this image contains text
----- ---- --- - - -- - - - -- - ----. meltdown97
--- -+ -- - - - --- ------------- meltdown97 bulletins .--
coded by maveriCk / ascii by eraser -- --+
/ the eraser / md/mdn/skl/kiss / ascii requested by : +o maveriCk
/ / here it is another ascii for you my friend! i hope that in this time
/ you realy make the ppe!
--- -+ -- - - - --- ------------- meltdown97 bulletins .--
coded by maveriCk / ascii by eraser -- --+
/ the eraser / md/mdn/skl/kiss / ascii requested by : +o maveriCk
/ / here it is another ascii for you my friend! i hope that in this time
/ you realy make the ppe!
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