this image contains text
..... ...:.......: ....:..: .,g gggg g,. ! ...... gggg
: : i : : : : i .d b. :
yyyy gggg gggg gggg
mmmmmmmmgggg y gggg mmyyyy yyyymmmmmmmm
gggg y yyyym y yyyyy
mmm mmm yyyyyyyyyyy mmm
nnnnnnnm mmmmmmmmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmm
a story of a bunch of serial homos in..
yy y mmm
yy b, yyy
y@ yy yy yy
my@y@yy@Syy@mmmmmmyy@m yyyyyy y yyyy mmmmmmmmm yyyy yyyy yyyy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyy yyyy yyyyyy yyyyyyy yyyyyyyyy yyy yyy y@ yyyyyy y@ yyyyyyyyyy y@ @y yyyyyyyyyyyyy yy yyyyyyy yy y@ @y @y
@y yyy ymm
sar @y y@
parliament hill.. bowling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dy ,ss
yyyyd ,.,d PTss
P PTP, ,ss. l SP.d dP ,b b. T
P. *ssP db : . .. db, Y, .
b,,d ,s l lP ,s SSb, Tb . l l
b, , l* ,dl . l. ,P ,PY d, Yb. P ,
b,d : l l . P , d d T db, b. . ,s
. :l ,.d,Sb, ,db. d ., s,.,sd
l . l ,. .Yb d ,Ss, b P
, TP ,Ss, dl b.sP ddl .,sSS
b. ,dS ,sSd ,. d ,sS
. ,. ,dsSS,sd,sSS
P d* ,l
and goats.
. i .
. l +..+ l
.lSs,. Ss,. lSa,. Ss,. .,sS + l
llla..,aaa Sa,. lll lS SlS SSSS SllS SS SS a . lSSS a . ,aSSs. . a SSSS a . aS +aaaaaaaSSa alaaaaaaaa.ll.aaaaaaaal
.Ss,.S+. S.ll,S
l S.+ SaSSaS
SSa. + y. y .y
l: : : + -a- + : : :l
this story starts out with our heroes, sargon, meatpod, and discyple, nick
named the cold cock gang. after flying to a remote location in canada for
the second annual DOODLEBOYZtm convention, they find themselves walking out
towards meatpods car.
and so we begin...
Sargon and meatpod walked towards the car that meatpod purchased for 20
american from the pimp looking guy in the alleyway the night before. As they
unlocked the doors, an incredibly skinny and pale man jumped out from
underneath, and screamed
discyple: COLD COCK!
meatpod: uhh.. idiot.. get the fuck out from under my car discyple.
discyple: hey! how did you know i was discyple?
meatpod: your tag says HELLO, MY NAME IS DISCYPLE, idiot.
discyple: oh.
The three got into the car, and started to look for a shady looking guy who
could sell them some pot. They came upon a 4 foot Mexican guy wearing a feather
in his hat. he introduced himself as Juan Salazar Ramirez Gonzales Escobar
Guerrero Martinez Lopez Perez Jr. IV. They bought two joints from him, and
smoked them in meatpods car. it only took two hits each, and they were
sargon: woah dude.. check it out, its dick tracy!@
P..,,,,,,,.4,gQ,*++ , 4. +,. 44 , i 4+ : i : i Q iP :P.,gQP P,gQP
P.gQP ,+SQP ,Qgg,, :QQQQQg, 44 :P , 4 4Qg, , 4g,
Qg 4 , ,+ ,gP , ,g , ,g ,Q , , ,g P .,,. ,P P,gQP , P,gQP , 4 ,P P,gQP , ,
P ,P :, b,
, , 4g, 4g, P
g,4Qg. P., , ,++
g,*++ ,ggQP ,gP
P+ , +
P ,+ P ,
P,gP P ,
P,g ,i
P gP ,
g, 4,
TTTTQg, 4,
TiTiTiTiTiTi, 4g,
i:i:i:i:i:i:i:ig, +, .terrato.
meatpod: wow, i see a skull!@!@
,,ggQQQQQQgg, ,
,,i:i 4, ,
, ,iTi: , ,
:iT:, P:
:iTT,b, ,:.:
, i,gQgg,S,gQg, i ,
,g,gQg,S.,gQQg, ,
,P ,
, 4P4,S4P ,
g,,,,g b.,d4Qg, Sb.,d ,
,,g, SP, SS ,,S
,P,Qggs,g, ,giQQggQQQggggQQg,,
,,gQQQ l
T db T .tERRAto.
i T i
: i :
discyple: woah, thats ereet!@!@!@
sargon: shut up..
our heroes suddenly got up and walked to a nearby pasture, eyeing some female
goats longingly.
P ?.
,gdbg, mEATPOD , ?.
,db .,,,gggg,.. dl
P Pbgg,.
.dPb. . ,d bggggd g, P . ? b,. .g ,?P ,gbg. ? ? P b. d, . ? . ? lPl ?P ? g, ,,P,gd. ?P ?sargon sorry ,P,db,. .g this sux... its ,d,dgggggP
what happens when I ,dP d l.
draw freestyle. ...? .,gdb
erase this text, ,@g,? .gd.
gimp. i ? ,
l ,g g,
,. ,y., .dP ,
, ,P P ,dP
lP g. @. .,d
..P .g
,P,gd ?
they jumped the fence, pulled down their pants, and proceeded to fuck the
goats, when a police car pulled up, and a mounty got out and handcuffed them.
They were escorted to the car, and then taken down to the local police station,
where they met a man called Alexander Sareyani. He then read them the Miranda
rights, and began to speak
alexander: you are in violation of penal code 31337 - illegal raping of
goats. you will be escorted to parliment hill, where you will
spend the rest of your happy lives in jail. sargon: uh. they were taken by bus to a federal penitentiary, where they spent the rest of
their years bowling at the prison lanes, and becoming the boyfriends of a she-
male called shanequa. submission by: sargon, meatpod, terrato, black dawn, discyple, of serial ascii
: : i : : : : i .d b. :
yyyy gggg gggg gggg
mmmmmmmmgggg y gggg mmyyyy yyyymmmmmmmm
gggg y yyyym y yyyyy
mmm mmm yyyyyyyyyyy mmm
nnnnnnnm mmmmmmmmmm m mmmmmmmmmmmmm
a story of a bunch of serial homos in..
yy y mmm
yy b, yyy
y@ yy yy yy
my@y@yy@Syy@mmmmmmyy@m yyyyyy y yyyy mmmmmmmmm yyyy yyyy yyyy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyy yyyy yyyyyy yyyyyyy yyyyyyyyy yyy yyy y@ yyyyyy y@ yyyyyyyyyy y@ @y yyyyyyyyyyyyy yy yyyyyyy yy y@ @y @y
@y yyy ymm
sar @y y@
parliament hill.. bowling -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
dy ,ss
yyyyd ,.,d PTss
P PTP, ,ss. l SP.d dP ,b b. T
P. *ssP db : . .. db, Y, .
b,,d ,s l lP ,s SSb, Tb . l l
b, , l* ,dl . l. ,P ,PY d, Yb. P ,
b,d : l l . P , d d T db, b. . ,s
. :l ,.d,Sb, ,db. d ., s,.,sd
l . l ,. .Yb d ,Ss, b P
, TP ,Ss, dl b.sP ddl .,sSS
b. ,dS ,sSd ,. d ,sS
. ,. ,dsSS,sd,sSS
P d* ,l
and goats.
. i .
. l +..+ l
.lSs,. Ss,. lSa,. Ss,. .,sS + l
llla..,aaa Sa,. lll lS SlS SSSS SllS SS SS a . lSSS a . ,aSSs. . a SSSS a . aS +aaaaaaaSSa alaaaaaaaa.ll.aaaaaaaal
.Ss,.S+. S.ll,S
l S.+ SaSSaS
SSa. + y. y .y
l: : : + -a- + : : :l
this story starts out with our heroes, sargon, meatpod, and discyple, nick
named the cold cock gang. after flying to a remote location in canada for
the second annual DOODLEBOYZtm convention, they find themselves walking out
towards meatpods car.
and so we begin...
Sargon and meatpod walked towards the car that meatpod purchased for 20
american from the pimp looking guy in the alleyway the night before. As they
unlocked the doors, an incredibly skinny and pale man jumped out from
underneath, and screamed
discyple: COLD COCK!
meatpod: uhh.. idiot.. get the fuck out from under my car discyple.
discyple: hey! how did you know i was discyple?
meatpod: your tag says HELLO, MY NAME IS DISCYPLE, idiot.
discyple: oh.
The three got into the car, and started to look for a shady looking guy who
could sell them some pot. They came upon a 4 foot Mexican guy wearing a feather
in his hat. he introduced himself as Juan Salazar Ramirez Gonzales Escobar
Guerrero Martinez Lopez Perez Jr. IV. They bought two joints from him, and
smoked them in meatpods car. it only took two hits each, and they were
sargon: woah dude.. check it out, its dick tracy!@
P..,,,,,,,.4,gQ,*++ , 4. +,. 44 , i 4+ : i : i Q iP :P.,gQP P,gQP
P.gQP ,+SQP ,Qgg,, :QQQQQg, 44 :P , 4 4Qg, , 4g,
Qg 4 , ,+ ,gP , ,g , ,g ,Q , , ,g P .,,. ,P P,gQP , P,gQP , 4 ,P P,gQP , ,
P ,P :, b,
, , 4g, 4g, P
g,4Qg. P., , ,++
g,*++ ,ggQP ,gP
P+ , +
P ,+ P ,
P,gP P ,
P,g ,i
P gP ,
g, 4,
TTTTQg, 4,
TiTiTiTiTiTi, 4g,
i:i:i:i:i:i:i:ig, +, .terrato.
meatpod: wow, i see a skull!@!@
,,ggQQQQQQgg, ,
,,i:i 4, ,
, ,iTi: , ,
:iT:, P:
:iTT,b, ,:.:
, i,gQgg,S,gQg, i ,
,g,gQg,S.,gQQg, ,
,P ,
, 4P4,S4P ,
g,,,,g b.,d4Qg, Sb.,d ,
,,g, SP, SS ,,S
,P,Qggs,g, ,giQQggQQQggggQQg,,
,,gQQQ l
T db T .tERRAto.
i T i
: i :
discyple: woah, thats ereet!@!@!@
sargon: shut up..
our heroes suddenly got up and walked to a nearby pasture, eyeing some female
goats longingly.
P ?.
,gdbg, mEATPOD , ?.
,db .,,,gggg,.. dl
P Pbgg,.
.dPb. . ,d bggggd g, P . ? b,. .g ,?P ,gbg. ? ? P b. d, . ? . ? lPl ?P ? g, ,,P,gd. ?P ?sargon sorry ,P,db,. .g this sux... its ,d,dgggggP
what happens when I ,dP d l.
draw freestyle. ...? .,gdb
erase this text, ,@g,? .gd.
gimp. i ? ,
l ,g g,
,. ,y., .dP ,
, ,P P ,dP
lP g. @. .,d
..P .g
,P,gd ?
they jumped the fence, pulled down their pants, and proceeded to fuck the
goats, when a police car pulled up, and a mounty got out and handcuffed them.
They were escorted to the car, and then taken down to the local police station,
where they met a man called Alexander Sareyani. He then read them the Miranda
rights, and began to speak
alexander: you are in violation of penal code 31337 - illegal raping of
goats. you will be escorted to parliment hill, where you will
spend the rest of your happy lives in jail. sargon: uh. they were taken by bus to a federal penitentiary, where they spent the rest of
their years bowling at the prison lanes, and becoming the boyfriends of a she-
male called shanequa. submission by: sargon, meatpod, terrato, black dawn, discyple, of serial ascii
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