this image contains text
Do you want to join LBO Little BiG One ??
We are looking for new Artists. So if you are interested,
Fill in the following application and send it to HYSTERiA BBS +322-736-4868
Including a few samples of your best ANSi-art.
- Personal Informations -
REAL Name .... :
Handle ....... :
Date of Birth. :
Voice number . :
Data number .. :
Address ...... :
City ......... :
Country ...... :
Hardware ..... :
Modem ........ :
- Other Informations -
Are you a programmer? If so, which languages? :
Where did you get this Ansipack/Application form? :
Are you affiliated with any other group? :
Anything else we should know about you? :
- Ansi Artists -
How many ansis can you draw into a month? :
How much time do you use on ONE ansi? :
How many times can you call Flames of Hell in month? :
Now call our WHQ and leave a Mail to WhiTesnaKe or TorLock
Remember to include this file and Your Creations into that message.
If you do not screw up anything, you should soon get a phonecall or a
Reply or something, that tells you IF you are part of us!
WoRLD HQ HYSTERIA BBS +32-2-736-4868 00:00 - 24:00 96oo-144ooBps
We are looking for new Artists. So if you are interested,
Fill in the following application and send it to HYSTERiA BBS +322-736-4868
Including a few samples of your best ANSi-art.
- Personal Informations -
REAL Name .... :
Handle ....... :
Date of Birth. :
Voice number . :
Data number .. :
Address ...... :
City ......... :
Country ...... :
Hardware ..... :
Modem ........ :
- Other Informations -
Are you a programmer? If so, which languages? :
Where did you get this Ansipack/Application form? :
Are you affiliated with any other group? :
Anything else we should know about you? :
- Ansi Artists -
How many ansis can you draw into a month? :
How much time do you use on ONE ansi? :
How many times can you call Flames of Hell in month? :
Now call our WHQ and leave a Mail to WhiTesnaKe or TorLock
Remember to include this file and Your Creations into that message.
If you do not screw up anything, you should soon get a phonecall or a
Reply or something, that tells you IF you are part of us!
WoRLD HQ HYSTERIA BBS +32-2-736-4868 00:00 - 24:00 96oo-144ooBps
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