this image contains text
Sy *
l cat-dog
,....,,,yyyy yyyyyy
mimic ascii
would like to say :
contrary to popular belief, mimic ascii
does in fact kick sweet ass.
see below
.yy /SyyS
.lS* * *Sy.
. .R yl l.
, l. j/ l
l ,l
. . y/
mimic rules l
l l l
yoe! S S
. . l
*y,,y**,.. yl
7 .
l .j
l7 .j
? .j
*SS* .j
.l7 cd!
cut mmkoy?------ ok i really like this one, it makes me really happy inside. wow, i took a weeksbreak from irc, and i feel i can breate now. this might be a result of time off
heh. or not. i think this could almost be a picture of me, cause the hat thing
that the dude is wearing sorta resembles this bonnomme that i was wearing the
other day. like its from some quebec winter parade, a really big gay looking
white snowman guy with a red hat and scarf. well i didnt have the scarf but i
had a hat from the festival and it looks really odd.
hey, i was at school listening to some bruce sprintsteen at lunch, cause this
guy who is like a obcessive compulsive wants to sing dancing in the dark, and
some dire straights at the next coffee house wants me to play guitar for him.
and a friend of my cousins comes over, sits down next to me by the heater, and
just sorta leans her head on me, and stuff. and the next day she like puts her
arm around me in the hall on the way to her locker i was waiting by my cousinslocker like 5 lockers down. should i take this as a hint? or just continue my
thoughts that girls are evil and ignore it? hmm theres something to ponder, if
your pondering other stuff or something.
hey, my teacher/vice principal had me install linux on like 4 machines in the
school high school, and he is planning on making a linux systems administratorcourse at the school. is this cool or is this cool?? but seeing as i am the onlylinux geek so far in the linux club at school, it wont be much fun, but now
every one of the computer geeks want me to help them install it on their old
computers. mmm.. geeks.. well i shouldnt be anti-geek cause i am like the
biggest one at school, i mean. i got a teacher taking a correspondance course
from the University of Guelph in pascal, and he pulls me outta my marriage classto help him finish up his programs, so it has its good points.
speaking of marriage class, we gotta simulate a marriage.. we pick our age and
job out of a hat and then pick our partners out of the hat too. but the problem
about the hat thing is that you dont know what occupation you will get. i uhm. heh, i picked age: 24 profession: hair dresser. is that sad or what? 19,000 a
year before taxes etc.. my wife wants a pre-nup already, she being a vetrinary
assistant earing way more than my sorry ass. but hell.. at least i wasnt one ofthe groups that had 2 guys heh. but we had to do this wedding sheet with songs
to be played during the walk etc.. we wanted to do faggot by KoRn but it had to be religious. hrmf!
nuf said!
.sy.*+- u
/ .ySSSSy
. l
--+ .,y
. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
l yyyy S.
+ yySl
. ,,,,y S*
mimic in 99
l cat-dog
,....,,,yyyy yyyyyy
mimic ascii
would like to say :
contrary to popular belief, mimic ascii
does in fact kick sweet ass.
see below
.yy /SyyS
.lS* * *Sy.
. .R yl l.
, l. j/ l
l ,l
. . y/
mimic rules l
l l l
yoe! S S
. . l
*y,,y**,.. yl
7 .
l .j
l7 .j
? .j
*SS* .j
.l7 cd!
cut mmkoy?------ ok i really like this one, it makes me really happy inside. wow, i took a weeksbreak from irc, and i feel i can breate now. this might be a result of time off
heh. or not. i think this could almost be a picture of me, cause the hat thing
that the dude is wearing sorta resembles this bonnomme that i was wearing the
other day. like its from some quebec winter parade, a really big gay looking
white snowman guy with a red hat and scarf. well i didnt have the scarf but i
had a hat from the festival and it looks really odd.
hey, i was at school listening to some bruce sprintsteen at lunch, cause this
guy who is like a obcessive compulsive wants to sing dancing in the dark, and
some dire straights at the next coffee house wants me to play guitar for him.
and a friend of my cousins comes over, sits down next to me by the heater, and
just sorta leans her head on me, and stuff. and the next day she like puts her
arm around me in the hall on the way to her locker i was waiting by my cousinslocker like 5 lockers down. should i take this as a hint? or just continue my
thoughts that girls are evil and ignore it? hmm theres something to ponder, if
your pondering other stuff or something.
hey, my teacher/vice principal had me install linux on like 4 machines in the
school high school, and he is planning on making a linux systems administratorcourse at the school. is this cool or is this cool?? but seeing as i am the onlylinux geek so far in the linux club at school, it wont be much fun, but now
every one of the computer geeks want me to help them install it on their old
computers. mmm.. geeks.. well i shouldnt be anti-geek cause i am like the
biggest one at school, i mean. i got a teacher taking a correspondance course
from the University of Guelph in pascal, and he pulls me outta my marriage classto help him finish up his programs, so it has its good points.
speaking of marriage class, we gotta simulate a marriage.. we pick our age and
job out of a hat and then pick our partners out of the hat too. but the problem
about the hat thing is that you dont know what occupation you will get. i uhm. heh, i picked age: 24 profession: hair dresser. is that sad or what? 19,000 a
year before taxes etc.. my wife wants a pre-nup already, she being a vetrinary
assistant earing way more than my sorry ass. but hell.. at least i wasnt one ofthe groups that had 2 guys heh. but we had to do this wedding sheet with songs
to be played during the walk etc.. we wanted to do faggot by KoRn but it had to be religious. hrmf!
nuf said!
.sy.*+- u
/ .ySSSSy
. l
--+ .,y
. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
l yyyy S.
+ yySl
. ,,,,y S*
mimic in 99
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