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January 1999 - InfoFile
Its 1999 and I already have the feeling this is going to be a great year for
Hallucigenia. Dont believe me? Read on.
..hellos, goodbyes and crises of identity..
Members would definately have to be one of our top stories for us this month
as theres been a lot of changes to the Hallucigenia roster. Plenty of new
members: Xix lit, Glutz ansi/ascii/rip, Timbob hirez and Goatgirl hirez.Talented long-time member, optikNurv, leaves Hallucigenia this month to join theranks of ACiD. He promises to come back and visit often, and we wish him well.
One last note, lit and real world artist, Cyradis, changes her handle to
..hallucigenia lowrez rises again..
Yes, after a LONG hiatus, Hallucigenias lowrez department is now back in
action with lowrez art being released in this pack for the first time in five
months. This can only be attributed to HALs new lowrez art coordinator, Glutz,
and two ultra-keen members, Slackzor and Grimmy. Ansi/ascii fans stayed tuned,
as this is only the beginning.
..guests, guests and more guests..
Joining us this month we have: CyberEgg with some real world photographs,
H.Kei with some fanciful drawings, and firefromheaven of CiA with some
mind-warping photomanipulation. Be sure to check out their work and, Id just
like to add, that Hallucigenia welcomes anyone who would like to grab a
guest spot in a HAL pack--the more the merrier. Just contact us and well set
you right up.
..happy 1999..
Rise bright sun, a new day here
You mark the passing of this year
You, the moon, the clock on the wall
You have seen and witnessed it all
For full circle I have come
A year gone, a year done
group coordinator
January 1999 - InfoFile
Its 1999 and I already have the feeling this is going to be a great year for
Hallucigenia. Dont believe me? Read on.
..hellos, goodbyes and crises of identity..
Members would definately have to be one of our top stories for us this month
as theres been a lot of changes to the Hallucigenia roster. Plenty of new
members: Xix lit, Glutz ansi/ascii/rip, Timbob hirez and Goatgirl hirez.Talented long-time member, optikNurv, leaves Hallucigenia this month to join theranks of ACiD. He promises to come back and visit often, and we wish him well.
One last note, lit and real world artist, Cyradis, changes her handle to
..hallucigenia lowrez rises again..
Yes, after a LONG hiatus, Hallucigenias lowrez department is now back in
action with lowrez art being released in this pack for the first time in five
months. This can only be attributed to HALs new lowrez art coordinator, Glutz,
and two ultra-keen members, Slackzor and Grimmy. Ansi/ascii fans stayed tuned,
as this is only the beginning.
..guests, guests and more guests..
Joining us this month we have: CyberEgg with some real world photographs,
H.Kei with some fanciful drawings, and firefromheaven of CiA with some
mind-warping photomanipulation. Be sure to check out their work and, Id just
like to add, that Hallucigenia welcomes anyone who would like to grab a
guest spot in a HAL pack--the more the merrier. Just contact us and well set
you right up.
..happy 1999..
Rise bright sun, a new day here
You mark the passing of this year
You, the moon, the clock on the wall
You have seen and witnessed it all
For full circle I have come
A year gone, a year done
group coordinator
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