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High Rezolution Membership Info
The House of SiN..................World HQ
Total Corruption...............Courier WHQ
The Spade.......................Eastern HQ
Harvest Moon...................Northern HQ
Electronic Frontier.............Central HQ
Pentagon BBS....................Western HQ
The Shadows Den...................NET WHQ
Ansi By
Senior Staff Programers
Living Death, .. . Master of Puppets, Wicked Vampyre
Altered Destiny Altered Destiny, Lord Dameon, OnyX, Ysean
Text Authors Couriers
Gilvey, Sabbat, Mental Lunatic Vitalstatistix, Maelstrom,
Bathroom Bomber, Onyx, Mirage, Blue Ice Mirage, Mr. X
Artists Joining HR
Mental Lunatic, Satan Clas, Silvermoon To join HR call The House of
Maelstrom, Harley Davidson, Point Blank SiN at 217-864-4796 and dld
Master of Puppets,Mods:dazed Confused an application TODAY!
The House of SiN..................World HQ
Total Corruption...............Courier WHQ
The Spade.......................Eastern HQ
Harvest Moon...................Northern HQ
Electronic Frontier.............Central HQ
Pentagon BBS....................Western HQ
The Shadows Den...................NET WHQ
Ansi By
Senior Staff Programers
Living Death, .. . Master of Puppets, Wicked Vampyre
Altered Destiny Altered Destiny, Lord Dameon, OnyX, Ysean
Text Authors Couriers
Gilvey, Sabbat, Mental Lunatic Vitalstatistix, Maelstrom,
Bathroom Bomber, Onyx, Mirage, Blue Ice Mirage, Mr. X
Artists Joining HR
Mental Lunatic, Satan Clas, Silvermoon To join HR call The House of
Maelstrom, Harley Davidson, Point Blank SiN at 217-864-4796 and dld
Master of Puppets,Mods:dazed Confused an application TODAY!
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