this image contains text
February 1994
r My : friend Napalm... Thanks to CB, TT,
VN, AE, ICY, SD, LS, for in
spirations and
ideas.. Annoyin
g Greets go out to: Nosferatu,
Oedipus dead, Hannibal Lect
er call me!!, r
o a c
Terminator2, T-Ron, and Pariah. If you are
really desparate, and cant find anyone good
to do an ansi for you, then
contact me on
Brave New World for
a crappy ansi :... Pr
oZac c 1994
A p o c a l y p s e
CiA Member Board Corruption
Magazine Distribution
Maniac Magazine Distribution Unreal
Magazine Distribution
Paranoia Magazine Distribution TV
Dreadloc Magazine Distribution Site
Death Utils Distribution A
rt/Sound/HPAVCT Only
Running Vision/2 o.84 Registered
Cyber-Crime International Net 201 Hub
Shaka Net Insanity Net
Sysop : Napalm CiA/PNA/SUN
201 934-5613
ANSi: ProZac CiA
February 1994
r My : friend Napalm... Thanks to CB, TT,
VN, AE, ICY, SD, LS, for in
spirations and
ideas.. Annoyin
g Greets go out to: Nosferatu,
Oedipus dead, Hannibal Lect
er call me!!, r
o a c
Terminator2, T-Ron, and Pariah. If you are
really desparate, and cant find anyone good
to do an ansi for you, then
contact me on
Brave New World for
a crappy ansi :... Pr
oZac c 1994
A p o c a l y p s e
CiA Member Board Corruption
Magazine Distribution
Maniac Magazine Distribution Unreal
Magazine Distribution
Paranoia Magazine Distribution TV
Dreadloc Magazine Distribution Site
Death Utils Distribution A
rt/Sound/HPAVCT Only
Running Vision/2 o.84 Registered
Cyber-Crime International Net 201 Hub
Shaka Net Insanity Net
Sysop : Napalm CiA/PNA/SUN
201 934-5613
ANSi: ProZac CiA
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