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11/95 11/95
well, here is our six month anniversary pack, and even though its not much to
look at, i can say one thing: i told you so. that goes out to all the people
who told me this wouldnt last past one pack. weve got some really great lit
in here, and even though this is probably our smallest pack, i will guarantee
that the next one will be the biggest. new gifs, ansi, lits, and what not,
a lot of changes are in store, and dead weight will be tossed to the side. to
our two newest members, happy the clown, and demosthenes, get in touch with me
asap. to all our distro sites, the packs are on the net, we lost our courier.
greets go out to punc, saz, the members of the old group universegood luck in
whatever you go on to, reality, and thanks to yaun-ti for the new diz. anyone
i didnt greet probably didnt deserve it, or if they did, consider yourself
greeted. i hope all our faithful readers will continue with us for at least
another half year, and watch us as we slowly rise to the top. peace out.
social parasite.hor.punc.taint.tired as fuck
11/95 11/95
well, here is our six month anniversary pack, and even though its not much to
look at, i can say one thing: i told you so. that goes out to all the people
who told me this wouldnt last past one pack. weve got some really great lit
in here, and even though this is probably our smallest pack, i will guarantee
that the next one will be the biggest. new gifs, ansi, lits, and what not,
a lot of changes are in store, and dead weight will be tossed to the side. to
our two newest members, happy the clown, and demosthenes, get in touch with me
asap. to all our distro sites, the packs are on the net, we lost our courier.
greets go out to punc, saz, the members of the old group universegood luck in
whatever you go on to, reality, and thanks to yaun-ti for the new diz. anyone
i didnt greet probably didnt deserve it, or if they did, consider yourself
greeted. i hope all our faithful readers will continue with us for at least
another half year, and watch us as we slowly rise to the top. peace out.
social parasite.hor.punc.taint.tired as fuck
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