uhh... newsletter one
requesting ascii from moi
by :: black francis
o o o
cia is two. neat-o. anyhow, most artists put where you can snatch
some of their art right in their work, but i dont do that since, well, i
dont know why i dont.
anyhow, again, if youre interested in snatching an ascii from moi
but, why would you be? then you can do one of the following
e-mail me at francis@tnce.com or francis@squeaky.free.org,
call my board at 215750-0392,
catch me on the irc usually ansi or zines.
ill do it for free, but, people who offer trades or something
usually get nicer ones done faster. if you want color, thats neat, but i
prefer not doing color.
word to big bird.
read more zines.
i lub joo.
black frannie