this image contains text
XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX --------or here-------or-here--------Cut Here-----or here----or-mabey-here---- Hello person I cant remeber your name so Ill just call you Elroy.
HEllo elroy, this is what you wanted I hope, I was confused as to why you wouldask loi to ask me to draw an ansi for, you?. the only reason I could think of
was that you are mentaly unbalanced and like to put obscene ansis by no names
as a joke.. well here it it elroy, and Loi said you wanted something in menu
form so i did that if not you can get rid of the xxs or the border directly e
around the xxs but please leave the font ans crap around it whole. Uh thanx
..This will only cost you your immortal soul.. I hope its not to much. :
kidden bout the soul things so kalm down, dont have an aneurism or nuttin k?
.. well I apear to be spouting off nonsense so ill stop now and do some greets
Greetings to:
Elroy, Loi, Aliens, The Aliens Robots, whO ever made the universe, the many
people in BliND, the many people who have computers and know how to use them,
anyone who is from quebec :, And Especially Anyone who finds My views, or
personality a refreshing change..:..
Anti-Greetings to :
The government thats listening to al of us
the secret service
evil people scared of kids with computers :
HEllo elroy, this is what you wanted I hope, I was confused as to why you wouldask loi to ask me to draw an ansi for, you?. the only reason I could think of
was that you are mentaly unbalanced and like to put obscene ansis by no names
as a joke.. well here it it elroy, and Loi said you wanted something in menu
form so i did that if not you can get rid of the xxs or the border directly e
around the xxs but please leave the font ans crap around it whole. Uh thanx
..This will only cost you your immortal soul.. I hope its not to much. :
kidden bout the soul things so kalm down, dont have an aneurism or nuttin k?
.. well I apear to be spouting off nonsense so ill stop now and do some greets
Greetings to:
Elroy, Loi, Aliens, The Aliens Robots, whO ever made the universe, the many
people in BliND, the many people who have computers and know how to use them,
anyone who is from quebec :, And Especially Anyone who finds My views, or
personality a refreshing change..:..
Anti-Greetings to :
The government thats listening to al of us
the secret service
evil people scared of kids with computers :
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