this image contains text
Fools Unlocking
real Imagination
Well this is our second pack and weve
been trying to get something that would
show the public hopefully what they like.
We really lack the amount of ansi artists
and maybe we dont exactly have the high
quality as some, but we feel that we will
be up there soon. Right now we are mainly
located in North America and soon enough
will go world-wide.
Many things have happened to FuRi in
past month. Our founder watOr has j
another group, MiST, all of us a FuRi
to wish him the best of luck and keep
the good shit that you do. Due to this incident
FuRi has been given fu
ll responsablity to me
PHaT MaN I have appointed the vice to be
ViCaR. We hope to ke
ep producing the art
that we do and were looking to
Due to the reconstruction in the month of
June, many artist bevieved that FuRi was
died, so they left for other groups
. We
say to them, good luck and your alw
welcomed back. Some good news is we
obtained 2 new comers to the art sc
first is the RiP maker Blunt Man and the
second is an ascii artist Warlord.
If you are interested in becomi
ng and
member you must fill out the application
that is in
cluded in this here pack and u/l
it to the WHQ of FuRi. If you would like
to be a distro site, please contact ToonTown
BBS at 905-475-2987. Thank you for d/ling
our pack.
-Prez. PHaT MaN
STiLL RaiNiNG? -Ansi. Wator Mist,
Fools Unlocking
real Imagination
Well this is our second pack and weve
been trying to get something that would
show the public hopefully what they like.
We really lack the amount of ansi artists
and maybe we dont exactly have the high
quality as some, but we feel that we will
be up there soon. Right now we are mainly
located in North America and soon enough
will go world-wide.
Many things have happened to FuRi in
past month. Our founder watOr has j
another group, MiST, all of us a FuRi
to wish him the best of luck and keep
the good shit that you do. Due to this incident
FuRi has been given fu
ll responsablity to me
PHaT MaN I have appointed the vice to be
ViCaR. We hope to ke
ep producing the art
that we do and were looking to
Due to the reconstruction in the month of
June, many artist bevieved that FuRi was
died, so they left for other groups
. We
say to them, good luck and your alw
welcomed back. Some good news is we
obtained 2 new comers to the art sc
first is the RiP maker Blunt Man and the
second is an ascii artist Warlord.
If you are interested in becomi
ng and
member you must fill out the application
that is in
cluded in this here pack and u/l
it to the WHQ of FuRi. If you would like
to be a distro site, please contact ToonTown
BBS at 905-475-2987. Thank you for d/ling
our pack.
-Prez. PHaT MaN
STiLL RaiNiNG? -Ansi. Wator Mist,
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