this image contains text
Hiya all you k-rad Australians out there, hope that you and our
international critics enjoy this pack. Theres been heaps of input into
what the group should be doing both from Force members and non-Force
members, and all help concerning us has been greatly appreciated!
Thanks to all the people who took the time to make suggestions to us.
Australias ANSI Scene.
There has, once again, been much activity in the art scene with all of
the Australian art groups moving the quality control lever up one more
notch. Both Sick and AV have produced some real, quality work which
is just starting to take effect on the scene. Great work, dudes.
However, the usual bitching in the scene has started up again about the
various groups, but its good to see theres *less* of the backstabbing
business going on at least.
Bloodnet, bloodnet, bloodnet .. its been going alright, but again,
artists arent conversing on it. There are artists on there, but you
guys dont seem to be talking! A new network started by Apocalyptic
Visions holds great promise, and might eventually become Australias
main art network. Stay tuned for it, Im sure Blue Apache one of the
founders of this net will write in this space soon .
A Unified Oz Scene
As stated previously, we thought it was a good idea to combine all
Aussie artists together in one group to compete against some of the
stronger art groups, and surprisingly this seems to be going well
at least for us, anyway . Please note, were not trying to kill
off other groups we simply want to get more work into Force so that
we CAN compete internationally. We dont want you to quit your group
since you have the right to do what you want - we simply have it as
another option you can choose.
New/Departing Members!
In local news - Squidgalator ANSI/VGA has now joined Force, and will
undoubtedly be a great benefit to us since he was worked before with
groups such as iCE. Welcome, mate.
A few others have also joined Force, including Maeve Wolf who is now
part of the ANSI division and Flatline, whove brought much flair to
the group.
Our coding section has also expanded weve picked up a skilled coder
Creize and we hope to see some cool programs from him in the future.
Unfortunately, weve lost three good artists in this pack - NetSlider,
Templar and Phokus have had to leave the group due to studying, work,
or the wife :. Good luck, guys we wish you well.
Force Homepage
No surprise, the homepage still isnt up yet because weve been slack.
Its been set back a little because its not such a high priority on
our list. However, we have confirmed that the homepage is most definitely
going ahead, and we now have a net provider who can accommodate us.
If things go well, well have the page up and running by the next pack
From the mouth of Anubis ...
I have a couple of points I to make, Ill try to keep them brief so
I dont bore you to death.
1 If are a Force member, and you run a board, then you are
allowed to declare your BBS as a Force member board. However,
your board will NOT be advertised as distribution sites within
the packs, except in weird circumstances.
2 I dont believe in distribution sites, since they generally
dont give us any feedback whatsoever. We have one HQ board
in each state, and that will be the focus point for all
distribution reponsibilities of that state. Its also easier
for me, since I can point the finger at somebody if theres
a screwup .
3 In case the HQ board cannot handle the distribution of new
pack work back to the main headquarter board, upload sites are
used. Currently, there is only one upload site which is
Point Zero. The sysops of the upload site have the responsiblity
of passing new work to me. Why am I doing this? Again, breakdown
in communication means that members dont KNOW where to send
pack work. So, now you know where to go, no more lame excuses
please .
Sorry, we dont make mistakes. If you detect any, youre weird.
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators textfile
as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea of the
work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Dialup Position
The Temple Anubis 61.8.322-4558 WHQ .
. Mindflux Ozone 61.2.416-2513 Eastern HQ :
: VT Sorathis 61.9.383-9534 Western HQ
RooM 1o1 MZ 61.8.294-2774 Southern HQ
Point Zero Z-Force 61.2.809-7016 Upload Site
SAUCE00Scene Info Multi fORCE 19951005P
international critics enjoy this pack. Theres been heaps of input into
what the group should be doing both from Force members and non-Force
members, and all help concerning us has been greatly appreciated!
Thanks to all the people who took the time to make suggestions to us.
Australias ANSI Scene.
There has, once again, been much activity in the art scene with all of
the Australian art groups moving the quality control lever up one more
notch. Both Sick and AV have produced some real, quality work which
is just starting to take effect on the scene. Great work, dudes.
However, the usual bitching in the scene has started up again about the
various groups, but its good to see theres *less* of the backstabbing
business going on at least.
Bloodnet, bloodnet, bloodnet .. its been going alright, but again,
artists arent conversing on it. There are artists on there, but you
guys dont seem to be talking! A new network started by Apocalyptic
Visions holds great promise, and might eventually become Australias
main art network. Stay tuned for it, Im sure Blue Apache one of the
founders of this net will write in this space soon .
A Unified Oz Scene
As stated previously, we thought it was a good idea to combine all
Aussie artists together in one group to compete against some of the
stronger art groups, and surprisingly this seems to be going well
at least for us, anyway . Please note, were not trying to kill
off other groups we simply want to get more work into Force so that
we CAN compete internationally. We dont want you to quit your group
since you have the right to do what you want - we simply have it as
another option you can choose.
New/Departing Members!
In local news - Squidgalator ANSI/VGA has now joined Force, and will
undoubtedly be a great benefit to us since he was worked before with
groups such as iCE. Welcome, mate.
A few others have also joined Force, including Maeve Wolf who is now
part of the ANSI division and Flatline, whove brought much flair to
the group.
Our coding section has also expanded weve picked up a skilled coder
Creize and we hope to see some cool programs from him in the future.
Unfortunately, weve lost three good artists in this pack - NetSlider,
Templar and Phokus have had to leave the group due to studying, work,
or the wife :. Good luck, guys we wish you well.
Force Homepage
No surprise, the homepage still isnt up yet because weve been slack.
Its been set back a little because its not such a high priority on
our list. However, we have confirmed that the homepage is most definitely
going ahead, and we now have a net provider who can accommodate us.
If things go well, well have the page up and running by the next pack
From the mouth of Anubis ...
I have a couple of points I to make, Ill try to keep them brief so
I dont bore you to death.
1 If are a Force member, and you run a board, then you are
allowed to declare your BBS as a Force member board. However,
your board will NOT be advertised as distribution sites within
the packs, except in weird circumstances.
2 I dont believe in distribution sites, since they generally
dont give us any feedback whatsoever. We have one HQ board
in each state, and that will be the focus point for all
distribution reponsibilities of that state. Its also easier
for me, since I can point the finger at somebody if theres
a screwup .
3 In case the HQ board cannot handle the distribution of new
pack work back to the main headquarter board, upload sites are
used. Currently, there is only one upload site which is
Point Zero. The sysops of the upload site have the responsiblity
of passing new work to me. Why am I doing this? Again, breakdown
in communication means that members dont KNOW where to send
pack work. So, now you know where to go, no more lame excuses
please .
Sorry, we dont make mistakes. If you detect any, youre weird.
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators textfile
as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea of the
work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Dialup Position
The Temple Anubis 61.8.322-4558 WHQ .
. Mindflux Ozone 61.2.416-2513 Eastern HQ :
: VT Sorathis 61.9.383-9534 Western HQ
RooM 1o1 MZ 61.8.294-2774 Southern HQ
Point Zero Z-Force 61.2.809-7016 Upload Site
SAUCE00Scene Info Multi fORCE 19951005P
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