A Shrimp of Foliage ANSI production
Hi. Heres something to show you how do I draw my fonts. Press PgDn.
a.I Create a BRUSH by drawing at least four ansi blocks togather. .
b. I highlight the brush above, using the mouse or ALT-B.
c. I Hit C for COPY.
d. I tap S for Stamp and use the arrow keys to place this group of blocks
in a way that creates a FONT, as if the brush was a thick pencil:
e. Then I shape it.
f. Then I go insane. I use some effect that comes to my mind. for example:
g. Then I color the whole font in ONE color.
h. Then I shade it, usually with brighter colors.
i Then I background the font.
j. Then I shade the background.
k. Then I sign / write text.
Fuck Offset. Really.
Die. Nazi ass uncle
fucker. DIE. WTF.
hey, this looks nothing like my fonts anyway : ahahaaha. why am i doing this.