this image contains text
,ss. ,ss. ?P ?P ?Ss. ,ss. dP ,ss.
dP?b dP?b ?P ?P d?b dP?dP dP?b
jP ? jP ?P ,db. ,db. ?,.,dP :K jP ?
b,db,. ?P ?P :P ?b,. b,db,.
P*?P ll ll ?jb P*?P
?b ?b db .d db ?P ?b ?b
?b,db ?b,db jb,,dP jb jb db,.,dP ?b,db
?P ?P dP?P ?P ?P dP?jj ?P
d:d:..dd .d:d
d::::d:::d:d::::d d The Sun Will Never
d:::::: :d:d::d Appears Again. Its
d::d:: ,sSSs. :::d Time For Dark
d:::::: ,, d , d Silence... Endless
d:::: jb :::d Night. It Was Just
d:: ::d New Frame Of Mind..
d:: ?P :d
d:: ?P :::d /Sandman604/
:::. ?jjP ::::::d
d:::::d .::d::d
d:: :::.::::d:: ::d
d::::d d:::d
d: :d /s/
,ss. ,ss. ?P ?P ?Ss. ,ss. dP ,ss.
dP?b dP?b ?P ?P d?b dP?dP dP?b
jP ? jP ?P ,db. ,db. ?,.,dP :K jP ?
b,db,. ?P ?P :P ?b,. b,db,.
P*?P ll ll ?jb P*?P
?b ?b db .d db ?P ?b ?b
?b,db ?b,db jb,,dP jb jb db,.,dP ?b,db
?P ?P dP?P ?P ?P dP?jj ?P
d:d:..dd .d:d
d::::d:::d:d::::d d The Sun Will Never
d:::::: :d:d::d Appears Again. Its
d::d:: ,sSSs. :::d Time For Dark
d:::::: ,, d , d Silence... Endless
d:::: jb :::d Night. It Was Just
d:: ::d New Frame Of Mind..
d:: ?P :d
d:: ?P :::d /Sandman604/
:::. ?jjP ::::::d
d:::::d .::d::d
d:: :::.::::d:: ::d
d::::d d:::d
d: :d /s/
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