this image contains text
Well, MAGiC has had a new treat this month. We have had
an encounterwith Ryan Pease. Ryan, aka SiLiCON
SORCEROR/Spectral Illusion lives in the519 in
the city of Brantford. Ryan called a local BBS and downloaded seve
ral ofour early packs. He then decided that he
would give membership a shot. Toguarantee a
ccess Ryan took some pretty deviant approaches. First, he s
entEmail to me, claiming that we were awesome, wi
cked, kewl, then he startedsigning his sig SiLi
CON SORCEROR iCE. I had never heard of anyone in iCE by
that name, so I quickly checked the recent memberlists
, then some older ones,then finally started calli
ng around. Strangly enough, no one had ever heard ofgo
od ol Ryan. This ticked off a little suspicion. Next thi
ng I know, he hasdownloaded our Instant Applica
tion Generator. A few days later, up comes hiszipp
ed application, so I promptly downloaded it. Lo and behold
, inside the zipwas a nice compilation of ansis,
which were subsequently renamed from Spawn,The
Malevolent Trickster and even the man himself TT over to S
iLiCON SORCERORThis pissed me off, so I confro
nted him with the truth. He abruptly deniedever
ything. little did he know I had captured all his conver
sations, and 50users had witnessed it. He the
n refused to explain how his sig found its wayon t
o the various ANSis included in his zip. Idiot lamers li
ke this must betaught the error of their ways.
If you would like to call Ryan Pease and tellhim
what you think of his underhanded deeds, as well as Copywri
te infringementfeel free to give him a call at 5
19-758-5477.Heres his application for your pers
onal amusement.
C Ansi Application
Full Name : Ryan Pease
Birthdate : February 19. 1977
Voice Number : 519-758-5477
Age, Sex : 16, MALE
Rate Your Ansi : 99/100
Describe Your Best Ansi : A pic of a d
emon, in a pit surrounded with flames
What Drawing Program : The Draw 4.6
Time To Complete Ansi : 20mins-1 wee
k depends on size and quality
Other Affiliaitions : iCE former
Your BBS Name : NO BBS
Your BBS Number :
Affiliations :
Net Works :
BBS Software :
Be Sure To Include
Several of Your Best
Ansis With
This Application
Send to Towers of H
igh Sorcery @ 519-586-2445
This Application Was Crea
ted With RADiANCE A
pplication Generator
By : Rich TyraN
Barnes C 1993 RADiA
nsi Application
Well, MAGiC has had a new treat this month. We have had
an encounterwith Ryan Pease. Ryan, aka SiLiCON
SORCEROR/Spectral Illusion lives in the519 in
the city of Brantford. Ryan called a local BBS and downloaded seve
ral ofour early packs. He then decided that he
would give membership a shot. Toguarantee a
ccess Ryan took some pretty deviant approaches. First, he s
entEmail to me, claiming that we were awesome, wi
cked, kewl, then he startedsigning his sig SiLi
CON SORCEROR iCE. I had never heard of anyone in iCE by
that name, so I quickly checked the recent memberlists
, then some older ones,then finally started calli
ng around. Strangly enough, no one had ever heard ofgo
od ol Ryan. This ticked off a little suspicion. Next thi
ng I know, he hasdownloaded our Instant Applica
tion Generator. A few days later, up comes hiszipp
ed application, so I promptly downloaded it. Lo and behold
, inside the zipwas a nice compilation of ansis,
which were subsequently renamed from Spawn,The
Malevolent Trickster and even the man himself TT over to S
iLiCON SORCERORThis pissed me off, so I confro
nted him with the truth. He abruptly deniedever
ything. little did he know I had captured all his conver
sations, and 50users had witnessed it. He the
n refused to explain how his sig found its wayon t
o the various ANSis included in his zip. Idiot lamers li
ke this must betaught the error of their ways.
If you would like to call Ryan Pease and tellhim
what you think of his underhanded deeds, as well as Copywri
te infringementfeel free to give him a call at 5
19-758-5477.Heres his application for your pers
onal amusement.
C Ansi Application
Full Name : Ryan Pease
Birthdate : February 19. 1977
Voice Number : 519-758-5477
Age, Sex : 16, MALE
Rate Your Ansi : 99/100
Describe Your Best Ansi : A pic of a d
emon, in a pit surrounded with flames
What Drawing Program : The Draw 4.6
Time To Complete Ansi : 20mins-1 wee
k depends on size and quality
Other Affiliaitions : iCE former
Your BBS Name : NO BBS
Your BBS Number :
Affiliations :
Net Works :
BBS Software :
Be Sure To Include
Several of Your Best
Ansis With
This Application
Send to Towers of H
igh Sorcery @ 519-586-2445
This Application Was Crea
ted With RADiANCE A
pplication Generator
By : Rich TyraN
Barnes C 1993 RADiA
nsi Application
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