this image contains text
Name :
Age :
A phone number and BBS where we can reach you:
Position Applying for:
Do you run a board? if yes - Name :
Area Code:
Are you applying for a distro/member board?
Rename this HANDLE.APP for you idiots, dont name it handle, put the
and upload it to Nihilistic first 8 charactars of your handle in there
Order 404 642-2434. Just
type upload from the matrix.
Sorry this sucked...we need some coders...
Name :
Age :
A phone number and BBS where we can reach you:
Position Applying for:
Do you run a board? if yes - Name :
Area Code:
Are you applying for a distro/member board?
Rename this HANDLE.APP for you idiots, dont name it handle, put the
and upload it to Nihilistic first 8 charactars of your handle in there
Order 404 642-2434. Just
type upload from the matrix.
Sorry this sucked...we need some coders...
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