this image contains text
artpack contributors:
8bitbaba is an accomplished South Asian graphic designer with a side line in
minimalist pixel art, which he paints on canvases as well as screens.
8bitpoet comes by his small-scale pixelart virtuosity by genuinely oldschool
means, in a former life the late 90s designing Macintosh program icons as
Doc Halpern of Mad Science Laboratories. He is a co-founder of the Dead Pixel
instagram.com/8bitpoet / thedeadpixelsociety.net occupies a rarefied echelon of glitch production, like a tree
that drops apparently effortless scrambled fruit at peak ripeness.
Yet another tireless participant of the UKs teletext renaissance, it seems
almost inevitable that we would provide a home for Alistair ZXGuesser Crees
playful screens beneath our umbrella.
Mike Blippypixel Rose is a digital artist whose tastes veer toward the
vintage in electronic music and visuals, dabbling in low-poly 3D modeling,
LED pixelart, and teletext as well as work in the distinctive palette of the
BBC Micro.
Bliss is another of our rotating cast of seasoned textmode artist guest-stars
visiting from the alt-ANSI utopia of the 8bitMUSH at ansiart.com, handy with
their screen-condensed, palette-extended variant, described as FANSI. She
often is concerned with video game subjects, but her interest in fixed-width
pixelart also extends into the textile realm.
Crafter BrownPaperCowgirl is only a computer artist in an historical context,
sharing with us an ASCII art type-in selection from her family Sanyo MBC-550
circa 1983.
What could deliver a more concentrated essence of computer creativity than
making pixelart by arranging squares on a screen under high magnification?
Thats right: doing it in Microsoft Excel, using the spreadsheet cells as the
picture elements. Carl Dizon is one of a very few specialists in the use of
this outsider art tool.
Dos Grog continues in the expansion of our Italian contingent, demonstrating a
playful devotion to the pixelart medium.
Glowing Fish has been holding down the dad jokes and dank memes a couple of
Fools in a row, but sometimes they are simply so seasonally appropriate or
otherwise of the moment that they manifest outside their sandbox.
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Wolf spirit Involtino draws pixelart on a 100x100 scale when not studying
architecture in Genoa.
Jamie Graham has a typewriter with a red ink ribbon, and hes not afraid to
prove it.
Every medium has several modes: a pre-modern approach, a clean modern
style, and a post-modern detournement, often in the glitch idiom. In
Jellica Jake, teletext has found its glitch ma/onster! It is such a simple
3-bit medium there quite simply isnt the complexity needed for things to go
really wrong, but somehow this artist, doing more with less, has found depths
of texture to imply psychological profundity between the lines.
twitter.com/jellicajake / instagram.com/jellica / kittenrock.co.uk
Kazunari Kalcha Naito represents the tip of an iceberg we know little of and
understand still less of -- Japans ShiftJIS parallel textmode art scene. His
works are informed by his interests in 70s prog rock, jazz, and fine art.
ldb Laura Brown is a rare bird, perhaps the last practitioner standing of
good old UseNet-style ASCII art, with a masterful command over economy of
slashes, parentheses and asterisks.
LegoColin uses a plethora of programs to prepare images for physical
incarnation in the ultimate pixelart composition: assembled using Lego bricks.
You wont see any of Mavriks creative work in this archive, but theres a very
good chance that the collection will have passed through his graciously-offered
web hosting at mistigris.org en route to you, picking up from his historical
facilitator role greasing the gears of Mists KiTSCHNet echomail network from
its home at Daemons Gate BBS.
Melodia doesnt need an artgroup, she is an artgroup. One more case of the
parade continuing after the band stopped playing, courtesy of the bottomless
music in her head she kept on keeping on -- and indeed, has never stopped. We
are humbled by her continuing association with us, as to her, all we have to
offer is drag factor!
The man, the myth... Mythical Man handily satisfies both categories. Long
known for his prowess on the euphonium, visual art is a relatively recent
development to which he has applied himself ardently.
euphoniousmyth.tumblr.com / instagram.com/themythicalman
Italian net.artist Nbreakfast thinks nothing of hacking a game ROM or patching
in an obscenity to a breadboard to get his idea across.
Onyx previously NinjaDude, subseqently Obsidian Zero was in a previous life
one of area code 604s three 90s tracker music compulsives, dropping tunes as
effortlessly as a tree sheds ripe fruit. Since then, much has changed --
perhaps most shockingly, he has switched focus to writing ebooks, but no
matter... as we prove this month, we are still working our way through his
Youll find the visual art stylings of OrdinaryPixel at the unlikely
intersection of pixel art, pop culture, and fine art, laying down colours from
a simplified palette in a conspicuously painterly fashion.
PiquANSI sporadically draws elaborate boxological mandalas in Rexpaint and it
is our pleasure to periodically share them with you.
PixardNeh celebrates his pop culture favorites in a self-described self-
indulgent spasm of pixelart. Were just lucky enough to be sitting by on the
Artscene OG Smooth has long been on the Mistigris periphery, his telnet BBS
iNK on our distro site list almost since our revival, but this month this
elder statesman, founder of TeklordZ with which Mist Classic spent almost its
entire lifespan attempting unsuccessfully to merge with, descends from the
heavens by which I mean his regular ANSI art gig at Fuel to save us -- again
-- from yet another dopey Cthulu FILEID.DIZ. Hats off, sir!
Snake PETsken fell in love with Commodore computers when he was 8... 36 years
ago... and tries to keep the same wonder and passion from when he was a kid,
starting to grasp the fundamentals of coding. His modern graphite portrait
practice must have somehow influenced his PETSCII style, driving him to try to
get the most out of every single character cell. The only software he uses is
Petmate, a nice PETSCII editor.
Stephan Rewind Bellin has a practice of making pixelart portraits of
characters from the silver screen at their most iconic, with aspirations to
include them as characters in a game taking place in a mash-up world containing
all movie settings simultaneously. Following him on social media is like
getting a free master class in film studies.
instagram.com/stephanrewind / twitch.com/stephanrewind
Taffi Louis has long since been one of the meme geniuses setting our April
Fools artpacks on fire like a paper bag on a front porch? but it turns out
that the artscene has always been able to appreciate shitposting throughout the
entire year.
Carl TeletextR Attrill represents Mistigris continuing wave of
introducing the great public textmode art tradition -- teletext -- to the
underground computer artscene.
teletextr.blogspot.com / twitter.com/thatotherCarl
Music machine JaZz got a little confused when the scene shifted rocking the
Amiga, his scene got rocked a little earlier than the PC kids, but shaking
his head he picked himself back up and has kept on keeping on. Now Jason
Johannson aka Theorica has managed to keep his creative flame burning
through his extraordinary everyday, and in this collection he offers a
compelling glimpse into it.
Textmode experimenter t1po has it backwards, bringing computer art
sensibilities to typewriters and typewriter sensibilities to computers.
Failing to cross the streams wouldnt yield anything extraordinary, while going
contrariwise both ways makes strange magic emerge from the dullest artifacts of
the mundane. Nice trick!
instagram.com/ty.p0 / t1po.tumblr.com
First exposed to Teletex back in the late 80s spending 2 years making
teletex style pages with ViewData as part of schol IT reading the
adventures of Turner the Worm and Bamboozle on Channel 4 teletex,
apparently TitaniumDave works in the games industry -- though his interest in
Teletex was re-ignited by the sadly-missed Feb 2017 Block Party in Cambridge.
Communities of text art practice emerge through certain social contexts but
the basic premise is such an appealing idea that it keeps getting invented
and reinvented. XTComics draws comic strips using a combination of low ASCII
characters and emoji.
and our usual round of greetz to our colleagues at: fuel.wtf, blocktronics.org
impure.nl, amish.0w.nz, galza.org, Fire Dream, Break, pungas.space,
paleotronic.com, soundcloud.com/bitcouver, vanchipmusic.ca, and TABNet!
artpack contributors:
8bitbaba is an accomplished South Asian graphic designer with a side line in
minimalist pixel art, which he paints on canvases as well as screens.
8bitpoet comes by his small-scale pixelart virtuosity by genuinely oldschool
means, in a former life the late 90s designing Macintosh program icons as
Doc Halpern of Mad Science Laboratories. He is a co-founder of the Dead Pixel
instagram.com/8bitpoet / thedeadpixelsociety.net occupies a rarefied echelon of glitch production, like a tree
that drops apparently effortless scrambled fruit at peak ripeness.
Yet another tireless participant of the UKs teletext renaissance, it seems
almost inevitable that we would provide a home for Alistair ZXGuesser Crees
playful screens beneath our umbrella.
Mike Blippypixel Rose is a digital artist whose tastes veer toward the
vintage in electronic music and visuals, dabbling in low-poly 3D modeling,
LED pixelart, and teletext as well as work in the distinctive palette of the
BBC Micro.
Bliss is another of our rotating cast of seasoned textmode artist guest-stars
visiting from the alt-ANSI utopia of the 8bitMUSH at ansiart.com, handy with
their screen-condensed, palette-extended variant, described as FANSI. She
often is concerned with video game subjects, but her interest in fixed-width
pixelart also extends into the textile realm.
Crafter BrownPaperCowgirl is only a computer artist in an historical context,
sharing with us an ASCII art type-in selection from her family Sanyo MBC-550
circa 1983.
What could deliver a more concentrated essence of computer creativity than
making pixelart by arranging squares on a screen under high magnification?
Thats right: doing it in Microsoft Excel, using the spreadsheet cells as the
picture elements. Carl Dizon is one of a very few specialists in the use of
this outsider art tool.
Dos Grog continues in the expansion of our Italian contingent, demonstrating a
playful devotion to the pixelart medium.
Glowing Fish has been holding down the dad jokes and dank memes a couple of
Fools in a row, but sometimes they are simply so seasonally appropriate or
otherwise of the moment that they manifest outside their sandbox.
A genuine professional teletext illustrator two decades hence, Steve
Horsenburger Horsley has recently returned to the game for love of the art:
Its kind of frustrating to discover you are good at something only to
realise its pointless in todays world, but I just really like doing it so I
am going to carry on. We feel your pain, Steve! At his website you can
commission original teletext creations from him, so dont delay to get your
own piece of textmode art history!
Wolf spirit Involtino draws pixelart on a 100x100 scale when not studying
architecture in Genoa.
Jamie Graham has a typewriter with a red ink ribbon, and hes not afraid to
prove it.
Every medium has several modes: a pre-modern approach, a clean modern
style, and a post-modern detournement, often in the glitch idiom. In
Jellica Jake, teletext has found its glitch ma/onster! It is such a simple
3-bit medium there quite simply isnt the complexity needed for things to go
really wrong, but somehow this artist, doing more with less, has found depths
of texture to imply psychological profundity between the lines.
twitter.com/jellicajake / instagram.com/jellica / kittenrock.co.uk
Kazunari Kalcha Naito represents the tip of an iceberg we know little of and
understand still less of -- Japans ShiftJIS parallel textmode art scene. His
works are informed by his interests in 70s prog rock, jazz, and fine art.
ldb Laura Brown is a rare bird, perhaps the last practitioner standing of
good old UseNet-style ASCII art, with a masterful command over economy of
slashes, parentheses and asterisks.
LegoColin uses a plethora of programs to prepare images for physical
incarnation in the ultimate pixelart composition: assembled using Lego bricks.
You wont see any of Mavriks creative work in this archive, but theres a very
good chance that the collection will have passed through his graciously-offered
web hosting at mistigris.org en route to you, picking up from his historical
facilitator role greasing the gears of Mists KiTSCHNet echomail network from
its home at Daemons Gate BBS.
Melodia doesnt need an artgroup, she is an artgroup. One more case of the
parade continuing after the band stopped playing, courtesy of the bottomless
music in her head she kept on keeping on -- and indeed, has never stopped. We
are humbled by her continuing association with us, as to her, all we have to
offer is drag factor!
The man, the myth... Mythical Man handily satisfies both categories. Long
known for his prowess on the euphonium, visual art is a relatively recent
development to which he has applied himself ardently.
euphoniousmyth.tumblr.com / instagram.com/themythicalman
Italian net.artist Nbreakfast thinks nothing of hacking a game ROM or patching
in an obscenity to a breadboard to get his idea across.
Onyx previously NinjaDude, subseqently Obsidian Zero was in a previous life
one of area code 604s three 90s tracker music compulsives, dropping tunes as
effortlessly as a tree sheds ripe fruit. Since then, much has changed --
perhaps most shockingly, he has switched focus to writing ebooks, but no
matter... as we prove this month, we are still working our way through his
Youll find the visual art stylings of OrdinaryPixel at the unlikely
intersection of pixel art, pop culture, and fine art, laying down colours from
a simplified palette in a conspicuously painterly fashion.
PiquANSI sporadically draws elaborate boxological mandalas in Rexpaint and it
is our pleasure to periodically share them with you.
PixardNeh celebrates his pop culture favorites in a self-described self-
indulgent spasm of pixelart. Were just lucky enough to be sitting by on the
Artscene OG Smooth has long been on the Mistigris periphery, his telnet BBS
iNK on our distro site list almost since our revival, but this month this
elder statesman, founder of TeklordZ with which Mist Classic spent almost its
entire lifespan attempting unsuccessfully to merge with, descends from the
heavens by which I mean his regular ANSI art gig at Fuel to save us -- again
-- from yet another dopey Cthulu FILEID.DIZ. Hats off, sir!
Snake PETsken fell in love with Commodore computers when he was 8... 36 years
ago... and tries to keep the same wonder and passion from when he was a kid,
starting to grasp the fundamentals of coding. His modern graphite portrait
practice must have somehow influenced his PETSCII style, driving him to try to
get the most out of every single character cell. The only software he uses is
Petmate, a nice PETSCII editor.
Stephan Rewind Bellin has a practice of making pixelart portraits of
characters from the silver screen at their most iconic, with aspirations to
include them as characters in a game taking place in a mash-up world containing
all movie settings simultaneously. Following him on social media is like
getting a free master class in film studies.
instagram.com/stephanrewind / twitch.com/stephanrewind
Taffi Louis has long since been one of the meme geniuses setting our April
Fools artpacks on fire like a paper bag on a front porch? but it turns out
that the artscene has always been able to appreciate shitposting throughout the
entire year.
Carl TeletextR Attrill represents Mistigris continuing wave of
introducing the great public textmode art tradition -- teletext -- to the
underground computer artscene.
teletextr.blogspot.com / twitter.com/thatotherCarl
Music machine JaZz got a little confused when the scene shifted rocking the
Amiga, his scene got rocked a little earlier than the PC kids, but shaking
his head he picked himself back up and has kept on keeping on. Now Jason
Johannson aka Theorica has managed to keep his creative flame burning
through his extraordinary everyday, and in this collection he offers a
compelling glimpse into it.
Textmode experimenter t1po has it backwards, bringing computer art
sensibilities to typewriters and typewriter sensibilities to computers.
Failing to cross the streams wouldnt yield anything extraordinary, while going
contrariwise both ways makes strange magic emerge from the dullest artifacts of
the mundane. Nice trick!
instagram.com/ty.p0 / t1po.tumblr.com
First exposed to Teletex back in the late 80s spending 2 years making
teletex style pages with ViewData as part of schol IT reading the
adventures of Turner the Worm and Bamboozle on Channel 4 teletex,
apparently TitaniumDave works in the games industry -- though his interest in
Teletex was re-ignited by the sadly-missed Feb 2017 Block Party in Cambridge.
Communities of text art practice emerge through certain social contexts but
the basic premise is such an appealing idea that it keeps getting invented
and reinvented. XTComics draws comic strips using a combination of low ASCII
characters and emoji.
and our usual round of greetz to our colleagues at: fuel.wtf, blocktronics.org
impure.nl, amish.0w.nz, galza.org, Fire Dream, Break, pungas.space,
paleotronic.com, soundcloud.com/bitcouver, vanchipmusic.ca, and TABNet!
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