this image contains text
O eCL -- eclipse
back pak 1 ..
-----o .. -
history of ecl 3
So, youve been sitting around going Gee, I wi
sh eclipse would come back, that was
some pretty whip shit.. frown. Well, you just bet
ter recognize
fool, cause were back.. uh.. again. This time we hope we
can last a little
longer, but no promises. joke : Also, Rai
isnt the said founder,
although he still technically founded eclipse, hes not
going to run it
this time. Whats gonna happen is, were all g
oing to run it!
Lagomorph and I magnatOp.. yes Im writing the infofiles,
bitch decided
one day more lago than I that bringing back eclipse woul
d be cool. I
told him to blow me in a few more words and yet still de
cided that itd
be cool. But, as we thought about it, I thought of two pr
oblems: Whos going to run eclipse
, I sure as hell dont want to have to write info fil
every fucking month. And, whats gonna be the WORLD HEADQ
ted Cheeze, our
friend and comrad also lagos boyfriend, but Ill leave t
hat out, or uh..
well.. I guess its too late now. We all decided that it
d be bodacious
bodacious official mO jive slang if we all ran the gro
up, and took
turns writing the info file. So, there you have it. And,
oh yeah, doink
is probably gonna be the headquaters, although, once my bo
ard goes up
that might possibly be an outpost, even though the whole i
dea of an art
group needing hqs and posts and stupid shit like that isn
t usefull now
with the popularity of irc.
So, anyway. There you have it. The history of
eclipse, third time styles.
So far I think we have quite a few original members, but w
ere hoping to
not exceed 15 members because we want to keep this group s
mall based and
close to home, where the heart is. -- if
your heart looks like that
youre going to die.
magnatops notes to help you
through life ...
1. never fart infront of a mad cow.
--- why?!@ because it could hit you in
the ass with his horns.
2. always say excuse me after you burp.
--- why?!@ because my mom w
ill WHOOP jor ass.
3. always greet me when I enter ansi
--- why?!@ because uh.. it
d uh.. be uhm.. neet, yeah.. neet.
--- duh, why?! because if yo
u do, youre lazy and STUPID AS FUCK.
5. always try and sell your bbs setup if
youre offered more than 50.
--- why? anyone can setup a
bbs for free. so 50 is worth it.
6. Dont bother applying to eclipse.
--- why? sorry, had to throw
this in because we dont except apps.
7. Practice, Practice, Practice...
--- why? Its a myth that if you do, yo
ull get better or something
With these facts in mind, go lay down in a road, and pret
end that your a
bug with wings that are broken and flail your arms about
as if you cant
fly. Then, when a car stops, ask the person if they have
a box. If they
say no, stand up and say FUCK YOU THEN and go b
ack inside. If they do,
dress up like geoffry the giraffe, and go to toys r us
and steal a n64.
joke, courtesy of ewheat
Thank you, and that will be all, go back to your cages y
ou slimey bung
: . eeeeee l1l kk .. lips!
@ wo!@ -mo yo ta yew dewd :
disclaimer to disclaim disclaiments
eclipse reserves the right to make funny jokes. an
y newbie ripping an ecl
member shall be made fun of and poked at. any pers
on that thinks porn sucks
is a not human b dumb or c old and limp. any ac
id member that thinks
ecl sucks, is also not human, dumb and old and limp
. any person who finds
jokes about kiddie rape funny is, well, just fucked
up. any person who thinks
rad man is elite, rules. any person disclaiming an
y rights of people with
rights is strictly prohibited by ecl, although this
right can be disclaimed.
ecLipse single big letters kick ass c 96 -BEW
M!@ WERE BACK, bitch.
and now a word
from eclipse
ie, sponsor
magnatOp I say we blow this joint and he
ad on out to the old farm and
grease up a nice pig, pluck our eyebrow
hairs, and blow our
noses on each other and call it an art p
ak, bitch.
lagomorph yo, daddy-o. I say we t
ake our computers and assemble them all
together in a big cicle, go to office ma
x, steal come network
cards and play network quake all day lon
g for 15 years, or until
one of us requires food. ret
urns to playing quake
splatt heeeey man, I say we spark up som
e ska music and skank until
our feet hurt. Or better yet, we could
each take a strand of
this giant rubber tree I have here in my
pocket and make a giant
rubber sombrero, man. YEEEEEE-HAWWWW@!@
cheeze Uhm... is this thing on? hello?
tap tap Id just like to
thank my mom and dad for helping me get
to where I am. Also,
Id like to thank my agent, rad man. Uh
m, God Bless you all,
and have a happy holiday. Oh, by the wa
y, where is the bathroom?
And has anyone seen my bong?
fury Might I suggest we take our hands
and grease em up real good
with baby oil and make some secret sauc
e. And then we could
go out into the road and sell it to peop
le and tell them that
we can make more if they want, and then
if they ask, we can go
do that.
a. donut Id just like to say that I don
t like lettuce. Even though
its usually nice and moist and fresh, I
dont like the way
it crunches. I mean, its a vegatable,
right? Vegatables
arent supposed to crunch unless they gr
ow UNDERground. So,
thats just whack word whack mO jive
pzyko Which way did that ameritek truc
k go? I just sharpened my bat
and Im drunk, so those freekin technit
ions better watch out!
Ameritek, HERE I COME@!!
torgo What? A train that has
spots? What are you nuts? Trains dont
even have personalities, how could they
possibly have spots?
tarot If I had a dollar for everytime s
omeone said eclipse, Id have
so much money that Id be able to tell p
eople that I had alot
of money.. and then Id tell them to say
eclipse, and ask them
for the dollar... and if they didnt pay
me, Id pay someone to
break their knees.. but if i had to pay
that person more than
a dollar, that would defeat the purpose.
. so.. thud he passed
dieznyik Id like to give a shot out to
my home-gewrl raz, sup baby? And
uh, Id like to phone home now. wander
s away Now whered I
put my speak n spell.. and wheres that
bitch Drew Berrymore.
rai How pyschologically unsound this is
to be beset on the lower end
of the rhetoric. Sometimes I wonder wha
t it would be like to
be a plane, and just fly through the clo
uds. Except, clouds are
eletrically charged, and I think getting
shocked would hurt.
+- ECL ----
if we dont make it this time, well make it next ti
me.. thank you.
O eCL -- eclipse
back pak 1 ..
-----o .. -
history of ecl 3
So, youve been sitting around going Gee, I wi
sh eclipse would come back, that was
some pretty whip shit.. frown. Well, you just bet
ter recognize
fool, cause were back.. uh.. again. This time we hope we
can last a little
longer, but no promises. joke : Also, Rai
isnt the said founder,
although he still technically founded eclipse, hes not
going to run it
this time. Whats gonna happen is, were all g
oing to run it!
Lagomorph and I magnatOp.. yes Im writing the infofiles,
bitch decided
one day more lago than I that bringing back eclipse woul
d be cool. I
told him to blow me in a few more words and yet still de
cided that itd
be cool. But, as we thought about it, I thought of two pr
oblems: Whos going to run eclipse
, I sure as hell dont want to have to write info fil
every fucking month. And, whats gonna be the WORLD HEADQ
ted Cheeze, our
friend and comrad also lagos boyfriend, but Ill leave t
hat out, or uh..
well.. I guess its too late now. We all decided that it
d be bodacious
bodacious official mO jive slang if we all ran the gro
up, and took
turns writing the info file. So, there you have it. And,
oh yeah, doink
is probably gonna be the headquaters, although, once my bo
ard goes up
that might possibly be an outpost, even though the whole i
dea of an art
group needing hqs and posts and stupid shit like that isn
t usefull now
with the popularity of irc.
So, anyway. There you have it. The history of
eclipse, third time styles.
So far I think we have quite a few original members, but w
ere hoping to
not exceed 15 members because we want to keep this group s
mall based and
close to home, where the heart is. -- if
your heart looks like that
youre going to die.
magnatops notes to help you
through life ...
1. never fart infront of a mad cow.
--- why?!@ because it could hit you in
the ass with his horns.
2. always say excuse me after you burp.
--- why?!@ because my mom w
ill WHOOP jor ass.
3. always greet me when I enter ansi
--- why?!@ because uh.. it
d uh.. be uhm.. neet, yeah.. neet.
--- duh, why?! because if yo
u do, youre lazy and STUPID AS FUCK.
5. always try and sell your bbs setup if
youre offered more than 50.
--- why? anyone can setup a
bbs for free. so 50 is worth it.
6. Dont bother applying to eclipse.
--- why? sorry, had to throw
this in because we dont except apps.
7. Practice, Practice, Practice...
--- why? Its a myth that if you do, yo
ull get better or something
With these facts in mind, go lay down in a road, and pret
end that your a
bug with wings that are broken and flail your arms about
as if you cant
fly. Then, when a car stops, ask the person if they have
a box. If they
say no, stand up and say FUCK YOU THEN and go b
ack inside. If they do,
dress up like geoffry the giraffe, and go to toys r us
and steal a n64.
joke, courtesy of ewheat
Thank you, and that will be all, go back to your cages y
ou slimey bung
: . eeeeee l1l kk .. lips!
@ wo!@ -mo yo ta yew dewd :
disclaimer to disclaim disclaiments
eclipse reserves the right to make funny jokes. an
y newbie ripping an ecl
member shall be made fun of and poked at. any pers
on that thinks porn sucks
is a not human b dumb or c old and limp. any ac
id member that thinks
ecl sucks, is also not human, dumb and old and limp
. any person who finds
jokes about kiddie rape funny is, well, just fucked
up. any person who thinks
rad man is elite, rules. any person disclaiming an
y rights of people with
rights is strictly prohibited by ecl, although this
right can be disclaimed.
ecLipse single big letters kick ass c 96 -BEW
M!@ WERE BACK, bitch.
and now a word
from eclipse
ie, sponsor
magnatOp I say we blow this joint and he
ad on out to the old farm and
grease up a nice pig, pluck our eyebrow
hairs, and blow our
noses on each other and call it an art p
ak, bitch.
lagomorph yo, daddy-o. I say we t
ake our computers and assemble them all
together in a big cicle, go to office ma
x, steal come network
cards and play network quake all day lon
g for 15 years, or until
one of us requires food. ret
urns to playing quake
splatt heeeey man, I say we spark up som
e ska music and skank until
our feet hurt. Or better yet, we could
each take a strand of
this giant rubber tree I have here in my
pocket and make a giant
rubber sombrero, man. YEEEEEE-HAWWWW@!@
cheeze Uhm... is this thing on? hello?
tap tap Id just like to
thank my mom and dad for helping me get
to where I am. Also,
Id like to thank my agent, rad man. Uh
m, God Bless you all,
and have a happy holiday. Oh, by the wa
y, where is the bathroom?
And has anyone seen my bong?
fury Might I suggest we take our hands
and grease em up real good
with baby oil and make some secret sauc
e. And then we could
go out into the road and sell it to peop
le and tell them that
we can make more if they want, and then
if they ask, we can go
do that.
a. donut Id just like to say that I don
t like lettuce. Even though
its usually nice and moist and fresh, I
dont like the way
it crunches. I mean, its a vegatable,
right? Vegatables
arent supposed to crunch unless they gr
ow UNDERground. So,
thats just whack word whack mO jive
pzyko Which way did that ameritek truc
k go? I just sharpened my bat
and Im drunk, so those freekin technit
ions better watch out!
Ameritek, HERE I COME@!!
torgo What? A train that has
spots? What are you nuts? Trains dont
even have personalities, how could they
possibly have spots?
tarot If I had a dollar for everytime s
omeone said eclipse, Id have
so much money that Id be able to tell p
eople that I had alot
of money.. and then Id tell them to say
eclipse, and ask them
for the dollar... and if they didnt pay
me, Id pay someone to
break their knees.. but if i had to pay
that person more than
a dollar, that would defeat the purpose.
. so.. thud he passed
dieznyik Id like to give a shot out to
my home-gewrl raz, sup baby? And
uh, Id like to phone home now. wander
s away Now whered I
put my speak n spell.. and wheres that
bitch Drew Berrymore.
rai How pyschologically unsound this is
to be beset on the lower end
of the rhetoric. Sometimes I wonder wha
t it would be like to
be a plane, and just fly through the clo
uds. Except, clouds are
eletrically charged, and I think getting
shocked would hurt.
+- ECL ----
if we dont make it this time, well make it next ti
me.. thank you.
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