A Glance at the History of Earth the past 3000 yrs
As population continued to increase and as everyone turned
to technology for comfort, the environment was sacrificed
for the good of the people. The raping of earth continued
for decades before people started to realize that the soil
no longer yielded as great a harvest as it used to, that the
rain itself was poison to the touch, the air unbreathable,
and skin cancer a norm, that they must do something to try
to fix what they have been doing. Green Peace renamed itself
Gaia and for many years sought more and more members. Soon
Gaia grew in power... military power. Nation by nation,
Gaia overturned the existing government promising the people
fertile land, clean air, and drinkable water. However as a
last resort, few of the governments fired their nuclear
warheads at the nations that Gaia had taken over. Unfortunately
those nations also had an automatic defense system which Gaia
had not known about and the nations also returned fire.
A nuclear war had started and as predicted a nuclear winter
soon followed. Devasted by what was happening around the
world and the bitter cold and radiation that was sweeping around
the land, survivors of the holocaust started to migrate toward
Antartica. Why they had chosen Antartica w/its severe cold
is unknown. From the geological digs, it is estimated that
the new Ice Age lasted around 200 years however due to the lack
of any surving documents from the era, it cannot be positively
ascertained how long the Ice Age lasted. As the dust settled
back down and allowed the sun to warm the earth again, the
survivors living underneath Antartica began to spread out. By
fortune, it had seemed that the survivors were mostly scientists,
doctors, and the like. They had retained all of the technology
from the before the Ice Age and had bloomed. Why they did not
keep any written record of their time during the Ice Age is
unknown. When the survivors started to spread out they saw
that those who had somehow managed to survive the Ice Age had
reverted back to the survival of the fittest. All cities
were destroyed as well as any trace that man had ever existed...
with the exception of ground zero points and sites of radioactive
dumps. The Antartic group gathered up the survivors of the
Ice Age and re-civilized them and started to rebuild the
cities and begin a new life. For the next 500 yrs, the people
prospered. This period of the time is sometimes refered to as
the Second Golden Age. Nationality had been abolished and the
first Earth Council was setup. As the population of earth grew
once again to the billions, people of different skin color started
to group together and demanded the Earth Council to set apart
a section of land for them. At first EC ignored all the demands
however seeing that they might loose support from the people,
agreed to re-setup nations. By now each nation was fighting
for the prime land and World War 3 broke out which lasted for
10 yrs. There were no clear victors, all sides had been
devastated by the war and the earth further wounded from all
the bombing. A new EC was setup however this time the council
was a front, a puppet, for the military. The military faction
blamed the earlier EC for WW3, they claimed that WW3 would never
have been started if they had had backbone to fight the demands
for nations. All nations were again abolished for the good of
the many this time for good. The people endured the tight
rule of the military for decades before complaining about the
conditions of living. Both the Ice Age and the Second Golden
Age had failed to improve what had caused all the rumbling,
the land. Air had become tolerable and one could stand in
the rain w/o too much damage, however the land still did not produce
enough food for all. It is at this time that Gaia resurfaced.
They now called themselves The Children of Light COL. Fearing
another war, COL worked covertly infiltrating the military. Soon
the key positions in the military were COL agents and another
coup had taken place. COL had decided that only Mother Earth
can heal herself and that humanity must leave her alone so that
she would have time w/o any interference to fix all the problems
that humanity had caused. COL envisioned cities built above
the clouds, separated from earth. Decades later, the first
bubble city had been built. Some called it a space station,
others a prison for humanity however all were awestricken when
they saw the city. Covered by a dome to block out the harmful
sun, the city floated high above the clouds. Although the
city was a small prototype, the smallest building was 150 stories
tall, the city itself was 10 mi x 20 mi. It took many years but
more bubble cities were built and COL forced the mass migration
of humanity into the cities. It was during this time of migration
that a new leader had taken over COL. It is thought that he
suffered a malady of the mind. He ruled over the cities with an
iron fist and started to impose bans. He banned all religions,
psychiatrists, pornography, most drugs including alcohol, and
any products made from animals such as leather. Those who opposed
disappeared without a trace, presumably killed. Not much is
known about his period except that the people suffered but the
rate of technological advancement was greatly increased. Because
he did not believe in Christ, he also abolished the A.D. and B.C.
date system and declared his first year in power as the 1st year
of A.E. after enlightenment, because of the vast holes in the
history since 1 A.D. this frame of reference was kept The
following successors all had the same ideas and continued the
ban. The people started to complain but were stifled when
extraterrestrails had taken note of earth and had decided that
it would be in their best interest to take earth. Thus began
the Five Waves of alien war. Intermittently they would attack
earth to see if they could take it easily. The waves spanned
a period of 1,000 years, each wave devastated earth but somehow
earth had won. During the five waves, the goverment reinstated
religion and psychiatry to uplift morale as well as treat mentally
deficient people. Why the aliens sent the waves so far in between
is still unknown. After the 5th wave, earth was approached by
another extraterrestrial claiming to come in peace. They were
the Muandin, the traders of the universe.. or so they claimed.
For some of the resources that earth had retained, they gave
them enough technology to withstand more attacks from hostile
aliens. It was a short while after this event that scientists
had finally discovered a way to manipulate the 10th dimension
finally allowing feasible long distance space travel w/o the
effects of time dilation. Earth grew in power over the next
decades however the problem of overpopulation was starting to
plague earth again, even with the colonization of the moon
and mars. Putting the new hyper space engines to work, vast
migrating ships were built. 250 million people boarded these
ships and set out to find habitable planets for humans. To this
date it is unknown whether the 250 million people survived
or not. It is presumed that they have been attacked by hostile
aliens and were killed. New technological developements along
with the aid of Muandin, new methods of finding habitable
planets were found and the problem of overpopulation was solved.
Earth fought off a few more hostile attacks much greater than
the earlier waves, it seems earth had finally attracted someones
undivided attention. It is now year 2198. People are again
restless. There are rumors floating around that it is the
time of change, that humanity must continue its evolution.