Ozunaga is just getting warmed up... put on your welders goggles and stand
There are many roads to textmode artwork IRC channels are as legitimately
valid an avenue as any. Emerging from the MIRCart realm into the world of
artpacks, Picrotoxin brings a fresh perspective to a classic medium.
PixardNeh celebrates his pop culture favorites in a self-described self-
indulgent spasm of pixelart. Were just lucky enough to be sitting by on the
Pixel Art For The Heart paints landscapes in pixelart, but always adjusts the
dramatic slider well beyond recommended settings.
Polyducks Ben Jones is an artist and web game programmer living in greater
Manchester, UK. His interests are in tile-based, PETSCII and pixel artwork
using limited palettes. Often presents his bio in the third person.
pixeljoint.com/p/125346.htm / polyducks.co.uk / twitter.com/polyducks
If you comb through the sum of accomplished pixelartist PossumTrashs social
media accounts, you will learn a lot about them, but still be at a total loss
for words when called upon to boil them down to a few glib sentences. In a
nutshell, this marsupial is large, it contains multitudes.
Duncan Shields aka skonenblades -- slam master, Bully survivor, boylesque
titan, Legend of Bonefish alumnus: he can safely be described as living the
@bigtallduncan / 365tomorrows.com/duncan-shields
Snake PETsken fell in love with Commodore computers when he was 8... 36 years
ago... and tries to keep the same wonder and passion from when he was a kid,
starting to grasp the fundamentals of coding. His modern graphite portrait
practice must have somehow influenced his PETSCII style, driving him to try to
get the most out of every single character cell. The only software he uses is
Petmate, a nice PETSCII editor, and you can see his PETSCII handiwork in
releases by The Solution.
Ed Starstew Stastny is that rare synthesis suggested in the two-word phrase
computer artist, practicing a species of net.art at SITO continually since
even prior to the establishment of Mistigris. Having mastered and
subsequently discarded so many styles and approaches, wearing the masks of a
half-dozen faux handles he could easily masquerade as an entire artgroup. Or
has he in fact been doing this... all along?
instagram.com/starstew / starstew.tumblr.com
Stephan Rewind Bellin has a practice of making pixelart portraits of
characters from the silver screen at their most iconic, with aspirations to
include them as characters in a game taking place in a mash-up world containing
all movie settings simultaneously. Following him on social media is like
getting a free master class in film studies.
instagram.com/stephanrewind / twitch.com/stephanrewind
Every time I include her in an artpack, I find myself completely rewriting
Theresa Oborns bio, as though I might somehow hew closer to the truth, like a
darts player hoping to hit a bullseye. She draws and sculpts, and perhaps the
work speaks for itself.
Uglifruit is the alter-ego of Andy Jenkinson. Andy is quite tall does things
with music. Andy on occasion feels the need to express himself elsewhere.
andyjenkinson.com / twitter.com/andyuglifruit
upper.case: storytelling pixelartist or pixel-illustrating storyteller? Why
not both?
Supposing that your interest in retro technology leads you down a hip path
less travelled, and you wind up restoring vintage mechanical typewriters...
how else are you to know that the machine is in complete working order unless
you take the opportunity to demonstrate a little typewriter art?
Wolffdowntheworld is a reasonable man and this is a reasonable conclusion.
Communities of text art practice emerge through certain social contexts but
the basic premise is such an appealing idea that it keeps getting invented and
reinvented. XTComics draws comic strips using a combination of low ASCII
characters and emoji.
and our usual round of greetz to our colleagues at: blocktronics.org, Lazarus,
Legacy, impure.nl, amish.0w.nz, galza.org, Fire Dream, Break,
the 2XL crew, @hirmuofficial, paleotronic.com, soundcloud.com/bitcouver,
Phluid, vanchipmusic.ca, null e-mag, ArakNet and TABNet!
MIST1020 contribAting artists: occupies a rarefied echelon of glitch production, like a tree
that drops apparently effortless scrambled fruit at peak ripeness.
Better a 1bitwonder than a 1 hit wonder. The visual artist Nick Seriatum
Williams works in other styles, but in monochrome pixelart he f l i e s .
A Flamingo Cups work isnt a style, but a mood.
Axl is a Parisian artist who works in many styles but who has recently
stumbled upon the Commodore 64s PETSCII aesthetic and is currently feverishly
working every angle of it, machine-generated and bespoke.
Artist, gamer, scientist... not necessarily in that order, BhaalSpawn is
principally a graphite pencil artist, drawing for employers and smaller
clients, but outside of the day job, has a love of science, sci-fi, fantasy and
computer games. When relaxing, like most people she wants to avoid work, but...
still has a love of art.
etsy.com/uk/shop/YavinPaints / @BhaalSpawn
Mike Blippypixel Rose is a digital artist whose tastes veer toward the
vintage in electronic music and visuals, dabbling in low-poly 3D modeling,
LED pixelart, and teletext as well as work in the distinctive palette of the
BBC Micro.
Brad Bonemouse Morris has clearly kept his pen sharp in the many long years
since contributing to Dream Factory and Cthulus high school newspaper.
A more focused student of the Commodore 64 aesthetic you will not find.
buzzclik made a splash invading Twitter with @PETSCIIbots, but that is only
the first stage of his nefarious scheme for world domination.
twitter.com/buzzclik / petscii.tumblr.com
A few years following the release of the final Mist Classic artpack collection,
c00k13m0n5t3r was born. The generational gap might well be nigh
insurmountable, had we not the mutual love of quality pixelart. Its timeless!
CoaXCable is getting a little more comfortable with lending us guest
appearances, letting his festive freak flag fly.
David Chunkytext Walford undertakes various programming and creative projects
in the teletext / Digitizer sphere and helps to organize its community.
The Elk is a character who we have crossed paths with several times under
several different guises, but he is difficult to put your finger on for long.
FarrellLego prefers a broader canvas for his brick mosaics, engaging all
manner of nerdy subjects against grey studded backings... hoping against hope
that he doesnt, again, run out of pieces!
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Facts about Hunderpanzer: 2 kids. Only 1 wife. Went from full-blown game
addict in 2019 to full-time game developer in 2020. Crazy about 80s Cars,
Magic: The Gathering Cards, and rock climbing Crags.
Until being accidentally invoked by a Mistigram posting, long-lost Mistigris
Classic alumnus Hungry Eye formerly reNM8r had been entirely out of touch
with us since 1995 -- but it turns out has spent all of the time since
feverishly exercising the right side of his brain playing MUX RPGs and
illustrating friends characters.
Illarterate is a multimedia artist from Wigan, UK. Despite attempts to
modernise, he will forever be known as That Guy That Does Teletext Art. But
whoever said thats a bad thing?
twitter.com/illarterate / teletextart.tumblr.com
danfarrimond.co.uk / portfolio.illarterate.co.uk
Taking inspiration from the basic medium of ASCII art, Joni nscii Caparas
treats the characters as design elements on a black canvas, in a fashion
similar to, but fundamentally different from, artscene ASCII practice.
Basically, from their base in Berlin theyve reinvented the artform from first
instagram.com/joninscii / jonicaparas.com
Kazunari Kalcha Naito represents the tip of an iceberg we know little of and
understand still less of -- Japans ShiftJIS parallel textmode art scene. His
works are informed by his interests in 70s prog rock, jazz, and fine art.
The idea was so great it was inevitable that it would spontaneously emerge in
different contexts: Kurogao is another visionary straddling the related but
very different worlds of ASCII art and emoji typography, blending both into
single-panel vignettes.
LegoColin uses a plethora of programs to prepare images for physical
incarnation in the ultimate pixelart composition: assembled using Lego bricks.
LittleBitSpace experiments with ASCII art, now turning it into a line art
medium, now dabbling with the use of negative space, superimposed for effect
against high resolution backgrounds.
Marco Retrobits Varesio doesnt solely occupy himself with projects
pertaining to the Sinclair Spectrum legacy of vintage computing -- to
demonstrate his breadth, hes also branched out into teletext.
retrobits.altervista.org / retrobits.itch.io
You wont see any of Mavriks creative work in this archive, but theres a very
good chance that the collection will have passed through his graciously-offered
web hosting at mistigris.org en route to you, picking up from his historical
facilitator role greasing the gears of Mists KiTSCHNet echomail network from
its home at Daemons Gate BBS.
Melodia doesnt need an artgroup, she is an artgroup. One more case of the
parade continuing after the band stopped playing, courtesy of the bottomless
music in her head she kept on keeping on -- and indeed, has never stopped. We
are humbled by her continuing association with us, as to her, all we have to
offer is drag factor!
Migmoog brings an animators demented sensibilities to the realm of pixelart.
Minediru is a purveyor of simple pixelart works on typically nerdy themes,
sometimes cleverly mashed up, always satisfying.
The man, the myth... Mythical Man handily satisfies both categories. Long
known for his prowess on the euphonium, visual art is a relatively recent
development to which he has applied himself ardently.
euphoniousmyth.tumblr.com / instagram.com/themythicalman
Nikki is a queer woman who loves retro games, technological tat ... and arty
arty crafty stuff! She has taken up the arcane art of teletext, which we are
authorized to share with you.
Just Another Geek from Costa Rica, N1njaF1reman just who put out that fire
anyway? got into ANSI art by accident after finding out through a line of
work living in the terminal that the BBS scene still lives, enjoying the
good challenge of ANSIs restricted color count and low resolution. Larger
subjects may lie ahead!
Part of a peculiar current of untapped anxious ANSI art energy charging new
talents on the periphery of the digital underground, this time around Odd got
zapped with the voltage.
Ozunaga is just getting warmed up... put on your welders goggles and stand
There are many roads to textmode artwork IRC channels are as legitimately
valid an avenue as any. Emerging from the MIRCart realm into the world of
artpacks, Picrotoxin brings a fresh perspective to a classic medium.
PixardNeh celebrates his pop culture favorites in a self-described self-
indulgent spasm of pixelart. Were just lucky enough to be sitting by on the
Pixel Art For The Heart paints landscapes in pixelart, but always adjusts the
dramatic slider well beyond recommended settings.
Polyducks Ben Jones is an artist and web game programmer living in greater
Manchester, UK. His interests are in tile-based, PETSCII and pixel artwork
using limited palettes. Often presents his bio in the third person.
pixeljoint.com/p/125346.htm / polyducks.co.uk / twitter.com/polyducks
If you comb through the sum of accomplished pixelartist PossumTrashs social
media accounts, you will learn a lot about them, but still be at a total loss
for words when called upon to boil them down to a few glib sentences. In a
nutshell, this marsupial is large, it contains multitudes.
Duncan Shields aka skonenblades -- slam master, Bully survivor, boylesque
titan, Legend of Bonefish alumnus: he can safely be described as living the
@bigtallduncan / 365tomorrows.com/duncan-shields
Snake PETsken fell in love with Commodore computers when he was 8... 36 years
ago... and tries to keep the same wonder and passion from when he was a kid,
starting to grasp the fundamentals of coding. His modern graphite portrait
practice must have somehow influenced his PETSCII style, driving him to try to
get the most out of every single character cell. The only software he uses is
Petmate, a nice PETSCII editor, and you can see his PETSCII handiwork in
releases by The Solution.
Ed Starstew Stastny is that rare synthesis suggested in the two-word phrase
computer artist, practicing a species of net.art at SITO continually since
even prior to the establishment of Mistigris. Having mastered and
subsequently discarded so many styles and approaches, wearing the masks of a
half-dozen faux handles he could easily masquerade as an entire artgroup. Or
has he in fact been doing this... all along?
instagram.com/starstew / starstew.tumblr.com
Stephan Rewind Bellin has a practice of making pixelart portraits of
characters from the silver screen at their most iconic, with aspirations to
include them as characters in a game taking place in a mash-up world containing
all movie settings simultaneously. Following him on social media is like
getting a free master class in film studies.
instagram.com/stephanrewind / twitch.com/stephanrewind
Every time I include her in an artpack, I find myself completely rewriting
Theresa Oborns bio, as though I might somehow hew closer to the truth, like a
darts player hoping to hit a bullseye. She draws and sculpts, and perhaps the
work speaks for itself.
Uglifruit is the alter-ego of Andy Jenkinson. Andy is quite tall does things
with music. Andy on occasion feels the need to express himself elsewhere.
andyjenkinson.com / twitter.com/andyuglifruit
upper.case: storytelling pixelartist or pixel-illustrating storyteller? Why
not both?
Supposing that your interest in retro technology leads you down a hip path
less travelled, and you wind up restoring vintage mechanical typewriters...
how else are you to know that the machine is in complete working order unless
you take the opportunity to demonstrate a little typewriter art?
Wolffdowntheworld is a reasonable man and this is a reasonable conclusion.
Communities of text art practice emerge through certain social contexts but
the basic premise is such an appealing idea that it keeps getting invented and
reinvented. XTComics draws comic strips using a combination of low ASCII
characters and emoji.
and our usual round of greetz to our colleagues at: blocktronics.org, Lazarus,
Legacy, impure.nl, amish.0w.nz, galza.org, Fire Dream, Break,
the 2XL crew, @hirmuofficial, paleotronic.com, soundcloud.com/bitcouver,
Phluid, vanchipmusic.ca, null e-mag, ArakNet and TABNet!
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