this image contains text
Info: MAD was started January 1994. It merged with Mindless in
Mindless died August/September. MAD was reformed with about 80 of
its past members Late January 1995.
Well, I got bored, so I decided Id call up ole Sub-Z
eroX and tell him I wante
d to put the pack together this month. At least this pack
has a bit mor
e work than the last pack did. Last month was a pretty
bad month, th
e only thing worth checking out was a bit of UF
and MPs work, an
d Doomsdays mod, but anywayz.
And also,the pack probably would have been out about a week earlier tha
n it was
released, but it was delayed due to the fact that nobody
had anything
finished, and it probably would have been worse than last
months if it
were released on time. So we delayed the pack a week, a
nd I think we
had a decent turnout.
And no, Im not even a Senior Staff Member, I just decided I felt like
out the Mad pack this month. woowoo! I feel leet now.
Now I guess
Ill toss the rest of the newsletter to Sub-ZeroX
and see what hes
got to say. Oh yeah, and everybody call equ
inOx! 713-721-0914.
Personal greetz go to: SubZeroXMAD:
*bowing to Descent master*
DoomsdayMAD: w3rd t0 y0 b3rd n1gg4.
MPMAD/Haze: D:
LordRegdPs: Get Lord working.
DarkVenMAD: Beware the clicking pool vac
Sub-ZeroX in the house now. A Totaly Double Fruit Ro
ll Up goes out to my crew.
. I dont see what the deal is with everyone and people ragg
ing and shit
about trivial shit like getting nuked on a board.. Wooptie
Anyways, with that out of the way, youll probably notice that peop
arent doing much in MAD, it seems that even MP has
lost interest and
dosent love us anymore. :
This paragraph is dedicated to MP. Whom we hope will get hit i
n the head hard
by a mustard WhopperTM and come to the conclusion that no group i
as rad as MAD.
This paragraph is dedicated to G-Man. Whom we hope will drop t
hat other art
group and join MAD because we gave him a free Blue
Anyways, enough of the dedicated paragraphs, if you want a paragraph de
to you, please send 50 to my address. Woo WOO! Clap your hands,
stomp your feet. MAD is now accepting new applicants! If
leave E-Mail to Sub-ZeroX on Edge of Infinity, The Happy B
Whats new this month? Well, first of all Doomsday, Dark V
engence, and
Sabotage stoped by Reptiles house and took a piss
in his pool.
Lets hope his dad dosent find out. We also learn this month th
Dark Vengence does not know how to swim, someone sh
ould have taken
a picture so we could have put it in the pack. During that time
Yours Truely Me, DUH, went to Fort Worth and got rained on,
and Hailed at. It was fun. Also, It seems that Doomsday a
nd Tombston
e have settled their diffrences and are happy friends no
w. awwwwwwww
how sweet.... By the way, If youre ever in Fort Worth near Houst
and 4th Street there is a Coffee house called Coffee
Haus, Be sure
to get a nice Espresso and pick up a Hersheys Lovers
Cheese Cake.
And then say to yourself, Wow, Sub-ZeroX sure does know hi
s Cheese.
Cake that is. Oh, By the way, we love you MP. But we als
o hate you
its a love and hate relationship. I just wanted to say that. Hmm
You know whats wierd? Whats weird Reggie? Weird is whe
n you
write a newsletter for your own group and you start talking about
coffee houses and cheese cake. By
the way, if you know of any good
ones in Houston, E-Mail me. There is one in Baytown, But Its on
Texas Avenue and we would probably get shot at in that part of town
Man, that sure was a long paragraph, so I desided to start a new one.
OH! I want to make MAD the shit it was back when we first
started th
e group. No one hangs out there anymore and IRC has gone do
wn the tubes
but Im going to be hanging on IRC around 6:00pm from now o
n. I hope
that it catches on because I dont like talking to bots like Da
Oh goodie, Its time for Super Unrealistic Kowabunga GREETS! For this
a Super Double Phone Patroll Forest Gump Greet goes to Flashpoi
and his Super totaly K-Slick RobbleDos Pack-Man Powepill Brother
Twitch. Ever wonder what that handle is suppose to mean?
hmm.. /me starts twitching.. Oh well. Something the world will n
r know. A Ultra-Combo beat meat greet goes out to Repti
le who wrote the
first half of dis gnews letter. Mephitopeles gets
a un-cola red dot
backflip forward summersault upside down kick flip jam slam dunk gr
for being MP. Doomsday gets a super annoy
ing call you on the phone an
d bug you about the pack all day greet. And Uncle Feste
r gets a greet
for being rad. No more greets, go away.
If you are reading this newsletter and arent in MAD and are fi
nd it interestin
g then you should truely consider joining MAD, the t
otaly Kowabunga rad
group in seventhirteen.
Scene news from the eyes of Sub-ZeroX:
For more facts about Aliens and a Free Surprise Write To:
SCHWA BOX 6064 RENO NV 89513. They send neato gear.
Herbal Ecstacy: The safe alternative is finaly here:
a special combination of 8 herbs
100 a la natural
privides ENERGY
sensual enhancement
positive mental alertness and an all-over tingly feeling :
For more information or to place orders call 312409-3503
Reggies Grade Point Average is 3.2 woop
Hemp High Top: 100 Natural Hungarian Hemp Canvas Shoes with rubb
soles, For more info call 1-800-469-4367
Grand thoughs from the Grand PooBah:
The art scene is a great thing, everyone showing off their work. But I
that its becoming a ritual for people to turn in work just be
they are in a group and want to have a nice thing to put by th
sig. Theres alot of stuff in the art scene thats pretty coo
l, but
groups have it seems quit evolving and becoming better and i
you have groups that for some reason, brainwash themselves int
thinking that running a group is about Spreading to all areas
of the
world, having as many members and sites as possible, and doing
X pics
or whatever per month. For some people thats fun, but not fo
r me,
I kinda think its lame. I know what youre saying, Look at
hardly any turn out for the last 2 months! No one bugs other
about doing work. We make the group work instead of just addi
ng 2
ansis to a group of whom the majority of people we dont even
So MAD isnt the standard warehouse 100 Members where 20 actua
ly do
work, it was formed under the thought of a group that wants to
a fuck, but realy dosent because it takes to much time. Oh
just wanted to say that.
What else can I say, Oh, MTV is lame. Cougar is lame because h
e will never
see this. Raisnetstm only have 2grams of protien.
Danger, do not read below this line!
Well, It looks like Im going to be sitting around until mi
dnight, Doomsday
wants to finish His best MOD ever. And Being the awesome Li
group that we are... well wait. Besides, were late enough a
Oh, well, thats the price you have to pay for perfection as
great as
MAD Har Har. I guess Ill draw something. I mean, Im bored
. I
wish that Kentucky Fried Chicken delivered, because Im sick of
g pizza. And going to Jack and the Box at this hour is
sure to get me
Hamburglared again. *sigh* The question on my mind right now
Ice Tea or Coffee or Coke, Or Water, Well, definitly not water
, water
has no taste, unless you live in Baytown. Im going to dance,
will waste some time. Ok, that was pointless. Woo WOO! Guess
What Damnit? Hey, dont use harsh language with me bitch! O
k, what
is it idiot? Flashpoint that totaly cool kowabunga flip skip
dive vibe person he is just turned in a last minute ansi, and
it is
totaly neato keen. Anyone want some home made acid? If it ki
lls you
its your problem.. Hmm Hmm.. Hmmmmm. yawn, Why are you read
ing this
? You have to be board as well to read this shit, go aw
ay moron. I thin
k that all the people at 104.1 KRBE are lame dumbasses,
thats why I hav
e my Radio alarm set to that station because that Rosie
Chance or
whatever her name is, and the Morning Crew are so fucking an
that I wake up so sick of my alarm clock that Im too shocked t
o fall
back asleep, you should try it.
Im going to go draw a chicken or something, because Im fucking hungry a
nd my
fridge is empty. If you send me 50 Ill send you a post card
my name and age on it and Ill write you a letter in a forign
. Call Childrens International, Sally Struthers is her
e to assist you
with any donations you have for the starving. Republicans Suc
Suck Suck Suck, This is an anti-Republican group, If youre a
Republican then I hope your legs turn to tofu, and you get att
by several horny gay men. Rush can suck my Democratic Dick to
I hope Neut Gingrich gets run over by a Dodge Neon carrying se
NRA supporters and Branch Dividians. Quit calling your Mouse
a Mouse
and Call it a Rat. Put happy face stickers on your monitor.
descent. Buy 50 Glow sticks from your local Toyz R Us, and p
ass them
out in school. Line Dance in school. Attack unsuspe
cting Teachers
with your ninja skills. Man, Damnit I sure with Doomsday woul
d hurry
up and finish that MOD. Oh well.
Cool, I just got the totaly neato Doomsday MOD, and his best ansi ever.
. Man..
Im glad that everyone isnt as good at ansi as Doomsday, that
type of
skill will probably scare away all the lesser artists that are
nt use
to such great art work. Anyways, Enjoy the pack.
See ya.
Personal Greets go to: Dark Avemger Dps
: Send me your application.
Psylark MAD:
Linux sucks.
Bane MAD: Where are you!!
Info: MAD was started January 1994. It merged with Mindless in
Mindless died August/September. MAD was reformed with about 80 of
its past members Late January 1995.
Well, I got bored, so I decided Id call up ole Sub-Z
eroX and tell him I wante
d to put the pack together this month. At least this pack
has a bit mor
e work than the last pack did. Last month was a pretty
bad month, th
e only thing worth checking out was a bit of UF
and MPs work, an
d Doomsdays mod, but anywayz.
And also,the pack probably would have been out about a week earlier tha
n it was
released, but it was delayed due to the fact that nobody
had anything
finished, and it probably would have been worse than last
months if it
were released on time. So we delayed the pack a week, a
nd I think we
had a decent turnout.
And no, Im not even a Senior Staff Member, I just decided I felt like
out the Mad pack this month. woowoo! I feel leet now.
Now I guess
Ill toss the rest of the newsletter to Sub-ZeroX
and see what hes
got to say. Oh yeah, and everybody call equ
inOx! 713-721-0914.
Personal greetz go to: SubZeroXMAD:
*bowing to Descent master*
DoomsdayMAD: w3rd t0 y0 b3rd n1gg4.
MPMAD/Haze: D:
LordRegdPs: Get Lord working.
DarkVenMAD: Beware the clicking pool vac
Sub-ZeroX in the house now. A Totaly Double Fruit Ro
ll Up goes out to my crew.
. I dont see what the deal is with everyone and people ragg
ing and shit
about trivial shit like getting nuked on a board.. Wooptie
Anyways, with that out of the way, youll probably notice that peop
arent doing much in MAD, it seems that even MP has
lost interest and
dosent love us anymore. :
This paragraph is dedicated to MP. Whom we hope will get hit i
n the head hard
by a mustard WhopperTM and come to the conclusion that no group i
as rad as MAD.
This paragraph is dedicated to G-Man. Whom we hope will drop t
hat other art
group and join MAD because we gave him a free Blue
Anyways, enough of the dedicated paragraphs, if you want a paragraph de
to you, please send 50 to my address. Woo WOO! Clap your hands,
stomp your feet. MAD is now accepting new applicants! If
leave E-Mail to Sub-ZeroX on Edge of Infinity, The Happy B
Whats new this month? Well, first of all Doomsday, Dark V
engence, and
Sabotage stoped by Reptiles house and took a piss
in his pool.
Lets hope his dad dosent find out. We also learn this month th
Dark Vengence does not know how to swim, someone sh
ould have taken
a picture so we could have put it in the pack. During that time
Yours Truely Me, DUH, went to Fort Worth and got rained on,
and Hailed at. It was fun. Also, It seems that Doomsday a
nd Tombston
e have settled their diffrences and are happy friends no
w. awwwwwwww
how sweet.... By the way, If youre ever in Fort Worth near Houst
and 4th Street there is a Coffee house called Coffee
Haus, Be sure
to get a nice Espresso and pick up a Hersheys Lovers
Cheese Cake.
And then say to yourself, Wow, Sub-ZeroX sure does know hi
s Cheese.
Cake that is. Oh, By the way, we love you MP. But we als
o hate you
its a love and hate relationship. I just wanted to say that. Hmm
You know whats wierd? Whats weird Reggie? Weird is whe
n you
write a newsletter for your own group and you start talking about
coffee houses and cheese cake. By
the way, if you know of any good
ones in Houston, E-Mail me. There is one in Baytown, But Its on
Texas Avenue and we would probably get shot at in that part of town
Man, that sure was a long paragraph, so I desided to start a new one.
OH! I want to make MAD the shit it was back when we first
started th
e group. No one hangs out there anymore and IRC has gone do
wn the tubes
but Im going to be hanging on IRC around 6:00pm from now o
n. I hope
that it catches on because I dont like talking to bots like Da
Oh goodie, Its time for Super Unrealistic Kowabunga GREETS! For this
a Super Double Phone Patroll Forest Gump Greet goes to Flashpoi
and his Super totaly K-Slick RobbleDos Pack-Man Powepill Brother
Twitch. Ever wonder what that handle is suppose to mean?
hmm.. /me starts twitching.. Oh well. Something the world will n
r know. A Ultra-Combo beat meat greet goes out to Repti
le who wrote the
first half of dis gnews letter. Mephitopeles gets
a un-cola red dot
backflip forward summersault upside down kick flip jam slam dunk gr
for being MP. Doomsday gets a super annoy
ing call you on the phone an
d bug you about the pack all day greet. And Uncle Feste
r gets a greet
for being rad. No more greets, go away.
If you are reading this newsletter and arent in MAD and are fi
nd it interestin
g then you should truely consider joining MAD, the t
otaly Kowabunga rad
group in seventhirteen.
Scene news from the eyes of Sub-ZeroX:
For more facts about Aliens and a Free Surprise Write To:
SCHWA BOX 6064 RENO NV 89513. They send neato gear.
Herbal Ecstacy: The safe alternative is finaly here:
a special combination of 8 herbs
100 a la natural
privides ENERGY
sensual enhancement
positive mental alertness and an all-over tingly feeling :
For more information or to place orders call 312409-3503
Reggies Grade Point Average is 3.2 woop
Hemp High Top: 100 Natural Hungarian Hemp Canvas Shoes with rubb
soles, For more info call 1-800-469-4367
Grand thoughs from the Grand PooBah:
The art scene is a great thing, everyone showing off their work. But I
that its becoming a ritual for people to turn in work just be
they are in a group and want to have a nice thing to put by th
sig. Theres alot of stuff in the art scene thats pretty coo
l, but
groups have it seems quit evolving and becoming better and i
you have groups that for some reason, brainwash themselves int
thinking that running a group is about Spreading to all areas
of the
world, having as many members and sites as possible, and doing
X pics
or whatever per month. For some people thats fun, but not fo
r me,
I kinda think its lame. I know what youre saying, Look at
hardly any turn out for the last 2 months! No one bugs other
about doing work. We make the group work instead of just addi
ng 2
ansis to a group of whom the majority of people we dont even
So MAD isnt the standard warehouse 100 Members where 20 actua
ly do
work, it was formed under the thought of a group that wants to
a fuck, but realy dosent because it takes to much time. Oh
just wanted to say that.
What else can I say, Oh, MTV is lame. Cougar is lame because h
e will never
see this. Raisnetstm only have 2grams of protien.
Danger, do not read below this line!
Well, It looks like Im going to be sitting around until mi
dnight, Doomsday
wants to finish His best MOD ever. And Being the awesome Li
group that we are... well wait. Besides, were late enough a
Oh, well, thats the price you have to pay for perfection as
great as
MAD Har Har. I guess Ill draw something. I mean, Im bored
. I
wish that Kentucky Fried Chicken delivered, because Im sick of
g pizza. And going to Jack and the Box at this hour is
sure to get me
Hamburglared again. *sigh* The question on my mind right now
Ice Tea or Coffee or Coke, Or Water, Well, definitly not water
, water
has no taste, unless you live in Baytown. Im going to dance,
will waste some time. Ok, that was pointless. Woo WOO! Guess
What Damnit? Hey, dont use harsh language with me bitch! O
k, what
is it idiot? Flashpoint that totaly cool kowabunga flip skip
dive vibe person he is just turned in a last minute ansi, and
it is
totaly neato keen. Anyone want some home made acid? If it ki
lls you
its your problem.. Hmm Hmm.. Hmmmmm. yawn, Why are you read
ing this
? You have to be board as well to read this shit, go aw
ay moron. I thin
k that all the people at 104.1 KRBE are lame dumbasses,
thats why I hav
e my Radio alarm set to that station because that Rosie
Chance or
whatever her name is, and the Morning Crew are so fucking an
that I wake up so sick of my alarm clock that Im too shocked t
o fall
back asleep, you should try it.
Im going to go draw a chicken or something, because Im fucking hungry a
nd my
fridge is empty. If you send me 50 Ill send you a post card
my name and age on it and Ill write you a letter in a forign
. Call Childrens International, Sally Struthers is her
e to assist you
with any donations you have for the starving. Republicans Suc
Suck Suck Suck, This is an anti-Republican group, If youre a
Republican then I hope your legs turn to tofu, and you get att
by several horny gay men. Rush can suck my Democratic Dick to
I hope Neut Gingrich gets run over by a Dodge Neon carrying se
NRA supporters and Branch Dividians. Quit calling your Mouse
a Mouse
and Call it a Rat. Put happy face stickers on your monitor.
descent. Buy 50 Glow sticks from your local Toyz R Us, and p
ass them
out in school. Line Dance in school. Attack unsuspe
cting Teachers
with your ninja skills. Man, Damnit I sure with Doomsday woul
d hurry
up and finish that MOD. Oh well.
Cool, I just got the totaly neato Doomsday MOD, and his best ansi ever.
. Man..
Im glad that everyone isnt as good at ansi as Doomsday, that
type of
skill will probably scare away all the lesser artists that are
nt use
to such great art work. Anyways, Enjoy the pack.
See ya.
Personal Greets go to: Dark Avemger Dps
: Send me your application.
Psylark MAD:
Linux sucks.
Bane MAD: Where are you!!
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