Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Location: Geneva / Switzerland
Age: 19 yearz
Group: Devotion
RB Job: Maintenance Design
U can contact him for:
Everything about MANGA : He takes
care of the board locally when Mav
isnt there, he is here every day
anyway Also does designin 4 RB.
This little file that contains information about sum guys like me is included
in the RAVEBASE Co-Sysop information box. I crossed out my real name cause I
like to have sum privacy. But if you call RAVEBASE, you can find it out very
easily unless you know my real name already ofcooze. I had to do the little picture in the box on the left, and as you can see it is a cute little CatLady.
Oh how I feel good when I draw a picture like this... :
This picture cannot be used for anything obviously, if you think about it,
but I can make sum like this for you if you like my style. P.S, MAVERICK wrote
the stuff on the right side of the box, and if you were wondering, yes I am his
fourth ! Co-Sysop.
For all of your weird questions, contact...
BBS: Ravebase
Sysop: Maverick
Tel: +41022-348-5521