this image contains text
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.,P**?by/ .
he.lp me. @ .d*.,y y,.b, .
n.orman , ./,? .b,,
. b, ,b. . ,b. d**b.
/,d.y/b l yy .,,. .
?P,dP,..,y@@, P?,y
?.?. . ,, *,. .,ydb.?P.dy,.. ,, by,. ,b,./. .ob. b.!,d, ,P , , ,P.,d. b, lb,dPP ,l ,,.?, /, :?P ,db,,yyy.: ,db b. b, b,?P , ,P,y . ,, ?, b, . , ,/ .,y.. *P,,, l. - , ? ,, b,...,yd,?P d dP* *?P*.j y?, b,..d . ,b.,..,* . mp. ?P
.. lb. d , -
, , yyy
o B S C U R E D -
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
this is a present for aneurizm, cosysop of morals obscured. he got me partially
in touch with msd, who still, btw, owes me a 175 line 20 ascii ahem.
.,P**?by/ .
he.lp me. @ .d*.,y y,.b, .
n.orman , ./,? .b,,
. b, ,b. . ,b. d**b.
/,d.y/b l yy .,,. .
?P,dP,..,y@@, P?,y
?.?. . ,, *,. .,ydb.?P.dy,.. ,, by,. ,b,./. .ob. b.!,d, ,P , , ,P.,d. b, lb,dPP ,l ,,.?, /, :?P ,db,,yyy.: ,db b. b, b,?P , ,P,y . ,, ?, b, . , ,/ .,y.. *P,,, l. - , ? ,, b,...,yd,?P d dP* *?P*.j y?, b,..d . ,b.,..,* . mp. ?P
.. lb. d , -
, , yyy
o B S C U R E D -
cut here-8X-------------------------------------------------------------------
this is a present for aneurizm, cosysop of morals obscured. he got me partially
in touch with msd, who still, btw, owes me a 175 line 20 ascii ahem.
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