this image contains text
Good things are few
but sweet
Bad things stay in your head
Good things are easily forgotten
What Im trying to say is
Enjoy the good things in life
It could end any time.
Dont live by anyone elses
standards be your own master
Dont hurt other people
unless they ask for it
And have fun! zII
46x250 lines:
Its a good way
of making an ansi
look longer.
Good things are few
but sweet
Bad things stay in your head
Good things are easily forgotten
What Im trying to say is
Enjoy the good things in life
It could end any time.
Dont live by anyone elses
standards be your own master
Dont hurt other people
unless they ask for it
And have fun! zII
46x250 lines:
Its a good way
of making an ansi
look longer.
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