MAGiC : Mighty And Gargantuan Institute Of Chaos MAGiC05.NfO From The MAGiC hOARd January 1994
Well met! Hard to believe it, this is out fifth hOARd
and still going strong! With the arrival of two new
members for this hOARd Whom I will introduce in a
sec, MAGiC is growing and growing! As always, we are
here to serve and entertain you, if you have a request
or job for us, dont hesitate to call TOhS and drop
RAiSTLiN or XAXiSiAN a line!
Theres a few things to discuss this time around.
First of all, a lighter topic. There has been some
confusion to our usage of the word hoard as we have
labelled our ANSi packs. It was brought to my
attention that we were using the incorrect spelling
of the word, and that we should be using horde in-
stead of hoard. Well, I researched the topic, and
discovered that we *ARE* using the correct method of
of the word. Hoard or hOARd as we prefer refers to
a bulk or cache of objects, primarily money or any-
thing of monetary value. Horde, refers to a group
of living beings, such as soldiers, pack dogs, or
fruit flies. However, I learned that this second
version of the word need not refer to a living being,
therefore, it is possible to have a horde of hoards
meaning a plural amount of our hOARds in one place at
any given time. Well, I feel better having cleared
that up.
MAGiC decided late last year to dispose of some of the
dry-bulk members so to speak. Basicly those who
never actually produced any art, or bothered to get
the hOARds for distribution. If you know you fit into
this area, and you werent removed, please contribute
more to the group, because it is just a matter of time
before we do another cleaning. I can be contacted on
Towers of High Sorcery II at 519-586-2445 if you have
any questions. If you find that you were not included
in this hOARds memberlist, chances are you were
removed due to lack of input. As before, I can be
contacted to discuss this at anytime on TOhS.
Lastly, MAGiC almost merged with another group called
CiA earlier in the month. As you know, it was
discussed among the availible members, and the idea
was voted against in a 7-2 result. We would like to
wish CiA a great future in the ANSi community. See ya
at the top, guys!
Now for the Greetings Beatings! As always, Greets
out to the high and mighty SysOps of our USHQ, Ms.
Jewels and Dalamar DoUrden. Greets out to our new
members, SiDS, a Distro SysGod and a coder as well,
and Maelstrom, a VGAist and Coder of high proportions!
If you liked our new Instant Application Generator,
thank iCE Breaker who put it together on such short
notice, thanks alot old friend! Hehe! Greets out to
the Krad group EG especially their kick ass artists
SeVeReD PeNis and CaPTaiN iMPoTEnT, and their coder
from beyond, the extraordinary CoLoNeL CrApHeAD, made
famous by his Penis-Vector demo! Hehe! Greets to
iCE and MAGNUS of HT for making me laugh harder then
I have in a long time! Greets to Midnight Sorrow
for getting back from vacation at such an oppurtune
time and getting me going with CyberCrime. Greets to
Space Ace and the rest of DREAD! I love your Trainers
Cracks N Stuff! Hehe! Greets to HT as a whole, you
do kick-ass art guys! Beatings go out to all the
lamers who suddenly found themselves on the LamerList!
Youre all just too Lame In The Brain! Beatings to
Savage Fear the new coding group that popped up in our
area! Nothing personal but smells like competetion to
me! Hehe! Beats to the ever-chaotic BLiSS, who is
currently experiencing a mutiny among the members! The
plot thickens! Hehe! Collosal beatings out to LiQUiD
CHaOS aka Silicon Sorceror and Spectral Illusion. You
cant go around impersonating a group as Krewl as iCE
and expect to get through it with a beating or two!
Fucking faggit, go impersonate EPiLEPSY!
Remember, if youre a member of MAGiC and you dont
have copies of the tools suggested in the Handbook,
call and leech them today at 519-586-2445, the MAGiC
WHQ, Towers Of High Sorcery II!
Chains And MAGiC Logo By XAXiSiAN
File Creator Description
RA-TOhS.ANS RAiSTLiN Towers Of High Sorcery II ANSi
RA-EXP.ANS RAiSTLiN Extreme Prejudice ANSi
RA-MGC0194.ANS RAiSTLiN MAGiC 01/94 Memberlist
RA-MNET.ANS RAiSTLiN Medieval Net Logo
MAGiC05.NfO RAiSTLiN MAGiC 01/94 .NfO ANSi
XA-WR.ANS XAXiSiAN Without Remorse ANSi
XA-CYBR1.ANS XAXiSiAN Cyberdyne Systems ANSi 1
XA-CYBR2.ANS XAXiSiAN Cyberdyne Systems ANSi 2
XA-SKLTN.ANS XAXiSiAN Towers Of High Sorcery Stats ANSi
XA-BUL.ANS XAXiSiAN Warning! Bulletin
XA-TOhS.ANS XAXiSiAN Towers Of High Sorcery II ANSi
XA-ACiD.ANS XAXiSiAN ANSi Creators In Demand Logo
XA-MAGiC.ANS XAXiSiAN Mighty And Gargantuan Institute Of Chaos
XA-TOhS.GIF XAXiSiAN Towers Of High Sorcery Gif
XA-PNW.GIF XAXiSiAN Pass N Warez Logo
XA-DHii.GIF XAXiSiAN Dimension Hatross II Gif
JF-MARA.ANS e ractal Matter/Antimatter Transmitter
JF-TUB.ANS e ractal The Untouchables BBS ANSi
JF-AA.ANS e ractal Anarchists Anonymous
HB-TOhS.EXE Hellbastard Towers Of High Sorcery ANSi
HB-PTG.GIF Hellbastard Pentegram Logo
HB-MAGiC.GIF Hellbastard MAGiC Plasma Logo
IB-TOMB.ANS iCE Breaker Tombstone INC. ANSi
IB-IAG.ZIP iCE Breaker MAGiC Instant Application Generator
IB-TOhS.ZIP iCE Breaker Towers Of High Sorcery Loader
MM-EXP.ZIP MaelstroM Extreme Prejudice Loader
MM-ENGMA.ZIP MaelstroM Enigma Software Loader
HX-BUR.ANS Hoaks Burton BBS ANSi
HX-KLQ .ANS Hoaks KLQ Logo
LAMERLST.ANS XAXiSiAN Unwillingly Complied LamerList
MGC-HB94.DOX XAXiSiAN MAGiC Handbook Full 94 Revision
Fare Ye Well Until Our Paths Intervene Once Again
Stay Tuned Next Month For A Special February
Compilation Of The Best And Most Liked Art
MAGiC Has Ever Created! Scheduled Release
Date February 10th! Laidher!