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TM07/01/95july first, nineteen ninety-five07/01/95 There were days when you peered into your self, into the secret places
of your heart, and what you saw there made you fair with horror. And then, next day, you didnt know what to make of it, you couldnt interpret the horror you
had glimpsed the day before. Yes, you know what evil costs.
-Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit
Greetings, and welcome to the second installment of horror of realitys ongoing
literature packs. The success of the first pack has spurred us on to write more And this success surprised me. It surprised me because i didnt think that
people would react well to having two horror lit groups in the same area. Well
i was wrong, and so were alot of other people. I wont laugh at those people, nor will i say i told you so. i will just continue to do what i do best. And what is that you ask? Continue reading and you shall find out. -social parasite Member List
Social Parasite - Founder and Senior Writer
Violetta Kitten - Senior Writer
Deranged - Senior Writer
Raven - Writer
Board List
DENiAL oF REALiTY4o52773688Nup: SpawnWorld HeadquartersTwisted Phallicy4o53649255Nup: XXXXXMember/Distro Board New Member!!!
Her name is Deranged. She currently writes for Soulz at Zero and TDKEB. Her
work will be a welcome addition to the group. She is also the Co-sysop of
Twisted Phallicy.
Social Parasite:
Lady Deathstryke, Suicide Blonde, Black Sunshine, Deranged, Violetta Kitten,
Random, Jack Flack, False God, Farmicus, Pyromanoh arent you elite now,
SAZ, Scorpio, Weapon X, Triple X.
Violetta Kitten:
none submitted in time for the release of the pack.
none submitted in time for the release of the pack.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we were not able to get any of Ravens
work in this pack... she has been busy with art shows, and with her work.
End of Hor-0795.nfo
Copyright @1995 by Horror of Reality. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of anything without written permission of the author is expressly denied, except for
the purpose of reviews. enough with the legal bs, now on to the good stuff.
TM07/01/95july first, nineteen ninety-five07/01/95 There were days when you peered into your self, into the secret places
of your heart, and what you saw there made you fair with horror. And then, next day, you didnt know what to make of it, you couldnt interpret the horror you
had glimpsed the day before. Yes, you know what evil costs.
-Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit
Greetings, and welcome to the second installment of horror of realitys ongoing
literature packs. The success of the first pack has spurred us on to write more And this success surprised me. It surprised me because i didnt think that
people would react well to having two horror lit groups in the same area. Well
i was wrong, and so were alot of other people. I wont laugh at those people, nor will i say i told you so. i will just continue to do what i do best. And what is that you ask? Continue reading and you shall find out. -social parasite Member List
Social Parasite - Founder and Senior Writer
Violetta Kitten - Senior Writer
Deranged - Senior Writer
Raven - Writer
Board List
DENiAL oF REALiTY4o52773688Nup: SpawnWorld HeadquartersTwisted Phallicy4o53649255Nup: XXXXXMember/Distro Board New Member!!!
Her name is Deranged. She currently writes for Soulz at Zero and TDKEB. Her
work will be a welcome addition to the group. She is also the Co-sysop of
Twisted Phallicy.
Social Parasite:
Lady Deathstryke, Suicide Blonde, Black Sunshine, Deranged, Violetta Kitten,
Random, Jack Flack, False God, Farmicus, Pyromanoh arent you elite now,
SAZ, Scorpio, Weapon X, Triple X.
Violetta Kitten:
none submitted in time for the release of the pack.
none submitted in time for the release of the pack.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we were not able to get any of Ravens
work in this pack... she has been busy with art shows, and with her work.
End of Hor-0795.nfo
Copyright @1995 by Horror of Reality. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of anything without written permission of the author is expressly denied, except for
the purpose of reviews. enough with the legal bs, now on to the good stuff.
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