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sargon eufanasia: what label is that song on?
eufanasia sargon - Cash Money
sargon whats the full name of that?
sargon of that label?
sargon or what do they call themselves?
eufanasia Cash Money Records.
eufanasia :
sargon no like..
sargon fuck
sargon i forgot
sargon they call themselves cash money something..
eufanasia You want the album name its Juvenile, 400 Degreez
sargon NO
eufanasia cash Money millionaires?
sargon YEAH
eufanasia they have hats that say that
sargon HAHA
sargon PLUG
cmang PLUG
sargon !!!!!!!!!
cmang Hahaha
eufanasia back it up den stop
eufanasia now what what what, dropitlikeitshot
eufanasia k
*** eufanasia has quit IRC eufanasia
....... and more..
cat-dog hi
sargon wanna play a word game ?
sargon its fun
cat-dog afro?
sargon no
sargon ok
sargon heres how it works
sargon im gonna say a word in ascii
sargon then, whenever i say it
cat-dog ok
sargon you say the word i just said, plus a synonym
sargon like, if i say sphere, you say ball
sargon etc
sargon but, you say the word i said first
sargon so if i said sphere
sargon youd say in ascii sphere ball
sargon say all the words
sargon its cool
sargon trust me
sargon ready?
cat-dog ok
cat-dog go
sargon:ascii cash
sargon there
cat-dog:ascii cash money
sargon haha!!@!@
sargon thanks
sargon haha!@!@
cat-dog ok
eufanasia sargon - Cash Money
sargon whats the full name of that?
sargon of that label?
sargon or what do they call themselves?
eufanasia Cash Money Records.
eufanasia :
sargon no like..
sargon fuck
sargon i forgot
sargon they call themselves cash money something..
eufanasia You want the album name its Juvenile, 400 Degreez
sargon NO
eufanasia cash Money millionaires?
sargon YEAH
eufanasia they have hats that say that
sargon HAHA
sargon PLUG
cmang PLUG
sargon !!!!!!!!!
cmang Hahaha
eufanasia back it up den stop
eufanasia now what what what, dropitlikeitshot
eufanasia k
*** eufanasia has quit IRC eufanasia
....... and more..
cat-dog hi
sargon wanna play a word game ?
sargon its fun
cat-dog afro?
sargon no
sargon ok
sargon heres how it works
sargon im gonna say a word in ascii
sargon then, whenever i say it
cat-dog ok
sargon you say the word i just said, plus a synonym
sargon like, if i say sphere, you say ball
sargon etc
sargon but, you say the word i said first
sargon so if i said sphere
sargon youd say in ascii sphere ball
sargon say all the words
sargon its cool
sargon trust me
sargon ready?
cat-dog ok
cat-dog go
sargon:ascii cash
sargon there
cat-dog:ascii cash money
sargon haha!!@!@
sargon thanks
sargon haha!@!@
cat-dog ok
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