this image contains text
hes mean
e lamers and losers Pr
ostrate at my feet Yet I
deign not to note them For
I am 31i73+++. The
y compete with each other to gain my attention
Yet to me, their names arent worth the effort to men
tion Alone at the
toplerone bar... oops. Thats TOBLERONE. Never mind.
I stand high and withdrawn
My lackeys climb up here Greets go ou
t to: to frolic and fawn you,
the reader. Anyone who reads lit cant be
ALL bad 8 Its lonely up here, thats what t
hey say, Oh, and 33, whos drawing this! I
relax in the shadows of happier days Anti-Greets
go out to: Anyone in danger of becoming
I have no true friends the ce
ntral character in this Theyre a thing
of the pastrami modern fable. N
ow Im stuck with mere puppets who da
nce and kiss...ASS! WHO DANCE AND KISS ASS! What? afraid t
o say it? The sickly-sweet worms congreg
ate in my light Yet my disdainful glare inc
ites them to fright My former
associates left and long gone
In my virtual chess gameo.. grateful and mavriks e
lite organisation I used them as pawns.
Is the power I got from risking my neck
lace. A viable trade for the loss of r
espect? My board is impressiv
e Affil list is large I
ll lock out all locals To show whos in char
ge. To maintain my image invites my demise
Yet even in death will I capture all eyes
cream! Getcha eyescream heah! A
lone and forgotten Destroyed in
I leave as I lived
For I was 31i73+++
Why choose the LESSER of two evils?!
Do not summon up that which ye canno
t put down
Raper of children a n s i f i e d
b y e e r i e Molester of boys
This poem goes out to loo
k cthulu! i can write hidden Our good friend
, White Noise text too! im cool eh?
hes mean
e lamers and losers Pr
ostrate at my feet Yet I
deign not to note them For
I am 31i73+++. The
y compete with each other to gain my attention
Yet to me, their names arent worth the effort to men
tion Alone at the
toplerone bar... oops. Thats TOBLERONE. Never mind.
I stand high and withdrawn
My lackeys climb up here Greets go ou
t to: to frolic and fawn you,
the reader. Anyone who reads lit cant be
ALL bad 8 Its lonely up here, thats what t
hey say, Oh, and 33, whos drawing this! I
relax in the shadows of happier days Anti-Greets
go out to: Anyone in danger of becoming
I have no true friends the ce
ntral character in this Theyre a thing
of the pastrami modern fable. N
ow Im stuck with mere puppets who da
nce and kiss...ASS! WHO DANCE AND KISS ASS! What? afraid t
o say it? The sickly-sweet worms congreg
ate in my light Yet my disdainful glare inc
ites them to fright My former
associates left and long gone
In my virtual chess gameo.. grateful and mavriks e
lite organisation I used them as pawns.
Is the power I got from risking my neck
lace. A viable trade for the loss of r
espect? My board is impressiv
e Affil list is large I
ll lock out all locals To show whos in char
ge. To maintain my image invites my demise
Yet even in death will I capture all eyes
cream! Getcha eyescream heah! A
lone and forgotten Destroyed in
I leave as I lived
For I was 31i73+++
Why choose the LESSER of two evils?!
Do not summon up that which ye canno
t put down
Raper of children a n s i f i e d
b y e e r i e Molester of boys
This poem goes out to loo
k cthulu! i can write hidden Our good friend
, White Noise text too! im cool eh?
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