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hello. this is my l337-- look, im a juarez b0Y! fuqu logo. I tried somethindifferent with this ascii.. turned out pretty crappy, sorry mjay . VIEW IT IN
AFS.COM, i think it looks better in afs. oh yea, the bg sucks mainly cuz, i suckat makin backgrounds, especially wit oldschool ascii, sowwy. Ill try and do
somethin better next month! if you want to request something from me, dont. I
only make asciis for people I know cuz well, I know them, wow, i must be gettin
better, im getting egotistical, i should join rem, ughh, heh, nevermind that.
- revolutionODELAY/FUQU!
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hello. this is my l337-- look, im a juarez b0Y! fuqu logo. I tried somethindifferent with this ascii.. turned out pretty crappy, sorry mjay . VIEW IT IN
AFS.COM, i think it looks better in afs. oh yea, the bg sucks mainly cuz, i suckat makin backgrounds, especially wit oldschool ascii, sowwy. Ill try and do
somethin better next month! if you want to request something from me, dont. I
only make asciis for people I know cuz well, I know them, wow, i must be gettin
better, im getting egotistical, i should join rem, ughh, heh, nevermind that.
- revolutionODELAY/FUQU!
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