Hype MemberList by Hype Ss
Hype MemberList by Hype Ss
* - New Member Member Listing:
* - Head of Division
Seniors: How to Find Us:
* Free Fall -ff- 416/905 area
Trident -tr- 416/905 area
Ansi Division: http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/cvalius
* Trident -tr- 416/905 area hype on efnet
Free Fall -ff- 416/905 area
* Pleeto -p!- 804 area cvalius@sprynet.com
* Kaneda -kn- 714 area
Ascii Division:
* Axiom -ax- 416/905 area
* Fresh -fr- 416/905 area
* Farhope -fh- 519 area
* NyteGlo -ng- 407 area
Coding Division:
** Downset -dn- 203 area
* Farhope -fh- 519 area