cia conspiracy 23 - sites listing - c cia productions - ansi by napalm
board name ac position sysop
Illegal Embassy 513 World HeadQuarters Rumpelstealskin
Apocalypse 201 U.S. Headquarters Napalm
System One +46 European HeadQuarters Gangstar
Atari Blues +972 Israeli Headquarters Coolio Martziono
Evil Intentions 408 Western HeadQuarters Betrayer
North Star 908 Eastern HeadQuarters Grey Hawk
The Cattle Kingdom 414 Northern HeadQuarters Wiz
Alcatraz 813 Southern HeadQuarters Vindicator-X
High Fidelity 217 Courier HeadQuarters Mr Muff/Superfly
..this is the last month for sites/memberboards. All will be dropped after thi
s month. If you are in cia and run a board, you are still considered a member-
board. If you dont have access to the internet or a headquarter board call th
e VMB at 1-800-245-4366 and tell us your problems this site listing was compiled
by blurr Mr. Muff with some ansi crap by napalm..
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