this image contains text
time: oo:oo:oo
/ / : ine - inet adresses
/ / / : use - users list
-- --- - ---/---//- -- -: vie - view stats
pro - prot choose
j - join confs : tempo society : bbs - boards list
d - download.. maybe : :.....................: : lam - bad sceners
u - upload now! : - the time is one more : ulb - upload string
g - track down : of life traces - : mdw - meltdraw!
o - fahrenheit here! ....................... wal - paint it now!
- - --- -- -- - ---- :mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm: -- - ------ - - - - - ---
n - new fls! /
r - read msg : /
c - cmt sops :
f - file lst . / / /
l - locate! / /
z - zippy : / / / / /
-- - - --- -- - - - eraser/- /- ---/--/--/ -/--
/ / : ine - inet adresses
/ / / : use - users list
-- --- - ---/---//- -- -: vie - view stats
pro - prot choose
j - join confs : tempo society : bbs - boards list
d - download.. maybe : :.....................: : lam - bad sceners
u - upload now! : - the time is one more : ulb - upload string
g - track down : of life traces - : mdw - meltdraw!
o - fahrenheit here! ....................... wal - paint it now!
- - --- -- -- - ---- :mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm: -- - ------ - - - - - ---
n - new fls! /
r - read msg : /
c - cmt sops :
f - file lst . / / /
l - locate! / /
z - zippy : / / / / /
-- - - --- -- - - - eraser/- /- ---/--/--/ -/--
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