this image contains text
R T B B S The Necromancer iCE
ToxicNet HyperNet Host DementiaNet Host
TcsNet HUB ValiantNet MobNet Phalcon Sk
ism Net F/X Net Host NonNet HQ CCi Net
ACiD Member BBS iCE Member BBS VGANSi Temp. WHQ CORE Memb
er BBS Flagg Affialite Optik Nerve Fan Club HQ
Lancelot Distsite/Member BBS BeerUtils
Alpha Site Running Renegade
CyberArtists/Criminals Welcome
No: Lamers/Locals/Ratios/Nup/Warez d00dz 0
-30 msgs 0-30 users 0-30 hardware 0-30 ansis 2
500+ Text Files / 600+ Documented Virii / Current ACiD iCE / 300+
SysOps: The Lord God Xerobe iCE Runs the Show
The Necromancer iCE / Exile ACiD
Technical Experts: Rich / Lucifuge
Node1: 215-469-9499
Node2: 215-TOO-POOR
Kewl font: Necromancer / Other Shit: The Lord God Xerob
R T B B S The Necromancer iCE
ToxicNet HyperNet Host DementiaNet Host
TcsNet HUB ValiantNet MobNet Phalcon Sk
ism Net F/X Net Host NonNet HQ CCi Net
ACiD Member BBS iCE Member BBS VGANSi Temp. WHQ CORE Memb
er BBS Flagg Affialite Optik Nerve Fan Club HQ
Lancelot Distsite/Member BBS BeerUtils
Alpha Site Running Renegade
CyberArtists/Criminals Welcome
No: Lamers/Locals/Ratios/Nup/Warez d00dz 0
-30 msgs 0-30 users 0-30 hardware 0-30 ansis 2
500+ Text Files / 600+ Documented Virii / Current ACiD iCE / 300+
SysOps: The Lord God Xerobe iCE Runs the Show
The Necromancer iCE / Exile ACiD
Technical Experts: Rich / Lucifuge
Node1: 215-469-9499
Node2: 215-TOO-POOR
Kewl font: Necromancer / Other Shit: The Lord God Xerob
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