january '97 anscii colly by kenetic
january '97 anscii colly by kenetic
db ,sdbs,
dSbsdS,sSs,b S b ,sdSb dSbs,,sdSbs,,sdSbs,,sdSbs, ,sd ,sdSbs, b b b b bsd b
bs, ,sSs,
b ,sd ,sdS bsd
g g g gKN ,,,,sgdb ,,,, SbsdSSbssdSSbsssssdS,,dSbsssssdSSbssssdSbsdSbsssssdS
l Finally here they are, my very first ascii files Ive ever made. So dont
: expect to much from it.... have phun
and n-joy this pack...
---// 01 / Paral-X Kn-paral.ans //------------------------// Myself //---
,sdSb ,sdS b
,sdSb ,sdSSb ,sdSSb ,sdSb d ,
g g ,db,
g b,
,, b
: P a r a l - X :
---//02 / Jam Zone Kn-jamz1.ans //------------------// The Chronic //---
,sbs,d Sbs,,sdSSbs,,ss,,sSs,,sdbs,,sdSbs,,s ,s,,sdbs, b db,dbdb db db dbd d db bs g , b ,sd s s s bd d b d d,s s,d KN ,sd ,bsd,db d bd bssd d, dbsdb, db,db,,sdb,,d sdSb,dSbsssdS,db,SSSbsd,db,SS,sdbs,,sd
---// 03 / Fade Kn-fade.ans //----------------------------// Myself //---
F e
a dSSb
dSSb dSSb
dSSb sb ds
,ss sb s dS sss s s sb s ds ss,
s,.,s ds db
---// 04 / Vortex Kn-vortx.ans //-------------------------// Vortex //---
V o r t e X ,ss, ,sdbs, ,. . ,s, ,sdb ,,.. ,sd6 ,sdb, ,ddgsdbs, dSbs,,sdSSbs,,sdSSds,,sdSSbs,,sdSSbs,bll,ll,ll,ll,ll,ll,,ll,ll,ll,ll ,sdb,b,,,,,,,,, ,sSs, ,b::,::,::,::,::,::::,::,::s,d,,ll,lb::,::,::,::,::,:,::,::,d,ll,
lb,,,,, db ,,,dSb,l,:dlbll,ll ll,ll ll dSSb ll ll,lld,::.,lbgdbgdbdbdbgd,::g::,lSbsosdSSbsosdSSbsosdS,, lKn! llsll, lbdb SdSbd bdS
---// 05 / Oblivian Kn-oblvn.ans //-----------------------// Myself //---
---// 06 / Tjop Computers Kn-tjop.ans //-------------------// Doede //---
,dSd ,sdSbs, bSb,
,d db b,
,ds,,d s Sbs, b,
, b b,,
, s b,,s
bd bsddKN
Sbsd ,b d
C o m p u t e r s
---// 07 / Disclosure Kn-dscl1.ans //-----------------------// X-it //---
,sdbs, ,sdSSbssd,sdbs, ,sdbs,
sSb, ,ss, S ,SS,
sd bsss, ss,ss, ,sdbs,
bsd, Sbsd s bsd
sdbs, ,s
sdbs, ,sdb sSs ,sdSSbs ,sdbs, sdSSbs, ,sdbs, , ,sb, db ,Ss
s bsss, b
. ,s, , , bsd s
.sbs Sbsd SsS s, bs, ,sd
, KNb,
,d s.
---// 08 / Beer Warez Kn-bw.ans //----------------------// Doede //---
---// 09 / Gravitation Kn-gvt1.ans //---------------------// Myself //---
,sdbs,sd,s ,ss,sd,sd ,ss,,s ,sdSSbs,ss s,,,sdbsss dSbs ,sdS b.ss.s,sss d,s ,ss ,s ,sdSSbsssss, sdbs s,s d sd,sd sss,dsb ds dsss ,sdbs,sb d,,sd bs,bgb ,b d, sdb , ,bssss ,bgd, bssds,bs,,sd ,,,,sbsdsssb ,s,,,,s s,ssbs,,sdsbs,,sd,sbssessdKN!,sbs,SbsseeeessdS,ss,sbssd
---// 10 / Music Station Kn-music.ans //---------------------// Jay //---
,sdSSbs, ,sSs, ,sSs, ,sdSSbs, ,sSs, ,sdSSbs,
db dSSb
g g g
,sdbs, ,s ,sdbs, ,s ,sSs, ,sdbs, Sbs,
bs ,sSs, ,sSs,
db KN
g g g g
---// 11 / oOZe Kn-ooze.ans //----------------------------// Myself //---
,sdSSbs, ,sdSSbs, ,sdSSbs, ,sdSSbs,
,d : . : dSb,
,sdSSb, ,gS : bgdSbs, ,dSbgd l ,gS gSSg S l l ,gS : : KN :..:::.. bgd.bgd.bgd.bgd .::::...::.::::::::::.....:::.........:::.........::::.......:::::.......::..::::::::::::..
---// 12 / New User Kn-newus.ans //-----------------------// Myself //---
,sdbs, db,sdSSbs,,sdbs,,sdbs,,sdbs,,SSs,,Ss ,S , s ,ss, Re-enter ya name s , s , ,, New user apply ,s ,s,bs, ,sdS ,,d,s, ,ss ,ss,,s,SS,sSbssseesssdSbsdbsdbssssssdSbssssssdS,sdbs,,sdSSbs,sdbs,,sdSSbs,, ,sb,, ,Ss db ,,b,bsss, Page Skizz ,, ,s,s, s bsd,, Leave This Now ,,SsS Sbsd,bs, ,sd s,s, ,sb,ssss, KNb,SbssseesssdSSbssossdSSbsoosdSSbsosdSbsds,bssd
---// 13 / Boards Kn-board.ans //--------------------------// Doede //---
bs, ,sdSSbs, ,sdSSbs, ,sdSSbs, gSSbs, ,sdSSbs,
Sg, : : : : :
. . : ,gS : : Sg, .:. : : : ::... : Sb, : .:::. : : : :::::: : : .:::::.bgd.bgd.bgd. :::::: bgd.bgd.:::::::::.........:::.........:::.........:::....:::::::..........::::.......:::::::
---// 14 / Eclipse Kn-eclps.ans //------------------------// Myself //---
sdSbs, ,sdSSbs, sdbs, ,sdSSbs, ,sdSds, ,sbSds,,,,, ,,, ,,, , , ,, , , , , ,ss,,b, Sbs, ,bs, bs, , ,ss,, ,,,ss, ,, ,ss,, ,,, , , ,,,sSs, , , , , g g g g
---// 15 / eXPOSE96 Kn-xpo96.ans //--------------------// Dirt Bag //---
/ /.::// // 96
+/.::/ //Kn!/+
---// 16 / Disclosure Kn-dscl2.ans //-------------// The Undertaker //---
+ Kn!//+
---// 17 / Outbreak Kn-outbr.ans //------------------------// R-taz //---
+ Kn!/+
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------For requests meel me on one of our HQ iRONYX!/oOZe or meel me on another boardwhere you can find me... Cya all in the next Fade-Pack... Adiosz,.
---Wraaa lijntje driehonderdenvijftig...