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Reflections of Excellence!
Creators of Intense Ar
t Shorin-Ryu CA
Cool! Thought this bitch would never get out.. Due to a few minor conflict-in-
schedule problems, weve released late this month. Hey, only by 6 days, so biteme : Tron, here.. This has been one rockin month for us. Everyone has been
getting along greatly, weve gained some new members and sites, and the work hasgreatly improved. Weve ironed out some operational bugs and things are lookingperfect for our future.. L
ets get right to it. First, wed like to greet our
new guys. Ground Zero formerly or Chaos/SKiLL/iCE Trial ??, were thrilled to
have ya.. Awesome amount of work this month. Glad to see you have no life like
the rest of us : Al Bundy, which you all know is one of the WORLDs best PPE-
programmers.. Welcome, CiA, to the next level, as far as Im concerned!
Burger Death, Font Master B. as we call him in 513 who also gets credit with
our CiA quote of the month: yeah, I used the same font in two ansis..lick me!Mister E. adds a very welcomed touch of class to our group with Lit. Glad to
have ya, dude any other Lit. guys interested in applying, see our apply notes.And, Digital Assassin as our newest ansi guy sorry, we dont do trials! Weve
also chopped off some members for not doing dick.. Sorry, guys.. Oh, yeah..
heheh..and how could I forget..We welcome BACK, Sudden Death, who gets a
promotion to CiA Recruiter.. Apparently, his idol group that will go unnamed
here turned out to be full of big-heads. Welcome home, dude.. And finally,
weve picked up iCE Breaker, Programmer-supreme. Which leads me to my note to
members, next month is CiAs iCE Breaker month. We ask that all members do a
little something for iCE B. His BBS software, Shockwave Pro, his mag, Cynic Mag
and his BBS, Cyberdine Systems.. Fonts, menu sets, stats, ads.. We take care of
our own.. That should do it.. If youre interested in applying to CiA in any
capacity, contact Illegal Embassy at 513-385-2749 NUP: UNITED
*** NOTE: Due to a release screw-up last month, we have called this pack 8A..
Personal Greets: Magic.. Killer pack, guys!
MAD.. Hey, dudes..
Gothic.. like Bane.. The group that killed iCE/ACiD
Golgotha.. my personal favorite of all time..
Nuclear War just like before..
Shorin-Ryu.. Get a console copier, quickly!!
Tron CiA
Creators of Intense Ar
t Shorin-Ryu CA
Cool! Thought this bitch would never get out.. Due to a few minor conflict-in-
schedule problems, weve released late this month. Hey, only by 6 days, so biteme : Tron, here.. This has been one rockin month for us. Everyone has been
getting along greatly, weve gained some new members and sites, and the work hasgreatly improved. Weve ironed out some operational bugs and things are lookingperfect for our future.. L
ets get right to it. First, wed like to greet our
new guys. Ground Zero formerly or Chaos/SKiLL/iCE Trial ??, were thrilled to
have ya.. Awesome amount of work this month. Glad to see you have no life like
the rest of us : Al Bundy, which you all know is one of the WORLDs best PPE-
programmers.. Welcome, CiA, to the next level, as far as Im concerned!
Burger Death, Font Master B. as we call him in 513 who also gets credit with
our CiA quote of the month: yeah, I used the same font in two ansis..lick me!Mister E. adds a very welcomed touch of class to our group with Lit. Glad to
have ya, dude any other Lit. guys interested in applying, see our apply notes.And, Digital Assassin as our newest ansi guy sorry, we dont do trials! Weve
also chopped off some members for not doing dick.. Sorry, guys.. Oh, yeah..
heheh..and how could I forget..We welcome BACK, Sudden Death, who gets a
promotion to CiA Recruiter.. Apparently, his idol group that will go unnamed
here turned out to be full of big-heads. Welcome home, dude.. And finally,
weve picked up iCE Breaker, Programmer-supreme. Which leads me to my note to
members, next month is CiAs iCE Breaker month. We ask that all members do a
little something for iCE B. His BBS software, Shockwave Pro, his mag, Cynic Mag
and his BBS, Cyberdine Systems.. Fonts, menu sets, stats, ads.. We take care of
our own.. That should do it.. If youre interested in applying to CiA in any
capacity, contact Illegal Embassy at 513-385-2749 NUP: UNITED
*** NOTE: Due to a release screw-up last month, we have called this pack 8A..
Personal Greets: Magic.. Killer pack, guys!
MAD.. Hey, dudes..
Gothic.. like Bane.. The group that killed iCE/ACiD
Golgotha.. my personal favorite of all time..
Nuclear War just like before..
Shorin-Ryu.. Get a console copier, quickly!!
Tron CiA
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