this image contains text
------------ dunamus doo-nah-moose n. latin dynamic powerful ----------
an old colly, but it was never released.. so I repackaged it and shit, and
shipped it off to mjay. I just hope this either gets me a guest spot in
fuckyou, or an actual membership. woop. oh yeah, and Ive changed my initials,
so people dont confuse me with hiro protagonist.
haliphax once again
!*+--- kTS!aSC -----------------------------------------------------dunamus
/ / L /
/ yeah, yeah. i know. the s is fucked up,
and the rest of it i pretty much just
/ / did after looking at a hiro kts logo.
/ / / theyre practically the same. forgive
me.. i just had to try to draw it. :
!*+--- psikotik ----------------------------------------------------dunamus
// / / /. // well, i swear. shittiest diz i ever did
/.: done gone and do. hee.. i dunno. i was
/.:: : . .,.. . // / pretty bored, and my mag needed a diz,
/./ so i thought.. what the hell, ill go
make one, since im working on a diz
colly anyway.. and so i did. hope you
psikotik issue xx - zippideedoo! hate it as much as i do. heh.
!*+--- ganja -------------------------------------------------------dunamus
. l . for my main man hiro.. you know i got
,, much respect for you.. or else i would
. . ./ . have told everybody that the KTS font
// was 100 original. anywho, hope you
: : enjoy the ascii, if you choose to use
. -+*X/*+- . it. i guess it would look fine in 80x25
: // : mode too, but i know you go for the
l 80x50 shit, and thats the only kind i
l l like to do anyway. practically the 1st
ganja ascii i ever did that wasnt a font.
peace out, and much love to ya.
issue xxx
hX edit it if you want..
!*+--- wu-trank ----------------------------------------------------dunamus
/ hX well, much respect to the wu-trank clan
/ and all the new members of remorse. it
/ / isnt much, but i poured my heart into
/. . /. / the piece of shit, so the least you
/ could do is to look at it. i dont
: : : expect you to actually use it, but i
:: : just thought that since everybody past
// and present in it has inspired my work
to the point where i thought i should
give something back. and there it is.
!*+--- ill ---------------------------------------------------------dunamus
: : : for elektronik rebel, a new LD caller
: : : /: : / to ye ole COTM 5734464427, and an
hX : .: .: .: .: . hX excellent ascii artist. hope you
... / / /... enjoy the diz! and, as with all of my
....-.-..---....---...... asciis, color as need/want-ed.
.......iLL!.aRTPACK.nUMERO.XX. 80x25
!*+--- rbl ---------------------------------------------------------dunamus
yeah, it sucks my wiener. yet, it
still looks kinda cool. its been a
while since ive TRULY mixed ansi and
h x ascii together. i hope you like.
artiphaks number xx
-------------------------- eofdunamus - 1o2 lines ------------------------
an old colly, but it was never released.. so I repackaged it and shit, and
shipped it off to mjay. I just hope this either gets me a guest spot in
fuckyou, or an actual membership. woop. oh yeah, and Ive changed my initials,
so people dont confuse me with hiro protagonist.
haliphax once again
!*+--- kTS!aSC -----------------------------------------------------dunamus
/ / L /
/ yeah, yeah. i know. the s is fucked up,
and the rest of it i pretty much just
/ / did after looking at a hiro kts logo.
/ / / theyre practically the same. forgive
me.. i just had to try to draw it. :
!*+--- psikotik ----------------------------------------------------dunamus
// / / /. // well, i swear. shittiest diz i ever did
/.: done gone and do. hee.. i dunno. i was
/.:: : . .,.. . // / pretty bored, and my mag needed a diz,
/./ so i thought.. what the hell, ill go
make one, since im working on a diz
colly anyway.. and so i did. hope you
psikotik issue xx - zippideedoo! hate it as much as i do. heh.
!*+--- ganja -------------------------------------------------------dunamus
. l . for my main man hiro.. you know i got
,, much respect for you.. or else i would
. . ./ . have told everybody that the KTS font
// was 100 original. anywho, hope you
: : enjoy the ascii, if you choose to use
. -+*X/*+- . it. i guess it would look fine in 80x25
: // : mode too, but i know you go for the
l 80x50 shit, and thats the only kind i
l l like to do anyway. practically the 1st
ganja ascii i ever did that wasnt a font.
peace out, and much love to ya.
issue xxx
hX edit it if you want..
!*+--- wu-trank ----------------------------------------------------dunamus
/ hX well, much respect to the wu-trank clan
/ and all the new members of remorse. it
/ / isnt much, but i poured my heart into
/. . /. / the piece of shit, so the least you
/ could do is to look at it. i dont
: : : expect you to actually use it, but i
:: : just thought that since everybody past
// and present in it has inspired my work
to the point where i thought i should
give something back. and there it is.
!*+--- ill ---------------------------------------------------------dunamus
: : : for elektronik rebel, a new LD caller
: : : /: : / to ye ole COTM 5734464427, and an
hX : .: .: .: .: . hX excellent ascii artist. hope you
... / / /... enjoy the diz! and, as with all of my
....-.-..---....---...... asciis, color as need/want-ed.
.......iLL!.aRTPACK.nUMERO.XX. 80x25
!*+--- rbl ---------------------------------------------------------dunamus
yeah, it sucks my wiener. yet, it
still looks kinda cool. its been a
while since ive TRULY mixed ansi and
h x ascii together. i hope you like.
artiphaks number xx
-------------------------- eofdunamus - 1o2 lines ------------------------
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