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J U L Y 2 0 0 2
1. We have tons of fantastic work this month. iCE artists must be getting
excited for our upcoming 10th Anniversary pack next month! We want to
welcome Epoch back from the dead and are very proud to announce that Jae and
Leonardo are making ansis again. It is hard to believe this much artwork
came together when many iCE members are swapping sleep for turns in
TradeWars on the Piranha BBS piranha.zapto.org.
2. In the ANSI department, we need to welcome back Fire From Heaven. Joining
us for the first time is ewheat, Alla Xul, and Spear. ewheat held a press
conference to announce his membership, and Janet Reno introduced him. There
was a gasp when the reporter from the LA Times asked him a question
involving rubber tubing and his failed babysitting business, but he handled
the stress well. Alla Xul told us all that he thinks of himself as an
African princess, but we let it slide after we saw his skills with a cursor.
Finally, Spear wowed us with his ability to verb a full number inches
of noun into his noun, at least until Trip and Root88 put on a double
act that totally outdid Spears feat. Welcome to all the new members! In
the words of Sinned Soul, I dont give a damn what the court order says,
Im going to go visit my grandmother at the gun show!
3. New hi-res artists this month are Picky, Devious, and Arcipello. Archipello
joins us from Newcastle in the UK. He tried to apply over the phone with
us, but he was completely uncomprehendable - speaking a strange form of
European ebonics while wearing some sort of gas mask. Next we have Devious,
who admitted that he was from the Great White North. We let him in anyway.
Picky was born and raised in Croatia but immigrated to the United States and
joined iCE when she heard that Slothy was single again.
4. After perfecting her tattooing skills on her children, Sprite has decided to
open her own studio named Lady Hawke Ink in Kansas City. There will be a
20 discount on iCE forhead tattoos. Good luck Sprite!
Wishing you a hot, sweaty, itchy August,
Root88, Trip and Slothy
Lord Soth Root88
J U L Y 2 0 0 2
1. We have tons of fantastic work this month. iCE artists must be getting
excited for our upcoming 10th Anniversary pack next month! We want to
welcome Epoch back from the dead and are very proud to announce that Jae and
Leonardo are making ansis again. It is hard to believe this much artwork
came together when many iCE members are swapping sleep for turns in
TradeWars on the Piranha BBS piranha.zapto.org.
2. In the ANSI department, we need to welcome back Fire From Heaven. Joining
us for the first time is ewheat, Alla Xul, and Spear. ewheat held a press
conference to announce his membership, and Janet Reno introduced him. There
was a gasp when the reporter from the LA Times asked him a question
involving rubber tubing and his failed babysitting business, but he handled
the stress well. Alla Xul told us all that he thinks of himself as an
African princess, but we let it slide after we saw his skills with a cursor.
Finally, Spear wowed us with his ability to verb a full number inches
of noun into his noun, at least until Trip and Root88 put on a double
act that totally outdid Spears feat. Welcome to all the new members! In
the words of Sinned Soul, I dont give a damn what the court order says,
Im going to go visit my grandmother at the gun show!
3. New hi-res artists this month are Picky, Devious, and Arcipello. Archipello
joins us from Newcastle in the UK. He tried to apply over the phone with
us, but he was completely uncomprehendable - speaking a strange form of
European ebonics while wearing some sort of gas mask. Next we have Devious,
who admitted that he was from the Great White North. We let him in anyway.
Picky was born and raised in Croatia but immigrated to the United States and
joined iCE when she heard that Slothy was single again.
4. After perfecting her tattooing skills on her children, Sprite has decided to
open her own studio named Lady Hawke Ink in Kansas City. There will be a
20 discount on iCE forhead tattoos. Good luck Sprite!
Wishing you a hot, sweaty, itchy August,
Root88, Trip and Slothy
Lord Soth Root88
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