this image contains text
cia conspiracy 26 information
y0, wazzup fo0lios.. enjoy!
s3D 1,o0,O 0r YlL eV S yU gRdM g!
- c
Did you know that 75 percent of all gays
are born
gay, and that the other 25 percent are s
ucked in to
it? And might i say, that the cia guys were b
orn gay.
Well, off to the important sayings of this keen
info file you guys love to read, month after month.
This month has been very good, once again! Weve
had lots of new people being added into cia this
month. Besides the great additions into the group this month
, we had alot of
people taking their breaks, and vacations. I myself had
alot of personal things
to take care of this month. Our coder co-oridnator went on a
two week camping
trip, and he did wake up with vaseline rubbed a
ll over his bung hole, and a
condomn up his anus, just kiddin kev, h
ad to say it : So, Infinity will
delayed untill September. Our Vga Ascii Co-ordinat
ors have floated there way
over seas till mid August. Superflys monitor ble
w up or something, personally
think his monkey was bad, and he spanked it so hard,
till it jizzed :. Diehard
was also out of town, along with prong,
and whoever else who just relaxed this
month. With all this happening, and it being middle of summe
r, and school will
be starting up for you kiddies that still go, we managed to
put together anothe
quality artpack for your viewing pleasure. I also want to add,
the long vacatio
tron took, well he is back in this pack,
with some of his kick ass ansis. He
did not loose any talent while he was moving. Besides that,
thats basically wha
happened over the month.
New Blood, and Group Changes...
Well, one hell of a month again for us here at
cia. The first thing i would
like to mention is that superflys promotion up to se
nior staff, i thought he
would make a great addition in helping me, and to help m
ake wise choices
relating to the group. Alot of members has brought to my attenti
on that cia is
not like it used to be. I know the scene has changed alot in the pas
t 6-12
months, and due to the scene changing cia has also chang
ed. I feel that we are
loosing our family atmosphere. Anymore cia members are at
war with each other,
you know who you are and i wish to see it end. You may not like some
of the
people in the group, but we have to work as a team,
not fighting and making fun
of other members. I dont care who you are, if it dont chan
ge, no matter how
good you are, you will be removed. The family atmosphere
is more important to
me than how good you are. I am also not going to let down certai
n people that
has given me the chance to run cia. So, i wil
l be talking with the people this
concerns, i want to correct the problem, if not,
i will be forced to remove you
We are here to have fun, and produce quality art packs,
and i might stress that
the fun, and family atmosphere comes first. I got a little b
it off track, so
back to new membaz! Next we have D.J. Quad coming up
as internet co-ordinator.
He seems eager to work hard, and to do whatever the inte
rnet co-ordinator does,
i know what i want him to do, and you will not find out
fellaz : We have Dev,
also known as Devestator, coming up as the Web C
o-ordinator, he does some
fantastic work, so check the shit out. Nivenh
has stepped down from his ansi
co-ordinator position, hes to damn busy with work,
impulse, and going muff
diving to uphold his duties, i will be taking his p
lace : Ansi, Ansi, new
talent has dropped into cia into the ansi departm
ent. First, i want to welcome
Sudden Death back into cia, hes been in
off and on, and we look forward to
his return into cia. Next, i welcome in
Veediot, he comes to us from Blade
. He
is recently new, and his ansi skills are great, and
i look forward to his art,
and working with him. We have Killa Hertz back into actio
n with cia, he took
his time off, and hes back producing some good stuff. A
lso, once again,
Village Idiot is back into cia producing ansi.
Hes been out of the scene for
awhile, and i welcome all those lame people back into cia :
, just kiddin guys
i look forward to your work, and having you back in the group. That
s it for
the ansi department.In the Rip Department we
have Mirabilia coming to us from
from TOA, his rip skills are unbelievable, a
nd he will help out the rip
department tremondously. In the VGA Department we have
Digital Interface, i
dont know much about this guy, but Venom let
him in, so he must do some good
work for Venom to let him in.On a sad note, we wil
l not have any vgas in
this pack, since Venom was gone, and i did collect so
me but lost them. Sorry to
the vga guys this month..Now, we have a little time for s
ome lit news from
the edicius i spilt pop on my keyboard and
i have to retire from cia lit
co-ordinator. Speak your words Tom...
hey. this is edicius, cia lit coord
inator. guess what? there is a lit
sub packet in this cia release. : happy? well
, i am. sorry about the
mistake last month, but i went away at the beginning
of the month, and
wasnt around to do the lit sub-packet. sorry to everyone wh
o submitted
last month, but all the work is here this month. enjoy.
we had two new people join us this month, sudden viole
nce joined us, and
brings an impressive array of literature with him an
d some pretty neat
gifs in his work. : also, puppet
master joins us from a few other
groups which he dropped for cia :,
and he looks to be a valuable asset
to cia literature. pip the angry youth
left, being he has a job now, and
no time for cia, and mistawho departe
d to go to revolt literature. we wish
the two of them luck.
Now time for some ascii news....
this is grey hawk, cias ascii
coordinator talking to you.. this has been
written some time before the pack, since i have left on
july 20th to the emeral
isle, and i wont be back until august 18th. since i ha
ve missed the important
organizational time before the pack, i am not and c
ant record who is and who
is not contributing to the ascii this pack. therefore, ever
yone gets the
benefit of the doubt and stays their last color :. are
nt i nice? anyway,
id like to welcome a few new members to cia!ascii:
cyko joins us with a
smooth ascii style, and data ruckus joins us from ci
a/acid telecom, i guess
all the 800 congestion lately has caused him to find another ho
bby :. Two
more members also join cia ascii this month,
unsane and anonymous. i havent
had much chance to talk to them yet, but i hope they hav
e a good time with us
here at cia ascii!One more addition into ci
a ascii is, toon machine, also
known as social deviant. I liked his style and hell
do good here at cia.
Duckhunt, yes, cia has released
duckhunt. From the hard efforts of napalm
and wizard of id, they managed to come up with a
PC version that kicks ass. I
think this is *THE* release of the summer.
We first planned on using duckhunt
in infinity. But, Kev couldnt get it work
by the time he had to leave for
vacation, so here it is, in the cia pack, play this f
ucking game, it rules, and
remember who brought it to you, cia, the makers of consol
e games for the PC.
Good work, wizoi and napalm, you guys out
did yourself...
Hmmm, i welcome all new members into the group this
month. I look forward
to seeing your work, and working with you. If you applie
d, please let us know
again, i know alot of people applied to various division
s, if you applied and
did not get an answer, call our VMB at 800-2
45-4366 and leave your handle,
name, position applied for, and a where we can
reach you. Or hop on ircand
dcc your work to D.J. Quad, our internet co-ordi
nator. E-mail your apps to
D.J. Quad on the internet.... On another note
, people has been dropped from
cia due to, lack of interest, no phone numbers o
r ways to get ahold of them,
and the fadeout method. If you feel this affects you, co
ntact us and we will
work it out.
Headquarter Changes Shit....
Well, we did some work on our headquarters.
First, The Shadow Den has been
added as our Members HQ. This means that all of you funky
cia nigz gets to
upload your work there, free of charge? If you dont kno
w the number, call the
vmb and you shall recieve it. You can also upload your applications
to TSD also
I want to thank my bud Alt D., for letting us use hi
s board for our work HQ,
thanx alot Alt D., you really helped cia
out as a whole. Next, a new Southern
HQ, i put it as Termite Terrace, thats my b
ud nivenhs board. He may not know
its the SHQ till he reads this : My Board,
High Fidelity is the Northern HQ
now. The new Courier Headquarters is Area 51, th
at be Astaroths board. Thats
it for the Headquarter Changes. If you wish to have a
HQ position in cia, send
me 50 dollars a month and you shall recieve a HQ :
On the site and memberboard
status, We do not have any more SITES, so do not
advertise that you are a cia
SITE, we dropped all sites. On the Memb
erboards, you must be a local sysop to
obtain the memberboard, so if you have a co-sysop that i
s in cia, you are not
a memberboard. The only way we will allow memberboar
ds with a co-sysop is that
person must live in the same city as you, and must be an act
ive co, and be
approved by me, and only me. And the same goes for
infinity e-mag.
Misc, CiP Net, Infinity....
Time for some misc., shit. First, CiP
Net is up, apply you people. The Net
is really taking off. If you are in cia and run a board
, or want cipnet on a
board local to you, tell me, i want all c
ia members to access the net. If you
are not in cia and want cip, apply, if you run a
decent board, you will most
likely be accepted. Just call High Fidelity at 21
7.874.2442, upload an app, or
gimme your stats, i will add you in. Get the net you nigz :
The latest cip
packet is enclosed in this fine cia pack. So,
check and see if your in there if
you applied, then poll High Fidelity, very
, very, simple.
Is infinity dead? That is what i hear,
NO it is not dead. We will release
in september. Alot of things came up to push it off that
far, and we also have
alot of fresh new ideas we are working on. So, start doing y
our artwork and
articles for it, it will be out in september, so
watch for it..
cia web page is up, the address is http://serv2.fwi
.com/dev/. Hook up to
it and check it out, special thanx and greet to dev f
or getting this web page
Well that about does it for me. I think i covered everything
, if not napalm
will cover it below. Once again i welcome all new members in
to cia. If you wish
to apply to cia, you know how to do it and who to ge
t a hold of. Id like to
greet a few people:
tron, superfly, nivenh, djquad,
defect, ky, wizoi, xanax, ph
oenix, maelstrom,
edicius, aphid twix, schizo, altered des
tiny, napalm, killa hertz, diehard
abom, miribilia, blurr, rumpelstealskin
, puppet master, etc.... anyone i fo
and you know me, sorry couldnt remember you....
BTW: I had the urge for bright purple this month..
what is with these wacky colo
rs, muff?woo..sup, na
palm here, sorry about
the delay of the pack, i took an sorta sudden trip to pittsb
urgh for a week and
a bit, but im back now so the pack can be released
like they really need me :
anyway, the pack came out pretty damn good, it
s vga department vacation month
so we threw in a few extra coded goodies including some ppe
s and the above
praised duckhuntpc game.. oh, btw, to
on-zine is also not dead, its being coded
right now, it would have been out a lot sooner if i didnt ke
ep going away on
spontaneous vacations :
kicked out members other d0rks....
this month we point the semi-automatic at stone v
yper for ripping some of ld!s
kspiff fonts, id like to personally apologize to the lord hi
mself, sorry!
thatll do it for me this month, stay tuned
for new cia releases including
few top-secret projects that even we dont know about yet
! look for cia full
releases of super mario bros, mega man, track meet, and
a vga version of sonic
the hedgehog! well.. you can look, but i doubt youll find any o
f these
y0, wazzup fo0lios.. enjoy!
s3D 1,o0,O 0r YlL eV S yU gRdM g!
- c
Did you know that 75 percent of all gays
are born
gay, and that the other 25 percent are s
ucked in to
it? And might i say, that the cia guys were b
orn gay.
Well, off to the important sayings of this keen
info file you guys love to read, month after month.
This month has been very good, once again! Weve
had lots of new people being added into cia this
month. Besides the great additions into the group this month
, we had alot of
people taking their breaks, and vacations. I myself had
alot of personal things
to take care of this month. Our coder co-oridnator went on a
two week camping
trip, and he did wake up with vaseline rubbed a
ll over his bung hole, and a
condomn up his anus, just kiddin kev, h
ad to say it : So, Infinity will
delayed untill September. Our Vga Ascii Co-ordinat
ors have floated there way
over seas till mid August. Superflys monitor ble
w up or something, personally
think his monkey was bad, and he spanked it so hard,
till it jizzed :. Diehard
was also out of town, along with prong,
and whoever else who just relaxed this
month. With all this happening, and it being middle of summe
r, and school will
be starting up for you kiddies that still go, we managed to
put together anothe
quality artpack for your viewing pleasure. I also want to add,
the long vacatio
tron took, well he is back in this pack,
with some of his kick ass ansis. He
did not loose any talent while he was moving. Besides that,
thats basically wha
happened over the month.
New Blood, and Group Changes...
Well, one hell of a month again for us here at
cia. The first thing i would
like to mention is that superflys promotion up to se
nior staff, i thought he
would make a great addition in helping me, and to help m
ake wise choices
relating to the group. Alot of members has brought to my attenti
on that cia is
not like it used to be. I know the scene has changed alot in the pas
t 6-12
months, and due to the scene changing cia has also chang
ed. I feel that we are
loosing our family atmosphere. Anymore cia members are at
war with each other,
you know who you are and i wish to see it end. You may not like some
of the
people in the group, but we have to work as a team,
not fighting and making fun
of other members. I dont care who you are, if it dont chan
ge, no matter how
good you are, you will be removed. The family atmosphere
is more important to
me than how good you are. I am also not going to let down certai
n people that
has given me the chance to run cia. So, i wil
l be talking with the people this
concerns, i want to correct the problem, if not,
i will be forced to remove you
We are here to have fun, and produce quality art packs,
and i might stress that
the fun, and family atmosphere comes first. I got a little b
it off track, so
back to new membaz! Next we have D.J. Quad coming up
as internet co-ordinator.
He seems eager to work hard, and to do whatever the inte
rnet co-ordinator does,
i know what i want him to do, and you will not find out
fellaz : We have Dev,
also known as Devestator, coming up as the Web C
o-ordinator, he does some
fantastic work, so check the shit out. Nivenh
has stepped down from his ansi
co-ordinator position, hes to damn busy with work,
impulse, and going muff
diving to uphold his duties, i will be taking his p
lace : Ansi, Ansi, new
talent has dropped into cia into the ansi departm
ent. First, i want to welcome
Sudden Death back into cia, hes been in
off and on, and we look forward to
his return into cia. Next, i welcome in
Veediot, he comes to us from Blade
. He
is recently new, and his ansi skills are great, and
i look forward to his art,
and working with him. We have Killa Hertz back into actio
n with cia, he took
his time off, and hes back producing some good stuff. A
lso, once again,
Village Idiot is back into cia producing ansi.
Hes been out of the scene for
awhile, and i welcome all those lame people back into cia :
, just kiddin guys
i look forward to your work, and having you back in the group. That
s it for
the ansi department.In the Rip Department we
have Mirabilia coming to us from
from TOA, his rip skills are unbelievable, a
nd he will help out the rip
department tremondously. In the VGA Department we have
Digital Interface, i
dont know much about this guy, but Venom let
him in, so he must do some good
work for Venom to let him in.On a sad note, we wil
l not have any vgas in
this pack, since Venom was gone, and i did collect so
me but lost them. Sorry to
the vga guys this month..Now, we have a little time for s
ome lit news from
the edicius i spilt pop on my keyboard and
i have to retire from cia lit
co-ordinator. Speak your words Tom...
hey. this is edicius, cia lit coord
inator. guess what? there is a lit
sub packet in this cia release. : happy? well
, i am. sorry about the
mistake last month, but i went away at the beginning
of the month, and
wasnt around to do the lit sub-packet. sorry to everyone wh
o submitted
last month, but all the work is here this month. enjoy.
we had two new people join us this month, sudden viole
nce joined us, and
brings an impressive array of literature with him an
d some pretty neat
gifs in his work. : also, puppet
master joins us from a few other
groups which he dropped for cia :,
and he looks to be a valuable asset
to cia literature. pip the angry youth
left, being he has a job now, and
no time for cia, and mistawho departe
d to go to revolt literature. we wish
the two of them luck.
Now time for some ascii news....
this is grey hawk, cias ascii
coordinator talking to you.. this has been
written some time before the pack, since i have left on
july 20th to the emeral
isle, and i wont be back until august 18th. since i ha
ve missed the important
organizational time before the pack, i am not and c
ant record who is and who
is not contributing to the ascii this pack. therefore, ever
yone gets the
benefit of the doubt and stays their last color :. are
nt i nice? anyway,
id like to welcome a few new members to cia!ascii:
cyko joins us with a
smooth ascii style, and data ruckus joins us from ci
a/acid telecom, i guess
all the 800 congestion lately has caused him to find another ho
bby :. Two
more members also join cia ascii this month,
unsane and anonymous. i havent
had much chance to talk to them yet, but i hope they hav
e a good time with us
here at cia ascii!One more addition into ci
a ascii is, toon machine, also
known as social deviant. I liked his style and hell
do good here at cia.
Duckhunt, yes, cia has released
duckhunt. From the hard efforts of napalm
and wizard of id, they managed to come up with a
PC version that kicks ass. I
think this is *THE* release of the summer.
We first planned on using duckhunt
in infinity. But, Kev couldnt get it work
by the time he had to leave for
vacation, so here it is, in the cia pack, play this f
ucking game, it rules, and
remember who brought it to you, cia, the makers of consol
e games for the PC.
Good work, wizoi and napalm, you guys out
did yourself...
Hmmm, i welcome all new members into the group this
month. I look forward
to seeing your work, and working with you. If you applie
d, please let us know
again, i know alot of people applied to various division
s, if you applied and
did not get an answer, call our VMB at 800-2
45-4366 and leave your handle,
name, position applied for, and a where we can
reach you. Or hop on ircand
dcc your work to D.J. Quad, our internet co-ordi
nator. E-mail your apps to
D.J. Quad on the internet.... On another note
, people has been dropped from
cia due to, lack of interest, no phone numbers o
r ways to get ahold of them,
and the fadeout method. If you feel this affects you, co
ntact us and we will
work it out.
Headquarter Changes Shit....
Well, we did some work on our headquarters.
First, The Shadow Den has been
added as our Members HQ. This means that all of you funky
cia nigz gets to
upload your work there, free of charge? If you dont kno
w the number, call the
vmb and you shall recieve it. You can also upload your applications
to TSD also
I want to thank my bud Alt D., for letting us use hi
s board for our work HQ,
thanx alot Alt D., you really helped cia
out as a whole. Next, a new Southern
HQ, i put it as Termite Terrace, thats my b
ud nivenhs board. He may not know
its the SHQ till he reads this : My Board,
High Fidelity is the Northern HQ
now. The new Courier Headquarters is Area 51, th
at be Astaroths board. Thats
it for the Headquarter Changes. If you wish to have a
HQ position in cia, send
me 50 dollars a month and you shall recieve a HQ :
On the site and memberboard
status, We do not have any more SITES, so do not
advertise that you are a cia
SITE, we dropped all sites. On the Memb
erboards, you must be a local sysop to
obtain the memberboard, so if you have a co-sysop that i
s in cia, you are not
a memberboard. The only way we will allow memberboar
ds with a co-sysop is that
person must live in the same city as you, and must be an act
ive co, and be
approved by me, and only me. And the same goes for
infinity e-mag.
Misc, CiP Net, Infinity....
Time for some misc., shit. First, CiP
Net is up, apply you people. The Net
is really taking off. If you are in cia and run a board
, or want cipnet on a
board local to you, tell me, i want all c
ia members to access the net. If you
are not in cia and want cip, apply, if you run a
decent board, you will most
likely be accepted. Just call High Fidelity at 21
7.874.2442, upload an app, or
gimme your stats, i will add you in. Get the net you nigz :
The latest cip
packet is enclosed in this fine cia pack. So,
check and see if your in there if
you applied, then poll High Fidelity, very
, very, simple.
Is infinity dead? That is what i hear,
NO it is not dead. We will release
in september. Alot of things came up to push it off that
far, and we also have
alot of fresh new ideas we are working on. So, start doing y
our artwork and
articles for it, it will be out in september, so
watch for it..
cia web page is up, the address is http://serv2.fwi
.com/dev/. Hook up to
it and check it out, special thanx and greet to dev f
or getting this web page
Well that about does it for me. I think i covered everything
, if not napalm
will cover it below. Once again i welcome all new members in
to cia. If you wish
to apply to cia, you know how to do it and who to ge
t a hold of. Id like to
greet a few people:
tron, superfly, nivenh, djquad,
defect, ky, wizoi, xanax, ph
oenix, maelstrom,
edicius, aphid twix, schizo, altered des
tiny, napalm, killa hertz, diehard
abom, miribilia, blurr, rumpelstealskin
, puppet master, etc.... anyone i fo
and you know me, sorry couldnt remember you....
BTW: I had the urge for bright purple this month..
what is with these wacky colo
rs, muff?woo..sup, na
palm here, sorry about
the delay of the pack, i took an sorta sudden trip to pittsb
urgh for a week and
a bit, but im back now so the pack can be released
like they really need me :
anyway, the pack came out pretty damn good, it
s vga department vacation month
so we threw in a few extra coded goodies including some ppe
s and the above
praised duckhuntpc game.. oh, btw, to
on-zine is also not dead, its being coded
right now, it would have been out a lot sooner if i didnt ke
ep going away on
spontaneous vacations :
kicked out members other d0rks....
this month we point the semi-automatic at stone v
yper for ripping some of ld!s
kspiff fonts, id like to personally apologize to the lord hi
mself, sorry!
thatll do it for me this month, stay tuned
for new cia releases including
few top-secret projects that even we dont know about yet
! look for cia full
releases of super mario bros, mega man, track meet, and
a vga version of sonic
the hedgehog! well.. you can look, but i doubt youll find any o
f these
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