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ReLeaSe NuMBeR TeN!
June 15, 1995
Into the Stratosphere!
Its been exactly a month now since the last FLiP pack was
released and yet I feel like it was only yesterday that I
was writing the info file to it. At first I thought, Gosh,
time sure flies when youre having a lot of fun during summer
vacation. The break between the FLiP packs during the winter
season seemed to be a lot longer. And then I realized the
truth to what I was saying. This is the first monthly release
of FLiP Productions. In earlier months, FLiP released packs
through a bi-monthly basis, but as more and more members began
to join, FLiP obviously started getting bigger, and so did the
packs! The last pack was a monster and if we still decided to
release bi-monthly, the next pack wouldve been too huge to be
able to download in one sitting!
Another big reason why this pack is released this month, is
that we are celebrating something that happened this month one
year ago. If it wasnt for this event happening, you probably
wouldnt be reading this info file, listening to the music in
the pack, checking out the ansis, reading the lit youd prob-
ably be doing something more important right now. Well, the
thing the happened one year ago, was the release of the first
FLiP ansi pack. So basically, this pack is not only our first
monthly release, but also our first anniversary pack.
FLiP has gone through a lot of changes through the last year:
Weve expanded our departments, were no longer just an ansi
group. Theres too many changes that I have barely the space
to list them all here. In the near future, there is no doubt
that FLiP will go through even more changes. For now, let us
take a brief look at the changes that have occurred since the
release of last months FLiP pack.
In the department of literature, hooch has joined us as yet
another talented female poet for FLiP Productions. In the
music department, we have two great additions: Caduceus and
Gillespie. Id like to publicly wish Gillespie a Happy Birth-
day, which was on the 14th of this month. In the area of cod-
ing, please welcome Silent Cry and Vertigo. In this pack,
Vertigo has coded the second version of the FLiP application
generator originally done by Boomin Civics. Two boards have
joined FLiP as distro sites: Daydream Nation 610 ,sysop:
Luptin and Computer Synergy 207, sysop: Ender. Vertigos
board, Hells Addiction 518, is also included as a member
board. Id like to welcome all of these members, thank them
for joining, and I hope they have a lot of fun being part of
FLiP Productions.
For a final note, Id like to wish Wolfgang Krauser a safe and
fun-filledg vacation.
Enjoy the pack,
Voyeur FLiP Senior Member
ReLeaSe NuMBeR TeN!
June 15, 1995
Into the Stratosphere!
Its been exactly a month now since the last FLiP pack was
released and yet I feel like it was only yesterday that I
was writing the info file to it. At first I thought, Gosh,
time sure flies when youre having a lot of fun during summer
vacation. The break between the FLiP packs during the winter
season seemed to be a lot longer. And then I realized the
truth to what I was saying. This is the first monthly release
of FLiP Productions. In earlier months, FLiP released packs
through a bi-monthly basis, but as more and more members began
to join, FLiP obviously started getting bigger, and so did the
packs! The last pack was a monster and if we still decided to
release bi-monthly, the next pack wouldve been too huge to be
able to download in one sitting!
Another big reason why this pack is released this month, is
that we are celebrating something that happened this month one
year ago. If it wasnt for this event happening, you probably
wouldnt be reading this info file, listening to the music in
the pack, checking out the ansis, reading the lit youd prob-
ably be doing something more important right now. Well, the
thing the happened one year ago, was the release of the first
FLiP ansi pack. So basically, this pack is not only our first
monthly release, but also our first anniversary pack.
FLiP has gone through a lot of changes through the last year:
Weve expanded our departments, were no longer just an ansi
group. Theres too many changes that I have barely the space
to list them all here. In the near future, there is no doubt
that FLiP will go through even more changes. For now, let us
take a brief look at the changes that have occurred since the
release of last months FLiP pack.
In the department of literature, hooch has joined us as yet
another talented female poet for FLiP Productions. In the
music department, we have two great additions: Caduceus and
Gillespie. Id like to publicly wish Gillespie a Happy Birth-
day, which was on the 14th of this month. In the area of cod-
ing, please welcome Silent Cry and Vertigo. In this pack,
Vertigo has coded the second version of the FLiP application
generator originally done by Boomin Civics. Two boards have
joined FLiP as distro sites: Daydream Nation 610 ,sysop:
Luptin and Computer Synergy 207, sysop: Ender. Vertigos
board, Hells Addiction 518, is also included as a member
board. Id like to welcome all of these members, thank them
for joining, and I hope they have a lot of fun being part of
FLiP Productions.
For a final note, Id like to wish Wolfgang Krauser a safe and
fun-filledg vacation.
Enjoy the pack,
Voyeur FLiP Senior Member
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