this image contains text
d a n
e w s
- issue 1 -/- for july sumthing nineteen ninety
five - aug. 1st 1995 - 1. Disc
o was started about a month and a half ago when I decided that U
NiON just wasnt the place for me. UNiON was on a pret
ty steady downfall when I joined, and it seemed like ev
eryone was just sitting around, waiting for someone to
kill it. I wasnt the only one who this thought this either
cause a few guys decided to come along with me such as El
lis Dee, Cash, and so on. And therefore Disco was created.2.
Well, Ive been asked a few questions about the name, so I
ll answer that now. The name Disco was just a word tha
t popped into my head when we were thinking of names.
It wasnt planned or anything. Hey, at least its better
Twilight/Versus/Legend. :
As far as members go, I think we are lookin
retty good for a first pack, with about 16-18
members already.
The staff of Disco is made up
of a President and S
eniors. The Senior Staff
as of now consists of Cash
, Ellis Dee, Hannibal
Lecter, and Spirit of Illusion who is grounded
and delayed the pack due to report car
d time
-- those arent my grades!-so
4. As far as sites go, we are only going to have state/pro
vince sites, 1 per
area. No exceptions will be made to this rule, except for membe
rs, whose
boards are automatically considered member boards upon joining D
5. Since rejoining the scene, many people have
prize inside
asked my about WBALLs. Well I was talking with
soitm the other day, and he asked me if we
could include a small WBALLs packet inside the
Disco packs. Since I didnt want to FULLY bring
disco b
back WBALLs, I agreed. So, if youd like to be a
member, just fill out the app in the Disco pack
and send it up to 36 Chambers. Space is limited.
free prize inside every pack! --
6. As far as the departments of the group go, Disco will h
ave an Ansi depart-
ment, an Ascii department, a RIP/VGA department, a coding depart
ment, and
possibly a music department in the near future. We have some gre
at artists
in all of these departments, and Id like to mention them all, b
ut I think
Ill just let their artwork speak for itself.
7. This month has been proclaimed N
ational Badrock month
in D
isco, for self-explanitory reasons. Cash suggests
. that next
month be Pocahontas month. I dont think so
badrockdisco i really feel special to have my ow
month, especially
in Disco!
o yeah. youd better : oh gotta go,
kimberly the pink ranger just came over to m
y house.
7. Yes, Im a new world samurai, and a redneck
nonetheless. And I can read your mind.
Figure it out for yourself.
editor: odb never makes any sense -soi
8. Well as
far as the lateness of the pack goes,
we may all thank or worship soitm fo
r get-
ng his ass grounded and not being able to use
the phone. Hes told his mommy many t
imes that
hed rather eat at Foody Goodys then
not be
able to see Disco for a summe
r, but she just
wont budge. Its a good thing that hes
sneaky, or this pack wou
ld never get out. :
bad, bad, bad grades! 8. Check out the ascii stuff
. Its bustin.
9. On a brighter note, the mACK pIMP nIGGAz of the month a
re Cash and soitm.
These guys have helped Disco out greatly by producing like they
are addict-
ed to speed. Congrats, niggaz.
editor: i would like to congratulate odb for conning me
to stay up the
whole night to work on this damn file. -soi
10. If you have any applications, questions, comments,
sacrifices to soi or
you just wanna see the most fucked up OBV/2 setup round, give
the WHQ, 36
Chambers, a call at 305-437-2310.
editor: no! no! the real WHQ is mAYO! -- i swear to g
od, upload it to
there! 604-241-0364. REALLY! -soi
11. Well, I guess dats about all. Now we just have to sit
back, and let the
pack speak for itself, enjoy. pEAz nIGGAz.
written by: ol dirty bastard - editor/photos by: so
itmtired as fuck
e w s
- issue 1 -/- for july sumthing nineteen ninety
five - aug. 1st 1995 - 1. Disc
o was started about a month and a half ago when I decided that U
NiON just wasnt the place for me. UNiON was on a pret
ty steady downfall when I joined, and it seemed like ev
eryone was just sitting around, waiting for someone to
kill it. I wasnt the only one who this thought this either
cause a few guys decided to come along with me such as El
lis Dee, Cash, and so on. And therefore Disco was created.2.
Well, Ive been asked a few questions about the name, so I
ll answer that now. The name Disco was just a word tha
t popped into my head when we were thinking of names.
It wasnt planned or anything. Hey, at least its better
Twilight/Versus/Legend. :
As far as members go, I think we are lookin
retty good for a first pack, with about 16-18
members already.
The staff of Disco is made up
of a President and S
eniors. The Senior Staff
as of now consists of Cash
, Ellis Dee, Hannibal
Lecter, and Spirit of Illusion who is grounded
and delayed the pack due to report car
d time
-- those arent my grades!-so
4. As far as sites go, we are only going to have state/pro
vince sites, 1 per
area. No exceptions will be made to this rule, except for membe
rs, whose
boards are automatically considered member boards upon joining D
5. Since rejoining the scene, many people have
prize inside
asked my about WBALLs. Well I was talking with
soitm the other day, and he asked me if we
could include a small WBALLs packet inside the
Disco packs. Since I didnt want to FULLY bring
disco b
back WBALLs, I agreed. So, if youd like to be a
member, just fill out the app in the Disco pack
and send it up to 36 Chambers. Space is limited.
free prize inside every pack! --
6. As far as the departments of the group go, Disco will h
ave an Ansi depart-
ment, an Ascii department, a RIP/VGA department, a coding depart
ment, and
possibly a music department in the near future. We have some gre
at artists
in all of these departments, and Id like to mention them all, b
ut I think
Ill just let their artwork speak for itself.
7. This month has been proclaimed N
ational Badrock month
in D
isco, for self-explanitory reasons. Cash suggests
. that next
month be Pocahontas month. I dont think so
badrockdisco i really feel special to have my ow
month, especially
in Disco!
o yeah. youd better : oh gotta go,
kimberly the pink ranger just came over to m
y house.
7. Yes, Im a new world samurai, and a redneck
nonetheless. And I can read your mind.
Figure it out for yourself.
editor: odb never makes any sense -soi
8. Well as
far as the lateness of the pack goes,
we may all thank or worship soitm fo
r get-
ng his ass grounded and not being able to use
the phone. Hes told his mommy many t
imes that
hed rather eat at Foody Goodys then
not be
able to see Disco for a summe
r, but she just
wont budge. Its a good thing that hes
sneaky, or this pack wou
ld never get out. :
bad, bad, bad grades! 8. Check out the ascii stuff
. Its bustin.
9. On a brighter note, the mACK pIMP nIGGAz of the month a
re Cash and soitm.
These guys have helped Disco out greatly by producing like they
are addict-
ed to speed. Congrats, niggaz.
editor: i would like to congratulate odb for conning me
to stay up the
whole night to work on this damn file. -soi
10. If you have any applications, questions, comments,
sacrifices to soi or
you just wanna see the most fucked up OBV/2 setup round, give
the WHQ, 36
Chambers, a call at 305-437-2310.
editor: no! no! the real WHQ is mAYO! -- i swear to g
od, upload it to
there! 604-241-0364. REALLY! -soi
11. Well, I guess dats about all. Now we just have to sit
back, and let the
pack speak for itself, enjoy. pEAz nIGGAz.
written by: ol dirty bastard - editor/photos by: so
itmtired as fuck
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