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c r e
welcome to the second creed pack. its not nearly as big as i was hoping, but
we didnt have any new members since the last pack. so get off your lazy ass
and apply. were looking mainly for ansi artists, but if your talented in your art field, apply! were missing Oman this month due to him moving, and not
leaving his number with any of the Creed members! there will most likely be
an app generator in the next pack, but for now just fill out the generic
app.txt file. thats it, info files suck. teardrOp
c r e
welcome to the second creed pack. its not nearly as big as i was hoping, but
we didnt have any new members since the last pack. so get off your lazy ass
and apply. were looking mainly for ansi artists, but if your talented in your art field, apply! were missing Oman this month due to him moving, and not
leaving his number with any of the Creed members! there will most likely be
an app generator in the next pack, but for now just fill out the generic
app.txt file. thats it, info files suck. teardrOp
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